12,665 research outputs found

    Tests of Power Corrections to Event Shape Distributions from e+e- Annihilation

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    A study of differential event shape distributions using e+e- data at centre-of-mass energies of 35 to 183 GeV is presented. We investigated non-perturbative power corrections for the thrust, C-parameter, total and wide jet broadening observables. We observe a good description of the distributions by the combined resummed QCD calculations plus power corrections from the dispersive approach. The single non-perturbative parameter \alpha_0 is measured to be \alpha_0 (2 GeV) = 0.502 +- 0.013 (stat.) ^{+0.046)_{-0.032} (exp. syst.) ^{+0.074}_{-0.053} (theo. syst.) and is found to be universal for the observables studied within the given systematic uncertainties. Using revised calculations of the power corrections for the jet broadening variables, improved consistency of the individual fit results is obtained. Agreement is also found with results extracted from the mean values of event shape distributions.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e, 8 .eps-files included, paper contributed to the EPS-HEP99 conference in Tampere, Finlan

    Discovery of a Small Central Disk of CO and HI in the Merger Remnant NGC 34

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    We present CO(1-0) and HI(21-cm) observations of the central region of the wet merger remnant NGC 34. The Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) observations detect a regularly rotating disk in CO with a diameter of 2.1 kpc and a total molecular hydrogen mass of (2.1±0.2)×109 M2.1 \pm 0.2) \times10^9~M_\odot. The rotation curve of this gas disk rises steeply, reaching maximum velocities at 1" (410 pc) from the center. Interestingly, HI observations done with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array show that the absorption against the central continuum has the exact same velocity range as the CO in emission. This strongly suggests that the absorbing HI also lies within 1" from the center, is mixed in and corotates with the molecular gas. A comparison of HI absorption profiles taken at different resolutions (5"-45") shows that the spectra at lower resolutions are less deep at the systemic velocity. This provides evidence for HI emission in the larger beams, covering the region from 1 kpc to 9 kpc from the center. The central rapidly rotating disk was likely formed either during the merger or from fall-back material. Lastly, the radio continuum flux of the central source at mm wavelengths (5.4±1.85.4\pm1.8 mJy) is significantly higher than expected from an extrapolation of the synchrotron spectrum, indicating the contribution of thermal free-free emission from the central starburst.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Quantifying Functional Reuse from Object Oriented Requirements Specifications

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    Software reuse is essential in improving efficiency and productivity in the software development process. This paper analyses reuse within requirements engineering phase by taking and adapting a standard functional size measurement method, COSMIC FFP. Our proposal attempts to quantify reusability from Object Oriented requirements specifications by identifying potential primitives with a high level of reusability and applying a reuse indicator. These requirements are specified using OO-Method, an automatic software production method based on transformation models. We illustrate the application of our proposal in a Car Rental real system

    C-Parameter and Jet Broadening at PETRA Energies

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    e^+e^- annihilation data recorded by the JADE detector at PETRA were used to measure the C-parameter for the first time at \sqrt{s}= 35 and 44 GeV. The distributions were compared to a resummed QCD calculation. In addition, we applied extended resummed calculations to the total and wide jet broadening variables, B_T and B_W. We combined the results on \alpha_s with those of our previous study of differential 2-jet rate, thrust, and heavy jet mass, obtaining \alpha_s(35 GeV) = 0.1448 +0.0117 -0.0070 and \alpha_s(44 GeV) = 0.1392 +0.0105 -0.0074. Moreover power corrections to the mean values of the observables mentioned above were investigated considering the Milan factor and the improved prediction for the jet broadening observables. Our study, which considered e^+e^- data of five event shape observables between \sqrt{s}= 14 and 183 GeV, yielded \alpha_s(M_{Z^0})=0.1177 +0.0035 -0.0034.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e, 9 .eps-files included, abbreviated version of the paper contributed to the ICHEP'98 conference in Vancouver, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    The central parsecs of M87: jet emission and an elusive accretion disc

