11 research outputs found

    Latex lipase of Euphorbia characias L.: An aspecific acylhydrolase with several isoforms

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    The objective of the present work was to contribute to the understanding of the physiological role of latex lipolytic activity in Euphorbia characias. To this end, the acid and basic lipolytic activity of E. characias latex, as well as the substrate specificity on various triacylglycerols, were measured during the plant's vegetative and reproductive stages. Both activities appeared to increase during the reproductive stage and to peak at the beginning of the vegetative stage, when new leaves and branches are formed. For the first time, the phospholipolytic and esterase activity of E. characias latex is also reported. An extraction method in aqueous medium with the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS was successfully used to extract lipolytic activity from latex. Extraction permitted the selective recovery of a single protein spot, with a molecular weight of 37 kDa, and presumably made of several acid isoforms which retained both lipolytic and phospholipolytic activity. The biochemical results suggest that lipolytic and phospholipolytic activity could depend on a single hydrolytic enzyme with several isoforms, equally expressed throughout the biological cycle of the plant. On the basis of the obtained results, we hypothesise that the E. characias latex lipase should be considered as an aspecific acylhydrolase with a combined lipase/phospholipase A activity

    Synthesis and/or accumulation of bioactive molecules in the in vivo and in vitro root

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    Roots of many species are studied because of the presence of high-value biclactive molecules, yet few studies have attempted to determine the biosynthetic pathways of these compounds or the way in which synthesis is regulated. The presence of secondary metabolites in the root does not necessarily mean that this organ is also the site of synthesis. Thus the identification of organ-specific intermediate precursors and key enzymes is important for understanding the biosynthetic pathway and the regulation of biclactive molecules. This knowledge could allow researchers to predict the suitability of in vitro systems, such as regenerated roots and hairy roots, for producing the molecules of interest. In the present review, the production of biclactive molecules in in vivo roots is compared to that in in vitro untransformed and transformed roots, concentrating on recent developments in the study of the biosynthesis of the anti-cancer alkaloid camptothecin in Camptotheca acuminata Decne. The results of a recent study performed in our laboratory on the production of camptothecin and other secondary metabolites in in vivo and in vitro C. acuminata roots are also presented

    Plant latex lipases: physiological role and applications

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    Lipases are natural catalysts widely employed to structure various lipids, fats and oils in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Despite their high potential in lipid biotechnology, current application of microbial lipases has been limited owing to high costs and limited availability. During the last two decades, research efforts have been directed towards the identification of low cost and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) lipases sources. Plant lipases from species with oil seeds have been widely studied, though their application has turned out to be disappointing, due to low activity and transient expression during seed germination. In the early nineties, research into in non seed tissues showed high lipolytic activity in the latex of some species of Caricaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Asclepiadaceae. At the moment, crude dried latex from Carica papaya is the most studied biocatalyst in lipid synthesis and modification, but little is known about the physiological role of C. papaya lipase or the applications of other latex lipases. In this paper we report more than ten years of research into the characterisation of plant-latex lipases roles and applications

    Isoenzimi lipolitici nel latice di alcune specie del genere Euphorbia

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    Nell'ambito di alcuni studi sulle lipasi vegetali è stata accertata la presenza di attività lipolitica in alcuni latici del genere Asclepiadacee, Euforbiacee, Caricacee. In particolare gli studi di caratterizzazione delle lipasi da Carica papaya hanno evidenziato la possibilità di impiego di tali enzimi nelle modificazioni di sostanze grasse e lipidi. In tale ambito è stata messa in evidenza la presenza di attività lipolitica nei latici di due generi di Euphorbia sotto forma di isoenzimi di cui ne è stata caratterizzata la specificità di substrato e l'attività lipolitica ed esterasica in diverse condizioni sperimentali. Sono stati inoltre messi a punto protocolli estrattivi e purificativi in fase acquosa delle lipasi da latice che potrebbero fornire le condizioni ottimali per una migliore caratterizzazione biochimica degli enzimi stessi

    initial experience of a single center with the use of zsi 475 penile prosthesis evaluation of cost operative aspects durability of components and clinical outcomes of zsi 475 penile prosthesis

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    Abstract Object To evaluate surgical outcomes after implantation of the Zephyr ZSI 475 inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) and patients' quality of life. Patients and methods From December 2014 to September 2018, 15 patients underwent prosthesis implantation with ZSI 475. A retrospective review of clinical data was performed. Patients' quality of life after implantation was investigated with Quality-of-Life-and-Sexuality-with-Penile-Prosthesis (QoLSPP) questionnaire. Results The median age of patients was 57 years and the average follow-up was 22 months. Twelve patients received a standard implantation due to severe erectile dysfunction (ED); three patients also presented penile curvature and additional corporoplasty with grafting was necessary. Three procedures had to be interrupted due to defects of the insertion tools. In one case a manufacturing defect resulted in a pump leak. In one case a severe postoperative complication occurred, which requested explantation of the device. During the follow-up, four patients experienced mechanical failure of the prosthesis. Results of QoLSPP questionnaire at 12 months were skewed toward the positive end of the scale in all domains. Conclusion In our initial experience, ZSI 475 suffered a high rate of mechanical failures; on the other hand, the company showed great commitment in order to improve the quality and reliability of the device. The lower cost of t ZSI 475 may add to the chances of the product to become a cost-effective alternative to treat those patient who need a IPP