14,874 research outputs found

    Sistema de transplante de mudas de arroz irrigado.

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    Motives in Brazilian school education according to the cultural historical perspective and the developmental education approach = Стимулирование образования в бразильской школе на основе культурно-исторической концепции и идей развивающего обучения

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    The article investigates the concepts "motive" and "activity", according to Leontiev’s constructs and the didactic-formative intervention research. The didactic-formative intervention research consists in a research methodology created and developed in Brazil by Longarezi in 2012-2014 within GEPEDI/UFU, for the accomplishment of developmental education investigations. This kind of research is based on the principles of developmental education and, therefore, has as an objective-goal the development of students for the learning activity (objective-means

    The modelling of the flow-induced vibrations of periodic flat and axial-symmetric structures with a wave-based method

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    International audienceThe stochastic response of periodic flat and axial-symmetric structures, subjected to random and spatially-correlated loads, is here analysed through an approach based on the combination of a wave finite element and a transfer matrix method. Although giving a lower computational cost, the present approach keeps the same accuracy of classic finite element methods. When dealing with homogeneous structures, the accuracy is also extended to higher frequencies, without increasing the time of calculation. Depending on the complexity of the structure and the frequency range, the computational cost can be reduced more than two orders of magnitude. The presented methodology is validated both for simple and complex structural shapes, under deterministic and random loads

    Passive vibration control of tyres using embedded mechanical resonators

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    An investigation is carried out on structure-borne vibration and noise propagation of tyres’ models at low frequencies. The idea is to use embedded resonant meta-materials to damp the tyres’ vibrations and thus reduce the transferred energy to the main attached structures. A simplified tyre model is used, being the investigation of the effects of the embedded substructures the main target of the work; internal pressure and tyre rotation effects are neglected at this stage. Different configurations are tested targeting different natural modes of the tyre, while mechanical excitation is assumed on one section of the tyres. The results show how the proposed designs are a feasible solution for vibration control

    Investigations about periodic design for broadband increased sound transmission loss of sandwich panels using 3D-printed models

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    International audienceTwo types of sandwich panels are designed by using the periodic structure theory. A double-wall panel with mechanical links and a sandwich panel with rectangular core are studied. An oriented optimization of the elastic bending waves' propagation versus the acoustic wavenumbers is achieved by using shifted core walls and by keeping the mass and stiffness of the system constant. Standard and optimized configurations are 3D-printed and sound transmission measurements are carried out by using a facility with an uncoupled reverberant-anechoic configuration. The experimental evidences of enlarged bending band-gaps and deformation mechanisms are proved using a reverse approach based on the acoustic radiation of the panels

    Topological Entanglement of Polymers and Chern-Simons Field Theory

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    In recent times some interesting field theoretical descriptions of the statistical mechanics of entangling polymers have been proposed by various authors. In these approaches, a single test polymer fluctuating in a background of static polymers or in a lattice of obstacles is considered. The extension to the case in which the configurations of two or more polymers become non-static is not straightforward unless their trajectories are severely constrained. In this paper we present another approach, based on Chern--Simons field theory, which is able to describe the topological entanglements of two fluctuating polymers in terms of gauge fields and second quantized replica fields.Comment: 16 pages, corrected some typos, added two new reference

    Investigations about the modelling of acoustic properties of periodic porous materials with the shift cell approach

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    The main advantage of designing sound packages with periodic arrangements is that they can provide a combination of absorption effects, resonance effects and wave interferences effects. This offers different applications in transportation (aeronautics, space, automotive, railway), energy and civil engineering sectors, where both weight and space, as well as vibroacoustic quality of performance and comfort, still remain as critical issues. The application of shift cell technique is presented and discussed for periodic porous media described with equivalent fluid models: it consists in a reformulation of classical Floquet-Bloch (F-B) conditions, whose major advantage stands in allowing the introduction of any frequency dependence of porous material behavior, through the resolution a quadratic eigenvalue problem, providing an efficient way to compute the dispersion curves of a porous material modelled as an equivalent fluid. The central part of this work shows the results, in terms of absorption coefficient and transmission loss curves, obtained through a numerical test campaign involving different melamine and polyurethane foams. The 48 test cases involve a cubic unit cell of porous material with a cylindrical inclusion. Furthermore, some absorption coefficient and transmission loss comparisons are shown, between a homogeneous unit cell and a unit cell with a perfectly rigid inclusion; the comparisons are carried out at fixed dimensions, then at fixed mass and then at fixed performance in the periodicity peak range. The results clearly point out the advantage of designing foam layer with periodic inclusion patterns in order to improve the performances in a specific range of frequencies, allowing a save both in terms of thickness and, most of all, mass, respect to a classical homogeneous foam layer

    Design guidelines for the acoustic performance improvement of a periodic porous material

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    In this paper, some guidelines are provided in order to predict at which frequency the 1st performance peak (related to periodicity effects: half of the wavelength = periodicity dimension) appears, together with its amplitude, as functions of the unit cell dimensions. Conversely, also the link between the unit cell dimensions and the 1st performance peak amplitude as functions of the design frequency is shown. Furthermore, some additional guidelines are provided in order to predict at which frequency the 1st performance peak appears, together with its amplitude, as functions of the foam airflow resistivity