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    We present the first simultaneous spectral energy distribution (SED) of M87 core at a scale of 0.4 arcsec (32pc\sim 32\, \rm{pc}) across the electromagnetic spectrum. Two separate, quiescent, and active states are sampled that are characterized by a similar featureless SED of power-law form, and that are thus remarkably different from that of a canonical active galactic nuclei (AGN) or a radiatively inefficient accretion source. We show that the emission from a jet gives an excellent representation of the core of M87 core covering ten orders of magnitude in frequency for both the active and the quiescent phases. The inferred total jet power is, however, one to two orders of magnitude lower than the jet mechanical power reported in the literature. The maximum luminosity of a thin accretion disc allowed by the data yields an accretion rate of <6×105Myr1< 6 \times 10^{-5}\, \rm{M_\odot \, yr^{-1}}, assuming 10% efficiency. This power suffices to explain M87 radiative luminosity at the jet-frame, it is however two to three order of magnitude below that required to account for the jet's kinetic power. The simplest explanation is variability, which requires the core power of M87 to have been two to three orders of magnitude higher in the last 200 yr. Alternatively, an extra source of power may derive from black hole spin. Based on the strict upper limit on the accretion rate, such spin power extraction requires an efficiency an order of magnitude higher than predicted from magnetohydrodynamic simulations, currently in the few hundred per cent range.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Supersymmetric partners of the trigonometric Poschl-Teller potentials

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    The first and second-order supersymmetry transformations are used to generate Hamiltonians with known spectra departing from the trigonometric Poschl-Teller potentials. The several possibilities of manipulating the initial spectrum are fully explored, and it is shown how to modify one or two levels, or even to leave the spectrum unaffected. The behavior of the new potentials at the boundaries of the domain is studied.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Cartografía de severidad de incendios forestales a partir de la combinación del modelo de mezclas espectrales y la clasificación basada en objetos

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    This study shows an accurate and fast methodology in order to evaluate fire severity classes of large forest fires. A single Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper multispectral image was utilized in this study with the aim of mapping fire severity classes (high, moderate and low) using a combined-approach based in an spectral mixing model and object-based image analysis. A large wildfire in the Northwest of Spain is used to test the model. Fraction images obtained by Landsat unmixing were used as input data in the object-based image analysis. A multilevel segmentation and a classification were carried out by using membership functions. This method was compared with other simplest ones in order to evaluate the suitability to distinguish between the three fire severity classes above mentioned. McNemar’s test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of the difference between approaches tested in this study. The combined approach achieved the highest accuracy reaching 97.32% and kappa index of agreement of 95.96% and improving accuracy of individual classes.Este estudio presenta una metodolog&iacute;a r&aacute;pida y precisa para la evaluaci&oacute;n de los niveles de severidad que afectan a grandes incendios forestales. El trabajo combina un modelo de mezclas espectrales y un an&aacute;lisis de im&aacute;genes basado en objetos con el objetivo de cartografiar distintos niveles de severidad (alto, moderado y bajo) empleando una imagen multiespectral Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper. Este modelo es testado en un gran incendio forestal ocurrido en el noroeste de Espa&ntilde;a. Las im&aacute;genes fracci&oacute;n obtenidas tras aplicar el modelo de mezclas a la imagen Landsat fueron utilizadas como datos de entrada en el an&aacute;lisis basado en objetos. En este se llev&oacute; a cabo una segmentaci&oacute;n multinivel y una posterior clasificaci&oacute;n usando funciones de pertenencia. Esta metodolog&iacute;a fue comparada con otras m&aacute;s simples con el fin de evaluar su conveniencia a al hora de distinguir entre los tres niveles de severidad anteriormente mencionados. El test de McNemar fue empleado para evaluar la significancia estad&iacute;stica de la diferencia entre los m&eacute;todos testados en el estudio. El m&eacute;todo combinado alcanz&oacute; la m&aacute;s alta precisi&oacute;n con un 97,32% y un &iacute;ndice Kappa del 95,96%, adem&aacute;s de mejorar la precisi&oacute;n de los niveles individualmente