3,673 research outputs found

    Lorentz-noninvariant neutrino oscillations: model and predictions

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    We present a three-parameter neutrino-oscillation model for three flavors of massless neutrinos with Fermi-point splitting and tri-maximal mixing angles. One of these parameters is the T-violating phase \epsilon, for which the experimental results from K2K and KamLAND appear to favor a nonzero value. In this article, we give further model predictions for neutrino oscillations. Upcoming experiments will be able to test this simple model and the general idea of Fermi-point splitting. Possible implications for proposed experiments and neutrino factories are also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, v5: final version to appear in IJMP

    A Dynamical Systems Approach to Schwarzschild Null Geodesics

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    The null geodesics of a Schwarzschild black hole are studied from a dynamical systems perspective. Written in terms of Kerr-Schild coordinates, the null geodesic equation takes on the simple form of a particle moving under the influence of a Newtonian central force with an inverse-cubic potential. We apply a McGehee transformation to these equations, which clearly elucidates the full phase space of solutions. All the null geodesics belong to one of four families of invariant manifolds and their limiting cases, further characterized by the angular momentum L of the orbit: for |L|>|L_c|, (1) the set that flow outward from the white hole, turn around, then fall into the black hole, (2) the set that fall inward from past null infinity, turn around outside the black hole to continue to future null infinity, and for |L|<|L_c|, (3) the set that flow outward from the white hole and continue to future null infinity, (4) the set that flow inward from past null infinity and into the black hole. The critical angular momentum Lc corresponds to the unstable circular orbit at r=3M, and the homoclinic orbits associated with it. There are two additional critical points of the flow at the singularity at r=0. Though the solutions of geodesic motion and Hamiltonian flow we describe here are well known, what we believe is a novel aspect of this work is the mapping between the two equivalent descriptions, and the different insights each approach can give to the problem. For example, the McGehee picture points to a particularly interesting limiting case of the class (1) that move from the white to black hole: in the limit as L goes to infinity, as described in Schwarzschild coordinates, these geodesics begin at r=0, flow along t=constant lines, turn around at r=2M, then continue to r=0. During this motion they circle in azimuth exactly once, and complete the journey in zero affine time.Comment: 14 pages, 3 Figure

    Kasus Teratoma Mediastinal Imatur Dengan Komponen Khoriokarsinoma Disertai Sindrom Vena Kava Superior

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    Tumor sel germinal (TSG) merupakan suatu kelompok neoplasma jinak dan ganas yang berasal dari sel germinal primitif pada awal embriogenesis. TSG sering terjadi di gonad, namun dapat juga di ekstragonad (5-10%). TSG ekstragonad tersering adalah di mediastinum anterosuperior. Salah satu jenis tumor sel germinal teratoma mediastinal imatur primer jarang ditemukan, hanya 1% dari semua teratoma mediastinal. Dilaporkan kasus seorang anak laki-laki yang menderita teratoma mediastinal imatur dengan komponen choriocarcinoma disertai sindrom vena kava superior. Data epidemiologi pasien, pemeriksaan CT scan toraks, dan tumor marker serum menunjukkan tumor mediastinum nonseminoma. Hasil pemeriksaan sitologi dari transthoracal needle aspiration biopsy dengan tuntunan CT scan menunjukkan bahwa tumor sel germinal campuran cenderung seminoma. Kemudian dilakukan radiasi untuk mengatasi sindrom vena kava superior. Namun, pasien makin sesak. Dari pemeriksaan foto toraks pascaradiasi, tampak konsolidasi di hemitoraks bertambah luas. Kemudian dilakukan operasi reseksi dan sekitar 90% massa tumor diangkat. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan teratoma imatur dengan unsur ganas dan unsur choriocarcinoma. Terapi pada pasien ini dilanjutkan dengan kemoterapi kombinasi sisplatin, etoposid, dan bleomisin. CT scan merupakan modalitas radiologi utama dalam menentukan diagnosis dan evaluasi terapi TSG mediastinal. Terapi yang dianjurkan pada TSG mediastinal Maligna adalah terapi multimodaliti, yakni kemoterapi, radiasi, dan operasi, mengingat variasi sel tumor yang memiliki kepekaan yang berbeda terhadap berbagai macam terapi

    Residual Effects of N-K Fertilization of Coastal Bermudagrass on Spring Populations of Weed Species

