50,545 research outputs found

    Book review of \u27Invitations to Love\u27 by Laura Ahearn

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    Boundary layer, skin friction, and boattail pressure measurements from the YF-12 airplane at Mach numbers up to 3

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    In-flight measurements of boundary layer and skin friction data were made on YF-12 airplanes for Mach numbers between 2.0 and 3.0. Boattail pressures were also obtained for Mach numbers between 0.7 and 3.0 with Reynolds numbers up to four hundred million. Boundary layer data measured along the lower fuselage centerline indicate local displacement and momentum thicknesses can be much larger than predicted. Skin friction coefficients measured at two of five lower fuselage stations were significantly less than predicted by flat plate theory. The presence of large differences between measured boattail pressure drag and values calculated by a potential flow solution indicates the presence of vortex effects on the upper boattail surface. At both subsonic and supersonic speeds, pressure drag on the longer of two boattail configurations was equal to or less than the pressure drag on the shorter configuration. At subsonic and transonic speeds, the difference in the drag coefficient was on the order of 0.0008 to 0.0010. In the supersonic cruise range, the difference in the drag coefficient was on the order of 0.002. Boattail drag coefficients are based on wing reference area

    Kinetic approach to the cluster liquid-gas transition

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    The liquid-gas transition in free atomic clusters is investigated theoretically based on simple unimolecular rate theories and assuming sequential evaporations. A kinetic Monte Carlo scheme is used to compute the time-dependent properties of clusters undergoing multiple dissociations, and two possible definitions of the boiling point are proposed, relying on the cluster or gas temperature. This numerical approach is supported by molecular dynamics simulations of clusters made of sodium atoms or C60 molecules, as well as simplified rate equation

    Further laboratory studies of the roughness and suspended load of alluvial streams

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    A laboratory study was made to determine the variation with depth and velocity of the hydraulic and sediment transport characteristics of a constant-discharge flow. Eight experimental runs were performed in a 60-foot long, 33.5-inch wide recirculating laboratory flume. The unit discharge for all runs was 0.50 cfs per ft. and the velocity was varied from 0.91 to 2.21 fps, corresponding to a change in depth from 0.550 to 0.228 ft. The bed sand used for these experiments had a geometric mean sieve diameter of 0.142 mm and a geometric standard deviation of 1.38. As the velocity was increased, the bed form changed from a dune-covered configuration to a flat bed, with sand waves occurring at intermediate velocities. It was found that for the unit discharge and bed sand used in this investigation, two different velocities and sediment transport rates are possible for a given slope, or a given bed shear velocity; however, this multiplicity is possible only in the range of slope and shear velocity where major changes in the bed configuration occur since it is a result of large variations in the bed roughness. Therefore the slope or shear velocity cannot logically be used as an independent variable since neither of these quantities uniquely determines the velocity or transport rate. However, if the velocity is used as the independent variable for a constant-discharge flow, the slope, shear velocity, and friction factor are all uniquely determined. The sediment transport rate was found to be a single-valued, uniformly increasing function of velocity, and it can therefore be used in place of the velocity as the independent variable. A comparison of data from this investigation with data from previous investigations which used the same sand showed that even a small decrease in the amount of fine material in the bed sand can have a significant effect on the transport rate. However, even relatively large changes in the standard deviation of the bed material have a small effect on the friction factor

    Flight investigation of insect contamination and its alleviation

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    An investigation of leading edge contamination by insects was conducted with a JetStar airplane instrumented to detect transition on the outboard leading edge flap and equipped with a system to spray the leading edge in flight. The results of airline type flights with the JetStar indicated that insects can contaminate the leading edge during takeoff and climbout. The results also showed that the insects collected on the leading edges at 180 knots did not erode at cruise conditions for a laminar flow control airplane and caused premature transition of the laminar boundary layer. None of the superslick and hydrophobic surfaces tested showed any significant advantages in alleviating the insect contamination problem. While there may be other solutions to the insect contamination problem, the results of these tests with a spray system showed that a continouous water spray while encountering the insects is effective in preventing insect contamination of the leading edges

    Development flight tests of JetStar LFC leading-edge flight test experiment

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    The overall objective of the flight tests on the JetStar aircraft was to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of laminar flow control under representative flight conditions. One specific objective was to obtain laminar flow on the JetStar leading-edge test articles for the design and off-design conditions. Another specific objective was to obtain operational experience on a Laminar Flow Control (LFC) leading-edge system in a simulated airline service. This included operational experience with cleaning requirements, the effect of clogging, possible foreign object damage, erosion, and the effects of ice particle and cloud encounters. Results are summarized

    Local skin friction coefficients and boundary layer profiles obtained in flight from the XB-70-1 airplane at Mach numbers up to 2.5

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    Boundary-layer and local friction data for Mach numbers up to 2.5 and Reynolds numbers up to 3.6 x 10 to the 8th power were obtained in flight at three locations on the XB-70-1 airplane: the lower forward fuselage centerline (nose), the upper rear fuselage centerline, and the upper surface of the right wing. Local skin friction coefficients were derived at each location by using (1) a skin friction force balance, (2) a Preston probe, and (3) an adaptation of Clauser's method which derives skin friction from the rake velocity profile. These three techniques provided consistent results that agreed well with the von Karman-Schoenherr relationship for flow conditions that are quasi-two-dimensional. At the lower angles of attack, the nose-boom and flow-direction vanes are believed to have caused the momentum thickness at the nose to be larger than at the higher angles of attack. The boundary-layer data and local skin friction coefficients are tabulated. The wind-tunnel-model surface-pressure distribution ahead of the three locations and the flight surface-pressure distribution ahead of the wing location are included