16,681 research outputs found

    Conformal geodesics on vacuum space-times

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    We discuss properties of conformal geodesics on general, vacuum, and warped product space-times and derive a system of conformal deviation equations. The results are used to show how to construct on the Schwarzschild-Kruskal space-time global conformal Gauss coordinates which extends smoothly and without degeneracy to future and past null infinity

    Asymptotic simplicity and static data

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    The present article considers time symmetric initial data sets for the vacuum Einstein field equations which in a neighbourhood of infinity have the same massless part as that of some static initial data set. It is shown that the solutions to the regular finite initial value problem at spatial infinity for this class of initial data sets extend smoothly through the critical sets where null infinity touches spatial infinity if and only if the initial data sets coincide with static data in a neighbourhood of infinity. This result highlights the special role played by static data among the class of initial data sets for the Einstein field equations whose development gives rise to a spacetime with a smooth conformal compactification at null infinity.Comment: 25 page

    General Relativistic Scalar Field Models in the Large

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    For a class of scalar fields including the massless Klein-Gordon field the general relativistic hyperboloidal initial value problems are equivalent in a certain sense. By using this equivalence and conformal techniques it is proven that the hyperboloidal initial value problem for those scalar fields has an unique solution which is weakly asymptotically flat. For data sufficiently close to data for flat spacetime there exist a smooth future null infinity and a regular future timelike infinity.Comment: 22 pages, latex, AGG 1

    A Method for Calculating the Structure of (Singular) Spacetimes in the Large

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    A formalism and its numerical implementation is presented which allows to calculate quantities determining the spacetime structure in the large directly. This is achieved by conformal techniques by which future null infinity (\Scri{}^+) and future timelike infinity (i+i^+) are mapped to grid points on the numerical grid. The determination of the causal structure of singularities, the localization of event horizons, the extraction of radiation, and the avoidance of unphysical reflections at the outer boundary of the grid, are demonstrated with calculations of spherically symmetric models with a scalar field as matter and radiation model.Comment: 29 pages, AGG2

    Initial boundary value problems for Einstein's field equations and geometric uniqueness

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    While there exist now formulations of initial boundary value problems for Einstein's field equations which are well posed and preserve constraints and gauge conditions, the question of geometric uniqueness remains unresolved. For two different approaches we discuss how this difficulty arises under general assumptions. So far it is not known whether it can be overcome without imposing conditions on the geometry of the boundary. We point out a natural and important class of initial boundary value problems which may offer possibilities to arrive at a fully covariant formulation.Comment: 19 page

    Local twistors and the conformal field equations

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    This note establishes the connection between Friedrich's conformal field equations and the conformally invariant formalism of local twistors.Comment: LaTeX2e Minor corrections of misprints et

    A rigidity property of asymptotically simple spacetimes arising from conformally flat data

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    Given a time symmetric initial data set for the vacuum Einstein field equations which is conformally flat near infinity, it is shown that the solutions to the regular finite initial value problem at spatial infinity extend smoothly through the critical sets where null infinity touches spatial infinity if and only if the initial data coincides with Schwarzschild data near infinity.Comment: 37 page

    Bifurcations and Complete Chaos for the Diamagnetic Kepler Problem

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    We describe the structure of bifurcations in the unbounded classical Diamagnetic Kepler problem. We conjecture that this system does not have any stable orbits and that the non-wandering set is described by a complete trinary symbolic dynamics for scaled energies larger then ϵc=0.328782…\epsilon_c=0.328782\ldots.Comment: 15 pages PostScript uuencoded with figure

    Hyperbolic formulations and numerical relativity II: Asymptotically constrained systems of the Einstein equations

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    We study asymptotically constrained systems for numerical integration of the Einstein equations, which are intended to be robust against perturbative errors for the free evolution of the initial data. First, we examine the previously proposed "λ\lambda-system", which introduces artificial flows to constraint surfaces based on the symmetric hyperbolic formulation. We show that this system works as expected for the wave propagation problem in the Maxwell system and in general relativity using Ashtekar's connection formulation. Second, we propose a new mechanism to control the stability, which we call the ``adjusted system". This is simply obtained by adding constraint terms in the dynamical equations and adjusting its multipliers. We explain why a particular choice of multiplier reduces the numerical errors from non-positive or pure-imaginary eigenvalues of the adjusted constraint propagation equations. This ``adjusted system" is also tested in the Maxwell system and in the Ashtekar's system. This mechanism affects more than the system's symmetric hyperbolicity.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 9 eps figures, added Appendix B and minor changes, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Conformal classes of asymptotically flat, static vacuum data

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    We show that time-reflection symmetric, asymptotically flat, static vacuum data which admit a non-trivial conformal rescaling which leads again to such data must be axi-symmetric and admit a conformal Killing field. Moreover, it is shown that there exists a 3-parameter family of such data.Comment: 23 page
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