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    A Coastal bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) sod was treated during a five-year period with rates of N and K fertilizers ranging from none to high levels of both elements. In the spring of the sixth year differences in weed species and population densities among the treated plots were observed. Spring weed counts showed that high rates of N fertilizer reduced the number of weed species and the total broadleaf weed population density by 37 and 81%, respectively. The higher rates of K fertilizer also reduced the population density of common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber) and yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris Hill),the two dominant broadleaf weed species. The grass weed population, predominantly crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis ,L. Scop.) was not affected significantly by either N or K fertilizer levels

    Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Surat Akta Jual Beli Tanah Di Wilayah Polisi Resor Kota Pekanbaru

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    The criminal act of forgery stipulated in Chapter XII Book II Criminal Code on forgery, the book lists that are included falsification only form of writings alone, including forgery under Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, which reads: "Whoever makes the letter false or forged which can cause something right, commitment or debt relief, or which is applied as proof of the thing with intent to use or get someone else to wear the letter as if it was true and not doctored, threatened that if the use can cause losses, because of forgery, with a maximum imprisonment of six years.As for the purpose of this study include: First, to know the process of investigation in uncovering the crime of counterfeiting Letter Deed of Sale and Purchase of Land in the area of police resort city of Pekanbaru, second, to determine the obstacles investigators in addressing the Crime of forgery Deed of Sale and Purchase of Land in the region police resort city of Pekanbaru, Third, to determine the investigators efforts in addressing the Crime of forgery Deed of Sale and Purchase of Land in the resort city of Pekanbaru police.This research is a sociological research that want to see the correlation between law and society. This research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru Police Resort, both the population and the sample was also conducted in the city of Pekanbaru Police Resort. In this study the data source used, primary data and secondary data, the data collection techniques in this study with interviews, and a review of the literature.From the research problem there are three main things that can be inferred First, the implementation of the investigation in uncovering the crime of falsification of the Deed of Sale and Purchase of Land in the area of police resort city of Pekanbaru, Second, barriers to investigators in overcoming the crime of counterfeiting Letter Deed of Sale and Purchase of Land in the area of police Resort City Pekanbaru, Third, investigators efforts in addressing the crime of forgery of the Deed of Sale and Purchase of Land in the resort city of Pekanbaru Police. Suggestions Author, First, activity implementation investigation Police Pekanbaru City should be improved so that the investigation can be carried out quickly done, Second, should the City Police Pekanbaru should cooperate with relevant parties such as the National Land Agency of Pekanbaru and the investigator should be more assertive in dealing with criminal offenses of forgery Deed of Sale and Purchase of land, Third, should the type of letter should be reduced, because of the many types of land documents at this time would make it easier to manipulate the perpetrators of the land documents

    Learning about compact binary merger: the interplay between numerical relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy

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    Activities in data analysis and numerical simulation of gravitational waves have to date largely proceeded independently. In this work we study how waveforms obtained from numerical simulations could be effectively used within the data analysis effort to search for gravitational waves from black hole binaries. We propose measures to quantify the accuracy of numerical waveforms for the purpose of data analysis and study how sensitive the analysis is to errors in the waveforms. We estimate that ~100 templates (and ~10 simulations with different mass ratios) are needed to detect waves from non-spinning binary black holes with total masses in the range 100 Msun < M < 400 Msun using initial LIGO. Of course, many more simulation runs will be needed to confirm that the correct physics is captured in the numerical evolutions. From this perspective, we also discuss sources of systematic errors in numerical waveform extraction and provide order of magnitude estimates for the computational cost of simulations that could be used to estimate the cost of parameter space surveys. Finally, we discuss what information from near-future numerical simulations of compact binary systems would be most useful for enhancing the detectability of such events with contemporary gravitational wave detectors and emphasize the role of numerical simulations for the interpretation of eventual gravitational-wave observations.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure


