7 research outputs found

    Análise de modelos de difusão de bens de consumo

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    A rotatividade da mão-de-obra na indústria têxtil paulista: 1980 e 1981

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    Neste artigo são analisados alguns aspectos ligados à rotatividade da mão-de-obra da Industria Têxtil Paulista utilizando tabulações de dados da RAIS. Pela analise verifica-se que, quando se instala a crise de 1981, a indústria reage reduzindo fortemente o numero de admissões. Desagregando-se as observações por sexo e grau de instrução, constata-se que o elemento feminino e menos estável no emprego do que o masculino e que o pessoal com o maior grau de instrução apresenta menor rotatividade

    Medida da rentabilidade promocional

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    The objective of this paper is to present an instrument for measuring and analysing the effects of long and short-range advertising efforts on the total sales of the company. In Brazil, this effect is measured in a totally inadequate fashion. The authors have applied important concepts in this paper, namely fade out and depreciation rates of the advertising action, marginal income, long and shortrange advertising elasticities that permit to evaluate the effectiveness of a firm's advertising actions under certain conditions

    Análise temporal das vendas de televisores preto e branco ao mercado brasileiro

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    Adequate quantitative evaluation of demand can be used to analyze oportunities in the market, plan the market effort and control the enterprise performance in the markets in which it operate. So the authors formulate, from a theoretical framework, two descriptive models — the logistic and the Gompertz — to study the sales behavior of a product. From a historical serie of black and white TV sales the two models were applicated. Some important conclusions were obtained from the analysis of the results, which can be considered as a additional element for the decision-making process

    Aplicação de um modelo de crescimento para novos produtos

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    The objective of this paper was to present a summary of the major models for projecting sales of new products. A model developed by Bass is applied to the brazilian market of television sets (black & white and color TV sets) focusing on the model's characteristics. The television market was chosen due to availability of complete sales data. The findings disclosed a good adjustment of the model showing its usefulness when applied in forecasting of durable goods. So this model is an efficient tool to management decision making