35 research outputs found

    Homing events in the gyrA gene of some mycobacteria

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    The A subunit of DNA gyrase in Mycobacterium leprae, unlike its counterpart in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is produced by protein splicing as its gene, gyrA, harbors a 1260-bp in-frame insertion encoding an intein, a putative homing endonuclease. Analysis of the gyrA locus from different mycobacterial species revealed the presence of inteins in Mycobacterium flavescens, Mycobacterium gordonae and Mycobacterium kansasii but not in 10 other pathogenic or saprophytic mycobacteria. In all four cases where intein coding sequences were found, they were localized in the same position in gyrA, immediately downstream of the codon for the key active-site residue Tyr-130. The intein products were similar, but not identical, in sequence and the splice junctions displayed all the features found in other polypeptides known to be produced by protein splicing from a precursor protein. Paired motifs, found in homing endonucleases encoded by some group I RNA introns, and inteins showing endonuclease activity, were present in the gyrA inteins as were other intein-specific signatures. Some strains of M. flavescens, M. gordonae, and M. kansasii were shown by PCR analysis to have inteinless gyrA genes, in contrast to the situation in M. leprae where all the isolates possessed insertions in gyrA. Sequencing of the corresponding regions revealed that, although the GyrA protein sequence was conserved, the nucleotide sequences differed in gyrA genes with and without inteins, suggesting that the homing endonuclease displays sequence specificity

    The Mycobacterium leprae genome: systematic sequence analysis identifies key catabolic enzymes, ATP-dependent transport systems and a novel polA locus associated with genomic variability

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    In the framework of the mycobacterial genome sequencing project, a continuous 37,049 bp sequence from the Mycobacterium leprae chromosome has been determined. Computer analysis revealed 10 complete open reading frames, and nine of their products show similarity to known proteins. Seven of these were identified as the enzyme isocitrate lyase, two P-type ATPase cation transporters, two AMP-binding proteins, the ribosomal protein S1, and DNA polymerase I. Interestingly, the polA gene, encoding DNA polymerase, is flanked by two inverted copies of a new class of the M. leprae specific repetitive sequence, RLEP, and this structure resembles a transposable element. A second copy of this element was found at another locus in the genome, but the two copies were not present in equal amounts and could not be found in all isolates of M. leprae. This is the first evidence for genomic variability in the leprosy bacillus and might ultimately be useful for developing a molecular test capable of distinguishing between strains of M. leprae

    Homing events in the gyrA gene of some mycobacteria.

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    Identification of a segment of the Escherichia coli Tsx protein that functions as a bacteriophage receptor area.

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    The Escherichia coli outer membrane protein Tsx functions as a nucleoside-specific channel and serves as the receptor for colicin K and a number of T-even-type bacteriophages, including phage T6. To identify those segments of the Tsx protein that are important for its phage receptor function, we devised a selection and screening procedure which allowed us to isolate phage-resistant strains synthesizing normal amounts of Tsx. Three different Tsx-specific phages (T6, Ox1, and H3) were employed for the selection of phage-resistant derivatives of a strain expressing a tsx(+)-lacZ+ operon fusion, and 28 tsx mutants with impaired phage receptor function were characterized. Regardless of the Tsx-specific phage used for the initial mutant selection, cross-resistance against a set of six different Tsx phages invariably occurred. With one exception, these mutant Tsx proteins could still serve as a colicin K receptor. DNA sequence analysis of 10 mutant tsx genes revealed the presence of four distinct tsx alleles: two point mutations, an 18-bp deletion, and a 27-bp tandem duplication. In three isolates, Asn-249 was replaced by a Lys residue (tsx-504), and in four others, residue Asn-254 was replaced by Lys (tsx-505). The deletion (tsx-506; one isolate) removed six amino acids (residue 239 to residue 244) from the 272-residue Tsx polypeptide chain, and the DNA duplication (tsx-507; two isolates) resulted in the addition of nine extra amino acids (residue 229 to residue 237) to the Tsx protein. In contrast to the wild-type Tsx protein and the other mutant Tsx proteins the Tsx-507 protein was cleaved by trypsin when intact cells were treated with this protease. The Tsx proteins encoded by the four tsx alleles still functioned in deoxyadenosine uptake in vivo, demonstrating that their nucleoside-specific channel activity was not affected by the alterations that caused the loss of their phage receptor function. HTe changes in the Tsx polypeptide that confer resistance against the Tsx-specific phages are clustered in a small region near the carboxy terminus of Tsx. Our results are discussed in terms of a model for the topological organization of the carboxy-terminal end of the Tsx protein within the outer membrane

    On the catalase-peroxidase gene, katG, of Mycobacterium leprae and the implications for treatment of leprosy with isoniazid

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    The toxicity of the potent tuberculocidal agent, isoniazid, is mediated by the heme-containing enzyme, catalase-peroxidase, encoded by the katG gene. Although isoniazid has been used for the treatment of leprosy, it is shown here that the katG gene of Mycobacterium leprae is a pseudogene, which has probably been inactivated by multiple mutations. Inactive genes were detected by the polymerase chain reaction in several isolates of M. leprae, of different geographical origins, and attempts to complement an isoniazid-resistant strain of Mycobacterium smegmatis with the katG pseudogene were unsuccessful. Isoniazid is thus likely to be of no therapeutic benefit to leprosy patients

    Dual Multimodular Class a Penicillin-Binding Proteins in Mycobacterium Leprae

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    The ponA gene of cosmid L222 of the Mycobacterium leprae genome library encodes a multimodular class A penicillin-binding protein (PBP), PBP1. The PBP, labelled with a polyhistidine sequence, has been produced in Escherichia coli, extracted from the membranes with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane-sulfonate (CHAPS) and purified by Ni2(+)-nitrilotriacetic acid-agarose chromatography. In contrast to the pon1-encoded class A PBP1, PBP1 undergoes denaturation at temperatures higher than 25 degrees C, it catalyzes acyl transfer reactions on properly structured thiolesters, and it binds penicillin with high affinity

    Organization of the origins of replication of the chromosomes of Mycobacterium smegmatis, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis and isolation of a functional origin from M. smegmatis

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    The genus Mycobacterium is composed of species with widely differing growth rates ranging from approximately three hours in Mycobacterium smegmatis to two weeks in Mycobacterium leprae. As DNA replication is coupled to cell duplication, it may be regulated by common mechanisms. The chromosomal regions surrounding the origins of DNA replication from M. smegmatis, M. tuberculosis, and M. leprae have been sequenced, and show very few differences. The gene order, rnpA-rpmH-dnaA-dnaN-recF-orf-gyrB-gyrA, is the same as in other Gram-positive organisms. Although the general organization in M. smegmatis is very similar to that of Streptomyces spp., a closely related genus, M. tuberculosis and M. leprae differ as they lack an open reading frame, between dnaN and recF, which is similar to the gnd gene of Escherichia coli. Within the three mycobacterial species, there is extensive sequence conservation in the intergenic regions flanking dnaA, but more variation from the consensus DnaA box sequence was seen than in other bacteria. By means of subcloning experiments, the putative chromosomal origin of replication of M. smegmatis, containing the dnaA-dnaN region, was shown to promote autonomous replication in M. smegmatis, unlike the corresponding regions from M. tuberculosis or M. leprae