208 research outputs found

    The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy in Latin America: An Analytical Overview

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    Exchange rates have been central to the course of economic development in Latin America for decades. From the heyday of import substitution in the 1960s to the rapid expansion of foreign debt in the 1970s, from the debt crisis and its troubled aftermath in the 1980s to the rekindling of growth and borrowing in the 1990s, the exchange rate has been crucial to the mix of government policies that has shaped the region. Indeed, many analysts regard exchange rate policy as a major determinant of other economic outcomes, such as adjustment to the oil shocks of the 1970s and the debt crisis of the 1980s (Sachs, 1985). And currency policies have themselves been at the center of some of the regions most prominent economic processes and events, such as liberalizing reforms in the Southern Cone between 1976 and 1982, the Mexican crises of 1982 and 1994, Argentinas adoption of a currency board in 1991, Brazils 1999 currency crisis, and ongoing discussions of dollarization.

    Toward a Political Economy of Takings

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    In this Essay, I offer the musings of one whose own work is of political economy and an area of political economy far removed from the issues typically raised by takings

    Politics and Exchange Rates: A Cross-Country Approach to Latin America

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    This paper explores the impact of political economy factors on exchange rate policy in Latin America. It studies the determinants of the choice of exchange rate regime in Latin America, placing special emphasis on political, institutional and interest group explanations. The presumption is that differences in institutional and political settings, as well as differences in economic structure, can have an effect on the choice of regime and, more generally, on exchange rate policy. In addition to these structural elements, the paper examines whether such political events as elections and changes in government affect the pattern of nominal and real exchange rates.
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