6 research outputs found

    Biomass burning related ozone damage on vegetation over the Amazon forest: A model sensitivity study

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    The HadGEM2 earth system climate model was used to assess the impact of biomass burning on surface ozone concentrations over the Amazon forest and its impact on vegetation, under present-day climate conditions. Here we consider biomass burning emissions from wildfires, deforestation fires, agricultural forest burning, and residential and commercial combustion. Simulated surface ozone concentration is evaluated against observations taken at two sites in the Brazilian Amazon forest for years 2010 to 2012. The model is able to reproduce the observed diurnal cycle of surface ozone mixing ratio at the two sites, but overestimates the magnitude of the monthly averaged hourly measurements by 5-15 ppb for each available month at one of the sites. We vary biomass burning emissions over South America by ±20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% to quantify the modelled impact of biomass burning on surface ozone concentrations and ozone damage on vegetation productivity over the Amazon forest. We used the ozone damage scheme in the "high" sensitivity mode to give an upper limit for this effect. Decreasing South American biomass burning emissions by 100% (i.e. to zero) reduces surface ozone concentrations (by about 15 ppb during the biomass burning season) and suggests a 15% increase in monthly mean net primary productivity averaged over the Amazon forest, with local increases up to 60%. The simulated impact of ozone damage from present-day biomass burning on vegetation productivity is about 230 TgC yr-1. Taking into account that uncertainty in these estimates is substantial, this ozone damage impact over the Amazon forest is of the same order of magnitude as the release of carbon dioxide due to fire in South America; in effect it potentially doubles the impact of biomass burning on the carbon cycle.This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) South AMerican Biomass Burning Analysis (SAMBBA) project grant code NE/J010057/1. The UK Met Office contribution to this project was funded by the DECC under the Hadley Centre Climate Programme contract (GA01101). The Brazilian contribution was funded by Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, projects 08/58100-2 and 12/14437-9). We thank INPA (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia) for the coordination work of the LBA Experiment. We thank USP technicians for the support on data sampling: Alcides Ribeiro, Ana Lucia Loureiro, Fernando Morais and Fabio Jorge

    Saharan dust and biomass burning aerosols during ex-hurricane Ophelia: validation of the new UK lidar and sun-photometer network

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    This is the final version. Available from European Geosciences Union (EGU) / Copernicus Publications via the DOI in this record.On 15-16 October 2017, ex-hurricane Ophelia passed to the West of the British Isles, bringing dust from the Sahara and smoke from Portuguese forest fires that was observable to the naked eye and reported in the national press. We report here detailed observations of this event using the UK operational lidar and sunphotometer network, established for the early detection of aviation hazards. We also use ECMWF ERA5 wind field data, and MODIS imagery to examine the aerosol transport. The observations, taken continuously over a period of 30 hours, show a complex picture, dominated by several aerosol layers at different times, and clearly correlated with the passage of different air-masses associated with the intense cyclonic system. A similar evolution was observed at several sites, with a time delay between them explained by their different location with respect to the storm. The event commenced with a shallow dust layer at 1-2 km in altitude, and culminated in a deep and complex structure that lasted 12 hours at each site, correlated with the storm’s warm sector. For most of the time, the aerosol detected was dominated by mineral dust mixtures, as highlighted by depolarisation measurements, but an intense biomass burning aerosol (BBA) layer was observed towards the end of the event, lasting around 3 hours at each site. The aerosol optical depth at 355nm (AOD355) during the whole event ranged from 0.2 to 2.9, with the larger AOD correlated to the intense BBA layer. Such a large AOD is unprecedented in the United Kingdom according to AERONET records for the last 20 years. The Raman lidars permitted the measurement of the aerosol extinction coefficient at 355 nm, the particle depolarisation ratio (PLDR) and the lidar ratio (LR), and made possible the separation of the dust (depolarising) aerosol from other aerosol types. A specific extinction has also been computed to provide an estimate of the atmospheric concentration of both aerosol types separately, which peaked at 420±200 ”gm−3 for the dust and 558±232 ”gm−3 for the smoke. Back-trajectories computed using the Numerical Atmospheric dispersion Modelling Environment (NAME) were used to identify the sources and strengthen the conclusions drawn from the observations. The UK network represents a significant expansion of the observing capability in Northern Europe, with instruments evenly distributed across Great Britain, from Camborne in Cornwall to Lerwick in the Shetland islands, and this study represents the first attempt to demonstrate its capability and validate the methods in use. Its ultimate purpose will be the detection and quantification of volcanic plumes, but the present study clearly demonstrates the advanced capabilities of the network.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Cloud physics from space

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    A review of the progression of cloud physics from a subdiscipline of meteorology into the global science it is today is described. The discussion briefly touches on the important post‐war contributions of three key individuals who were instrumental in developing cloud physics into a global science. These contributions came on the heels of the post‐war weather modification efforts that influenced much of the early development of cloud physics. The review is centred on the properties of warm clouds primarily to limit the scope of the article and the connection between the early contributions to cloud physics and the current vexing problem of aerosol effects on cloud albedo is underlined. Progress toward estimating cloud properties from space and insights on warm cloud processes are described. Measurements of selected cloud properties, such as cloud liquid water path are now mature enough that multi‐decadal time series of these properties exist and this climatology is used to compare to analogous low‐cloud properties taken from global climate models. The too‐wet (and thus too bright) and the too‐dreary biases of models are called out underscoring the challenges we still face in representing warm clouds in Earth system models. We also provide strategies for using observations to constrain the indirect radiative forcing of the climate system