184 research outputs found

    OraciĂłn fĂșnebre ...del siervo de Dios Hermno. Antonio Alonso Bermejo...

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn. ConsejerĂ­a de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Consórcios de caupi e milho em cultivo orgùnico para produção de grãos e espigas verdes.

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    No perĂ­odo de outono-inverno-primavera de 2007, foi conduzido um estudo em SeropĂ©dica, RegiĂŁo Metropolitana do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Baixada Fluminense), com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes tipos de consĂłrcio entre caupi (cv. MauĂĄ) e milho (cv. AG-1051), em sistema orgĂąnico de produção. O experimento foi instalado em ĂĄrea de Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetiçÔes. Os tratamentos constaram de diferentes Ă©pocas ou intervalos de tempo de semeadura do caupi em relação Ă  do milho, a saber: (E1) 21 dias antes do milho; (E2) 14 dias antes do milho; (E3) 7 dias antes do milho; e (E4) no mesmo dia do milho. Tratamentos correspondentes aos cultivos solteiros do caupi e do milho foram incluĂ­dos, ambos semeados na data do tratamento E4. O cultivo consorciado com o caupi nĂŁo interferiu na produtividade do milho em espigas verdes e tambĂ©m em termos de comprimento e diĂąmetro basal dessas espigas, independentemente do intervalo entre semeaduras. Com referĂȘncia ao caupi, a produtividade em grĂŁos verdes no cultivo solteiro foi superior Ă  dos consĂłrcios com o milho. Os valores obtidos para os Índices de EquivalĂȘncia de Área (IEA), foram todos acima de 1,0, indicando que os consĂłrcios foram eficientes quanto ao desempenho agronĂŽmico/biolĂłgico. Considerando, ainda a produtividade de cada cultura participante do consĂłrcio, a semeadura do caupi antecipada de 21 dias em relação Ă  do milho afigura-se mais adequada ao manejo orgĂąnico adotado e Ă s condiçÔes edafoclimĂĄticas da regiĂŁo

    Estimating the malaria risk of African mosquito movement by air travel

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    BACKGROUND: The expansion of global travel has resulted in the importation of African Anopheles mosquitoes, giving rise to cases of local malaria transmission. Here, cases of 'airport malaria' are used to quantify, using a combination of global climate and air traffic volume, where and when are the greatest risks of a Plasmodium falciparum-carrying mosquito being importated by air. This prioritises areas at risk of further airport malaria and possible importation or reemergence of the disease. METHODS: Monthly data on climate at the World's major airports were combined with air traffic information and African malaria seasonality maps to identify, month-by-month, those existing and future air routes at greatest risk of African malaria-carrying mosquito importation and temporary establishment. RESULTS: The location and timing of recorded airport malaria cases proved predictable using a combination of climate and air traffic data. Extending the analysis beyond the current air network architecture enabled identification of the airports and months with greatest climatic similarity to P. falciparum endemic regions of Africa within their principal transmission seasons, and therefore at risk should new aviation routes become operational. CONCLUSION: With the growth of long haul air travel from Africa, the identification of the seasonality and routes of mosquito importation is important in guiding effective aircraft disinsection and vector control. The recent and continued addition of air routes from Africa to more climatically similar regions than Europe will increase movement risks. The approach outlined here is capable of identifying when and where these risks are greatest

    Optimized high gradient magnetic separation for isolation of Plasmodium-infected red blood cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Highly purified infected red blood cells (irbc), or highly synchronized parasite cultures, are regularly required in malaria research. Conventional isolation and synchronization rely on density and osmotic fragility of irbc, respectively. High gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) offers an alternative based on intrinsic magnetic properties of irbc, avoiding exposure to chemicals and osmotic stress. Successful HGMS concentration in malaria research was previously reported using polymer coated columns, while HGMS depletion has not been described yet. This study presents a new approach to both HGMS concentration and depletion in malaria research, rendering polymer coating unnecessary.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A dipole magnet generating a strong homogenous field was custom assembled. Polypropylene syringes were fitted with one-way stopcocks and filled with stainless steel wool. Rbc from <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>cultures were resuspended in density and viscosity optimized HGMS buffers and HGMS processed. Purification and depletion results were analysed by flow cytometer and light microscopy. Viability was evaluated by calculating the infection rate after re-culturing of isolates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In HGMS concentration, purity of irbc isolates from asynchronous cultures consistently ranged from 94.8% to 98.4% (mean 95.7%). With further optimization, over 90% of isolated irbc contained segmented schizonts. Processing time was less than 45 min. Reinfection rates ranged from 21.0% to 56.4%. In HGMS depletion, results were comparable to treatment with sorbitol, as demonstrated by essentially identical development of cultures.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The novel HGMS concentration procedure achieves high purities of segmented stage irbc from standard asynchronous cultures, and is the first HGMS depletion alternative to sorbitol lysis. It represents a simple and highly efficient alternative to conventional irbc concentration and synchronization methods.</p

