13,249 research outputs found

    The improved nuclear parton distributions

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    In this paper we propose an improvement of the EKS nuclear parton distributions for the small x region of high energy processes, where the perturbative high parton density effects cannot be disregarded. We analyze the behavior of the ratios xGA/xGNxG_A/xG_N and F2A/F2DF_2^A/F_2^D and verify that at small x they are strongly modified when compared to the EKS predictions. The implications of our results for the heavy ion collisions in RHIC and LHC are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Nuclear shadowing from exclusive quarkonium photoproduction at the BNL RHIC and CERN LHC

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    The photonuclear production of vector mesons in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions is investigated within the collinear approach using different parameterizations for the nuclear gluon distribution. The integrated cross section and the rapidity distribution for the AA→VAAAA \to V AA (V=J/Ψ,ΥV = J/\Psi, \Upsilon) process are computed for energies of RHIC and LHC. A comparison with the recent PHENIX data on coherent production of J/ΨJ/\Psi mesons is also presented. We demonstrate that the study of the exclusive quarkonium photoproduction can be used to constrain the nuclear effects in the gluon distribution.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Version to be published in Physical Review

    Busca de cultivares através de filtros orientados às características da cultura.

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    O trabalho realizado sobre o módulo cultivares visa obter a s informações publicadas pelo Ministério da Agricultura, sobre os cultivares inscritos no Zoneamento Agrícola de cada Unidade da Federação. Estes dados, hoje disponíveis de maneira restrita, deverão ser de fácil acesso para qualquer usuário da internet. O módulo também deve atingir amplamente qualquer tipo de produtor do setor produtivo, pois está vinculado ao projeto WebAgritec, que é sistema inteligente para organizar as informações sobre as cadeias produtivas do agronegócio, facilitando a tomada de decisão

    Superinflation, quintessence, and the avoidance of the initial singularity

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    We consider the dynamics of a spatially flat universe dominated by a self-interacting nonminimally coupled scalar field. The structure of the phase space and complete phase portraits for the conformal coupling case are given. It is shown that the non-minimal coupling modifies drastically the dynamics of the universe. New cosmological behaviors are identified, including superinflation (HË™>0\dot{H}>0), avoidance of big bang singularities through classical birth of the universe from empty Minkowski space, and spontaneous entry into and exit from inflation. The relevance of this model to the description of quintessence is discussed.Comment: RevTex, 10 pages, 4 figures, To appear in the proceedings of the 5th Peyresq meetin

    Ladder operators for subtle hidden shape invariant potentials

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    Ladder operators can be constructed for all potentials that present the integrability condition known as shape invariance, satisfied by most of the exactly solvable potentials. Using the superalgebra of supersymmetric quantum mechanics we construct the ladder operators for two exactly solvable potentials that present a subtle hidden shape invariance.Comment: 9 pages, based on the talk given at International Conference Progress in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics (PSQM03), Valladolid, Spain, 15-19 July, 2003, to appear in a Special Issue of J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Scalar and Spinor Particles in the Spacetime of a Domain Wall in String Theory

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    We consider scalar and spinor particles in the spacetime of a domain wall in the context of low energy effective string theories, such as the generalized scalar-tensor gravity theories. This class of theories allows for an arbitrary coupling of the wall and the (gravitational) scalar field. First, we derive the metric of a wall in the weak-field approximation and we show that it depends on the wall's surface energy density and on two post-Newtonian parameters. Then, we solve the Klein-Gordon and the Dirac equations in this spacetime. We obtain the spectrum of energy eigenvalues and the current density in the scalar and spinor cases, respectively. We show that these quantities, except in the case of the energy spectrum for a massless spinor particle, depend on the parameters that characterize the scalar-tensor domain wall.Comment: LATEX file, 21 pages, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Canonical transformation for stiff matter models in quantum cosmology

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    In the present work we consider Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models in the presence of a stiff matter perfect fluid and a cosmological constant. We write the superhamiltonian of these models using the Schutz's variational formalism. We notice that the resulting superhamiltonians have terms that will lead to factor ordering ambiguities when they are written as operators. In order to remove these ambiguities, we introduce appropriate coordinate transformations and prove that these transformations are canonical using the symplectic method.Comment: Revtex4 Class, 3 pages, No Figure


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    The effective surface heat transfer coefficients during air blast freezing of plastic polyethylene packages containing fruit pulp models conditioned inside multi layer boxes were evaluated under conditions encountered in commercial practice. The results were presented as dimensionless correlations based on hydraulic diameter of the rectangular ducts. The effects on the surface heat transfer coefficient of the air temperature, air velocity, transducer position inside the boxes and box position in the pillage on the surface were analyzed. The results show: the effect of air-cooling temperature on the surface heat transfer is negligible in the range encountered in blast freezing practice. The effective surface heat transfer coefficients predicted by the non-dimensional correlations based on hydraulic diameter was successfully used to represent the bed irregularities, mainly in arrays of 5 and 3 layers. The effective surface heat transfer coefficients varied according to the position between the top and the bottom of the boxes and was influenced by the number of layers in the arrays
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