91 research outputs found

    Tipificação do café conilon produzido no Estado do Espírito Santo - safra 98/99.

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    O Espírito Santo cultiva as espécies de café arábica e conilon, sendo a altitude de 450m o seu divisor. O conilon é utilizado, além da exportação como café verde, para a indústria do solúvel e para o mercado interno. Visando monitorar a qualidade do café conilon no estado, foram amostrados 13 municípios, em março/2000, sendo as amostras referentes à safra 98/99, realizadas no café em estoque na propriedade rural. Quantificou-se o número de grãos sadios, pretos, verdes, ardidos, brocados e quebrados, calculando-se o tipo e a freqüência de ocorrência dos defeitos, por região. Observou-se que os maiores índices de defeitos foram observados na região Centro-Serrana, seguida de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Vitória e Colatina. Os defeitos mais freqüentes foram grãos ardidos, brocados, quebrados, verdes e pretos, em ordem decrescente. 17% das amostras apresentaram tipo 6 e superiores. A maior incidência foi de amostras tipo 7 e 7/8

    Genetic divergence of strawberry cultivars under different managements.

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    Developing strawberry cultivars that can be grown on a large scale, it is necessary to gather desirable characteristics such as: tolerance to Tetranychus urticae, high fruit yield and wide adaptability to several cropping managements. Therefore, our objective was to study the genetic diversity among 13 strawberry cultivars under different managements and to recommend promising crosses to obtain segreganting populations with high fruit yield and T. urticae tolerance. Trial was performed under field conditions at the Centro Regional de Desenvolvimento Rural Centro Serrano of the Instituto Capixaba for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Incaper), Domingos Martins-ES. We evaluated strawberry cultivars Albion, Aleluia, Aromas, Camarosa, Camino Real, Campinas, Diamante, Dover, Festival, Seascape, Toyonoka, Tudla, and Ventana, cultivated in three cropping managements: open field, low tunnel and high tunnel. Experimental design was randomized complete blocks with three replications. Variables evaluated were: number of two-spotted spider mite/cm2 on the leaf (NTSSM), total number of fruits (TNF), number of commercial fruits (NCF) and fruit yield (YIE, t/ha). We applied the generalized Mahalanobis distance and Tocher?s optimization method to study the genetic diversity among cultivars in each management, and the relative contribution of traits to genetic diversity was evaluated according to the criterion described by Singh (1981). For the low tunnel and high tunnel environments, the crosses Aleluia x Camarosa, Aleluia x Aromas and Aleluia x Festival are the most promising to generate segregating populations with a higher possibility to appearance transgressive individuals, while for the open field cultivation system, we recommend the cross among Aleluia x Toynoka. The variables that most contributed for genetic dissimilarity were total number of fruits, fruit yield and number of commercial fruits for the environments open field, low tunnel and high tunnel, respectively

    Modeling the brown eye spot sampling in arabica coffee.

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    Coffee production has a great socioeconomic importance for Brazil. It generates direct and indirect jobs, and foreign exchange, with Brazilian Arabica coffee production estimated between 42 - 46 million bags (60 kg) in 2020. It is the main agribusiness activity in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil with expected production between 13 - 15 million bags, and around 30% of this production is Arabica coffee. Technologies are recommended to coffee growers to increase yield, and production of specialty coffees on sustainable properties. Among the principles of integrated management is the monitoring of pests and diseases to determine the level of pest control. The estimate of the number of leaves to be sampled in the monitoring becomes an important tool to increase the accuracy of the obtained information. This research was carried out aiming to determine the minimum number of leaves necessary to evaluate the infestation of brown eye spot (BES) of coffee in Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) without affecting the accuracy of the collection method. It was observed that the estimate of the minimum number for sampling was 46 leaves for the characteristics of incidence, and severity of BES in Arabica coffee. The modeling applied in this study allows to conclude that it is possible to recommend an optimum number of Arabica coffee leaves for these edaphoclimatic conditions, and variety, and it can serve as a basis for monitoring in an integrated pest and disease management program in Arabica coffee

    Baryon acoustic oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations: Radio frequency interference measurements and telescope site selection

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    The Baryon acoustic oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations (BINGO) telescope is a new 40-m class radio telescope to measure the large-angular-scale intensity of Hi emission at 980-1260 MHz to constrain dark energy parameters. As it needs to measure faint cosmological signals at the milliKelvin level, it requires a site that has very low radio frequency interference (RFI) at frequencies around 1 GHz. We report on measurement campaigns across Uruguay and Brazil to find a suitable site, which looked at the strength of the mobile phone signals and other radio transmissions, the location of wind turbines, and also included mapping airplane flight paths. The site chosen for the BINGO telescope is a valley at Serra do Urubu, a remote part of Paraiba in North-East Brazil, which has sheltering terrain. During our measurements with a portable receiver we did not detect any RFI in or near the BINGO band, given the sensitivity of the equipment. A radio quiet zone around the selected site has been requested to the Brazilian authorities ahead of the telescope construction.Comment: Preprint of an article accepted in the Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, copyright 2018 World Scientific Publishing Company https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ja