    Influence of FADS Polymorphisms on Tracking of Serum Glycerophospholipid Fatty Acid Concentrations and Percentage Composition in Children

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    Tracking of fatty acid (FA) contribution to plasma or serum lipids over time was shown in children and adults. However, the potential role of FADS gene variants has not been investigated. Serum GP FA composition of 331 children aged 2 and 6 years, participating in an ongoing birth cohort study, was analyzed. Correlation coefficients were estimated to describe FA tracking over 4 years and to assess the influence of FADS variants on tracking. We found low to moderate tracking (r = 0.12-0.49) of FA compositions and concentration between 2 and 6 years. Concentration changes of total monounsaturated FA and total saturated FA over time correlated closely (r = 0.79) but percentage values were unrelated (r = -0.02). Tracking for n-6 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) concentrations was lower in subjects homozygous for the major allele of FADS variants and higher in carriers of at least one minor allele, whereas for total n-3 LC-PUFA concentrations and compositions this was vice versa. For individual n-3 PUFA inconsistent results were found. Serum GP FA composition shows low to moderate tracking over 4 years with a higher tracking for LC-PUFA metabolites than for their precursor FA. Serum PUFA levels and their tracking seem to be more influenced by lipid and lipoprotein metabolism than by FA specific pathways

    Influence of FADS Polymorphisms on Tracking of Serum Glycerophospholipid Fatty Acid Concentrations and Percentage Composition in Children

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    BACKGROUND: Tracking of fatty acid (FA) contribution to plasma or serum lipids over time was shown in children and adults. However, the potential role of FADS gene variants has not been investigated. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Serum GP FA composition of 331 children aged 2 and 6 years, participating in an ongoing birth cohort study, was analyzed. Correlation coefficients were estimated to describe FA tracking over 4 years and to assess the influence of FADS variants on tracking. We found low to moderate tracking (r = 0.12-0.49) of FA compositions and concentration between 2 and 6 years. Concentration changes of total monounsaturated FA and total saturated FA over time correlated closely (r = 0.79) but percentage values were unrelated (r = -0.02). Tracking for n-6 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) concentrations was lower in subjects homozygous for the major allele of FADS variants and higher in carriers of at least one minor allele, whereas for total n-3 LC-PUFA concentrations and compositions this was vice versa. For individual n-3 PUFA inconsistent results were found. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Serum GP FA composition shows low to moderate tracking over 4 years with a higher tracking for LC-PUFA metabolites than for their precursor FA. Serum PUFA levels and their tracking seem to be more influenced by lipid and lipoprotein metabolism than by FA specific pathways

    ConsĂłrcio couve-coentro em cultivo orgĂąnico e sua influĂȘncia nas populaçÔes de joaninhas.

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    O consĂłrcio de culturas Ă© comumente praticado na produção de hortaliças devido a diversos benefĂ­cios econĂŽmicos. Em alguns casos, podem reduzir infestaçÔes de pragas por favorecer a conservação dos inimigos naturais nos agroecossistemas. Avaliou-se a viabilidade agronĂŽmica do consĂłrcio de couve e coentro, sob manejo orgĂąnico, com base em parĂąmetros fitotĂ©cnicos, alĂ©m de sua influĂȘncia sobre populaçÔes de joaninhas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), na comparação com os respectivos cultivos solteiros. O coentro, representando a cultura secundĂĄria, foi utilizado com a finalidade de fornecer recursos para as joaninhas. O estudo foi realizado em ĂĄrea do Sistema Integrado de Produção AgroecolĂłgica em SeropĂ©dica-RJ. O experimento consistiu dos consĂłrcios: 1) couve consorciada com coentro, cujas quatro linhas de plantas foram colhidas na fase vegetativa (consĂłrcio I), e 2) couve consorciada com coentro, cujas plantas das duas linhas internas (prĂłximas Ă  linha da couve) foram colhidas na fase vegetativa e as duas linhas externas foram cortadas apĂłs floração (consĂłrcio II). Em ambos consĂłrcios foram avaliados os parĂąmetros fitotĂ©cnicos da couve e do coentro na fase vegetativa (padrĂŁo comercial), enquanto que no consĂłrcio II, tambĂ©m se avaliou as populaçÔes de joaninhas, por meio de coletas semanais de adultos, em comparação com a couve em cultivo solteiro. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetiçÔes. O coentro nĂŁo interferiu na produtividade da couve consorciada e sua introdução contribuiu positivamente para a abundĂąncia e diversidade de espĂ©cies de joaninhas. O Ă­ndice de equivalĂȘncia de ĂĄrea para o consĂłrcio I, com referĂȘncia aos rendimentos de biomassa aĂ©rea fresca, foi superior em 92% em relação ao cultivo solteiro. Este resultado demonstra a viabilidade do consĂłrcio I, no manejo orgĂąnico adotado, para plantios de outono nas condiçÔes edafoclimĂĄticas da Baixada Fluminense
