7 research outputs found

    Sulcus temperature distributions in the absence and presence of oral hygiene

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    In this study we investigated the possibility of using sulcus temperature measurements as an early indicator for the beginning of gingival inflammation. Sulcus temperature distributions over the arches appeared to obey a quadratic polynomial. With a test group of 10 volunteers, all dental students, small changes in temperature were measured after subjects refrained from all oral hygiene: A slight but significant tendency for the frontal temperature to increase after 14 days of no oral hygiene was, however, present. The quality of a quadratic polynomial fit of the temperature distributions over the arches decreased significantly, already after 3 d of non-oral hygiene. This indicates that the coefficient of quadratic correlation for the temperature distributions over the arches is a measure for the oral hygiene of patients and for changes in the physiology of gingival tissues. Furthermore, as its decrease was concurrent with an increase in plaque and gingival indices, it might serve as an early indicator for the beginning of gingival inflammation. However, further development work is needed in order to make this approach useful as a clinical tool

    Tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico da assimetria facial esquelética: relato de caso Orthodontic-surgical treatment of skeletal facial asymmetry: case report

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    INTRODUÇÃO: as assimetrias faciais representam um desequilíbrio entre as estruturas esqueléticas homólogas da face. A maioria das pessoas apresenta algum grau de assimetria facial, pois é rara a condição de perfeita simetria. Todavia, somente quando é perceptível aos olhos do paciente, essa assimetria passa a ser relevante. Em tal condição, a correção ortocirúrgica ou o tratamento ortodôntico são possibilidades normalmente adotadas. OBJETIVO: o presente trabalho, baseado em uma revisão de literatura, é ilustrado por um caso clínico cujo tratamento consistiu em cirurgia ortognática Le Fort I para avanço e rotação da maxila e, na mandíbula, o tratamento foi conservador. CONCLUSÃO: o conhecimento da queixa principal e da expectativa do paciente e exames de diagnóstico bem realizados são itens importantes na decisão do plano de tratamento e no sucesso do resultado final.<br>INTRODUCTION: Facial asymmetries consist of an imbalance between the homologous skeletal structures of the face. Most people present some degree of facial asymmetry, since a state of perfect symmetry is rare. This common asymmetry only becomes relevant when it is perceivable by the patient. In this situation, either orthodontic surgical correction or orthodontic treatment is normally chosen. OBJECTIVE: This study, based on literature review, has been illustrated by a case report comprising Le Fort I orthognathic surgery for maxillary advancement and rotation, with conservative treatment for the mandible. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of the patient's chief complaint and expectations, as well as proper diagnostic exams, are important factors to decide the treatment plan and for the final treatment outcome