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    ABSTRAKSuperovulasi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat ovulasi dengan penyuntikan hormon gonadotropin pada tubuh hewan betina. Pada umumnya hewan donor disuntik dengan preparat follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) danPregnant mare's serum gonadotropin(PMSG) atau kombinasi (Pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin) dan human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).Tujuan Penelitian iniadalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana prestasi beranak babi dara (calon induk) dengan menggunakan hormon pregnant mare's serum gonadropin (PMSG) dan human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG).Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas dua perlakuan (menggunakan dan tanpa menggunakan hormon PMSG dan hCG) dengan masing-masing 21 ulangan. Semua data dianalisa dengan analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA) Steel dan Torrie (1993).Variabel yang diamati untuk adalah litter size, berat lahir anak babi yang dilahirkan dan mortalitas anak babi yang lahir sampai disapih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah anak babi yang lahir hidup dalam satu kelahiran ada perbedaan sangat nyata bahwa yang lahir dari induk Superovulasi dibandingkan dengan induk yang tidak disuperovulasikan, rata-rata 9.19-6.66 ekor. Dan juga berat lahir rata-rata 1.53-1.40 kg Demikian juga mortalitas anak rata-rata 14.36-29.19%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunakan hormon PMSG dan hCG dapat memperbaiki litter size lahir, bobot lahir, dan menekan persentase mortalitas ternak babi. Kata Kunci:Potensi beranak babi dara,hormon PMSG dan hCG, Babi betina bunting.ABSTRACTTHE ACHIEVEMENT PIGS BEAR LIVESTOCK USING PMSG AND hCG HORMONE ON RANCH IN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL KAYAWU. Superovulation is an effort to increase the degree of ovulation by injection of gonadotropin hormones in the body of a female animal. In general, animal donors were injected with preparations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) or a combination (Pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The objective of this research was to determine the extent of achievement farrow dara (prospective parent) using pregnant mare's serum hormone gonadropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The research using completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of two treatments (using and without using PMSG and hCG hormone) with 21 replications each. All data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) Steel and Torrie (1993). Variables was observed for litter size, birth weight piglets born and piglets born mortality until weaning. The results showed that the number of piglets born alive in the birth there is a very real difference that is born of a parent superovulation compared with the parent who does not to superovulated on average 9.19–6.66 tail. And also the average birth weight 1:53 to 1:40 kilograms likewise the average child mortality 14.36–29.19%. From the results of the study concluded that the use of PMSG and hCG hormone can improve birth litter size, birth weight and reduce the percentage of mortality of pigs. Keywords: Extent of achievement of gilt,PMSG dan hCG hormone, and Pregnant mare

    Simulation of Asymptotically AdS5 Spacetimes with a Generalized Harmonic Evolution Scheme

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    Motivated by the gauge/gravity duality, we introduce a numerical scheme based on generalized harmonic evolution to solve the Einstein field equations on asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes. We work in global AdS5, which can be described by the (t,r,\chi,\theta,\phi) spherical coordinates adapted to the R{\times}S3 boundary. We focus on solutions that preserve an SO(3) symmetry that acts to rotate the 2-spheres parametrized by \theta,\phi. In the boundary conformal field theory (CFT), the way in which this symmetry manifests itself hinges on the way we choose to embed Minkowski space in R{\times}S3. We present results from an ongoing study of prompt black hole formation via scalar field collapse, and explore the subsequent quasi-normal ringdown. Beginning with initial data characterized by highly distorted apparent horizon geometries, the metrics quickly evolve, via quasi-normal ringdown, to equilibrium static black hole solutions at late times. The lowest angular number quasi-normal modes are consistent with the linear modes previously found in perturbative studies, whereas the higher angular modes are a combination of linear modes and of harmonics arising from non-linear mode-coupling. We extract the stress energy tensor of the dual CFT on the boundary, and find that despite being highly inhomogeneous initially, it nevertheless evolves from the outset in a manner that is consistent with a thermalized N=4 SYM fluid. As a first step towards closer contact with relativistic heavy ion collision physics, we map this solution to a Minkowski piece of the R{\times}S3 boundary, and obtain a corresponding fluid flow in Minkowski space

    Aortic arch baroreceptor stimulation in an experimental goat model: a novel method to lower blood pressure

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    The effect of aortic baroreceptor stimulation on blood pressure manipulation was assessed using the goat species Capra aegagrus hircus. The aim of this study was to manipulate blood pressure with future intention to treat high blood pressure in humans. The ages of the animals ranged from 6 months to 2 years. A standard anesthesia protocol was used. A lateral thoracotomy was performed to gain access to the aortic arch. Data was collected with the Vigileo system. Pre stimulation blood pressure was compared with maximum post stimulation blood pressure values. Results were analyzed with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In the study 38 animals were enrolled. Baroreceptor stimulation was performed for each animal using 3 different electrodes each of which emits an electrical impulse. In the pilot phase of the study, the median baseline blood pressure prior to stimulation of the baroreceptors was 110.8 mmHg. After stimulation the median blood pressure decreased to 88 mmHg. The average decrease in blood pressure was 22.8 mmHg. This decrease of blood pressure after stimulation of the baroreceptors is statistically significant (p < 0.0001) and the proof of concept was shown. During the extended phase all three probes had a significant effect on blood pressure lowering (p < 0.0001). The study confirmed that aortic baroreceptor stimulation has an effect on blood pressure lowering. This is a novel field of blood pressure manipulation. The hemodynamic effects of long-term aortic baroreceptor stimulation are unknown. Further investigations need to be done to determine whether a similar effect can be induced in different species such as primates and humans
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