22 research outputs found

    Insecticidal Activity of Some Reducing Sugars Against the Sweet Potato Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, Biotype B

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    The effects of 16 sugars (arabinose, cellobiose, fructose, galactose, gentiobiose, glucose, inositol, lactose, maltose, mannitol (a sugar alcohol), mannose, melibiose, ribose, sorbitol, trehalose, and xylose) on sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) survival were determined using in vitro bioassays. Of these sugars, arabinose, mannose, ribose, and xylose were strongly inhibitory to both nymphal and adult survival. When 10% mannose was added to the nymphal diet, 10.5%, 1.0%, and 0% developed to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instars, respectively. When 10% arabinose was added, 10.8% and 0% of the nymphs molted to the 2nd and 3rd instars, respectively. Addition of 10% xylose or ribose completely terminated B. tabaci development, preventing the molt to the 2nd instar. With decreasing sugar concentrations the inhibitory effect was significantly reduced. In tests using adults, arabinose, galactose, inositol, lactose, maltose, mannitol, mannose, melibiose, ribose, sorbitol, trehalose, and xylose significantly reduced mean day survival. Mortality rates were highest when arabinose, mannitol, mannose, ribose, or xylose was added to the diet. Mean day survival was less than 2 days when adults were fed on diet containing 10% of any one of these five sugars. When lower concentrations of sugars were used there was a decrease in mortality. Mode of action studies revealed that toxicity was not due to the inhibition of alpha glucosidase (converts sucrose to glucose and fructose) and/or trehalulose synthase (converts sucrose to trehalulose) activity. The result of agarose gel electrophoresis of RT-PCR products of bacterial endosymbionts amplified from RNA isolated from whiteflies fed with 10% arabinose, mannose, or xylose indicated that the concentration of endosymbionts in mycetomes was not affected by the toxic sugars. Experiments in which B. tabaci were fed on diets that contained radio-labeled sucrose, methionine or inulin and one or none (control) of the highly toxic sugars showed that radioactivity (expressed in DPM) in the body, in excreted honeydew and/or carbon dioxide, was significantly reduced as compared to controls. Thus, it appears that the ability of insecticidal sugars to act as antifeedants is responsible for their toxicity to B. tabaci

    Spatial associations of vines infected with grapevine red blotch virus in Oregon vineyards

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    Spread and in-field spatial patterns of vines infected with grapevine red blotch virus (GRBV) were documented in Oregon vineyards using field sampling, molecular diagnostics, and spatial analysis. Grapevine petiole tissue collected from 2013 to 2016 was tested using quantitative polymerase chain reaction for GRBV. At Jacksonville in southern Oregon, 3.1%of vines were infected with GRBV in 2014, and GRBV incidence reached 58.5% of study vines by 2016. GRBV-infected plants and GRBVuninfected plantswere spatially aggregated at this site in 2015, and infected plants were spatially associated between years 2015 and 2016. In a southern Oregon vineyard near Talent, 10.4% of vines were infected with GRBV in 2014, and infection increased annually to 21.5%in 2016. At Talent, distribution of the infected vines was spatially associated across all years. GRBV infection was highest at Yamhill, in the Willamette Valley, where 31.7%of the tested vines had GRBV infection in 2014. By 2016, 59.2%of the vines tested positive for GRBV. Areas of aggregation increased and were spatially associated across all years. From 2013 to 2015, GRBV was not detected at Milton-Freewater in eastern Oregon. Spatial patterns of GRBV infection support evidence of spread by a mobile insect vector. GRBV is a significant threat to Oregon wine grape production because of its drastic year-over-year spread in affected vineyards