7,034 research outputs found

    Spectator interactions and factorization in B -> pi ell nu decay

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    We investigate the factorization of different momentum modes that appear in matrix elements for exclusive B meson decays into light energetic particles for the specific case of B -> pi form factors at large pion recoil. We first integrate out hard modes with virtualities of order m_b^2 (m_b being the heavy quark mass), and then hard-collinear modes with virtualities m_b Lambda (Lambda being the strong interaction scale). The resulting effective theory contains soft and collinear fields with virtualities Lambda^2. We prove a previously conjectured factorization formula for B -> pi form factors in the heavy quark limit to all orders in alpha_s, paying particular attention to `endpoint singularities' that might have appeared in hard spectator interactions.Comment: Contribution to International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, EPS 2003, Aachen (Germany), 3 pages + 1 figur

    The Hubble Sequence in Groups: The Birth of the Early-Type Galaxies

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    The physical mechanisms and timescales that determine the morphological signatures and the quenching of star formation of typical (~L*) elliptical galaxies are not well understood. To address this issue, we have simulated the formation of a group of galaxies with sufficient resolution to track the evolution of gas and stars inside about a dozen galaxy group members over cosmic history. Galaxy groups, which harbor many elliptical galaxies in the universe, are a particularly promising environment to investigate morphological transformation and star formation quenching, due to their high galaxy density, their relatively low velocity dispersion, and the presence of a hot intragroup medium. Our simulation reproduces galaxies with different Hubble morphologies and, consequently, enables us to study when and where the morphological transformation of galaxies takes place. The simulation does not include feedback from active galactic nuclei showing that it is not an essential ingredient for producing quiescent, red elliptical galaxies in galaxy groups. Ellipticals form, as suspected, through galaxy mergers. In contrast with what has often been speculated, however, these mergers occur at z>1, before the merging progenitors enter the virial radius of the group and before the group is fully assembled. The simulation also shows that quenching of star formation in the still star-forming elliptical galaxies lags behind their morphological transformation, but, once started, is taking less than a billion years to complete. As long envisaged the star formation quenching happens as the galaxies approach and enter the finally assembled group, due to quenching of gas accretion and (to a lesser degree) stripping. A similar sort is followed by unmerged, disk galaxies, which, as they join the group, are turned into the red-and-dead disks that abound in these environments.Comment: 12 pages, 12 Figures, 1 Table, accepted for publication in AP

    Multipole-expanded soft-collinear effective theory with non-abelian gauge symmetry

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    In position space the interaction terms of soft-collinear effective theory must be multipole-expanded to obtain interaction terms with homogeneous scaling behaviour. In this note we provide a manifestly gauge-invariant formulation of the theory after this expansion in the presence of non-abelian gauge fields, extending our previous result. We give the effective Lagrangian (including the Yang-Mills Lagrangian for collinear and ultrasoft gluons) and heavy-to-light transition currents to second order in the power expansion, paying particular attention to the field redefinitions that lead to the gauge symmetries of the effective Lagrangian.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Semi-fermionic representation of SU(N) Hamiltonians

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    We represent the generators of the SU(N) algebra as bilinear combinations of Fermi operators with imaginary chemical potential. The distribution function, consisting of a minimal set of discrete imaginary chemical potentials, is found for arbitrary N. This representation leads to the conventional temperature diagram technique with standard Feynman codex, except that the Matsubara frequencies are determined by neither integer nor half-integer numbers. The real-time Schwinger-Keldysh formalism is formulated in the framework of complex distribution functions. We discuss the continuous large N and SU(2) large spin limits. We illustrate the application of this technique for magnetic and spin-liquid states of the Heisenberg model.Comment: 11 pages, 7 EPS figures included, extended versio

    Soft-collinear effective theory and heavy-to-light currents beyond leading power

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    An important unresolved question in strong interaction physics concerns the parameterization of power-suppressed long-distance effects to hard processes that do not admit an operator product expansion (OPE). Recently Bauer et al.\ have developed an effective field theory framework that allows one to formulate the problem of soft-collinear factorization in terms of fields and operators. We extend the formulation of soft-collinear effective theory, previously worked out to leading order, to second order in a power series in the inverse of the hard scale. We give the effective Lagrangian and the expansion of ``currents'' that produce collinear particles in heavy quark decay. This is the first step towards a theory of power corrections to hard processes where the OPE cannot be used. We apply this framework to heavy-to-light meson transition form factors at large recoil energy.Comment: 46 pages, LaTeX; v2: two references added, eq. (52) correcte

    Suppression of vortex channeling in meandered YBa2Cu3O7-d grain boundaries

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    We report on the in-plane magnetic field (H) dependence of the critical current density (Jc) in meandered and planar single grain boundaries (GBs) isolated in YBa2Cu3O7-d (YBCO) coated conductors. The Jc(H)properties of the planar GB are consistent with those previously seen in single GBs of YBCO films grown on SrTiO3 bi-crystals. In the straight boundary a characteristic flux channeling regime when H is oriented near the GB plane, associated with a reduced Jc, is seen. The meandered GB does not show vortex channeling since it is not possible for a sufficient length of vortex line to lie within it.Comment: Submitted to AP

    The Overlap Representation of Skewed Quark and Gluon Distributions

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    Within the framework of light-cone quantisation we derive the complete and exact overlap representation of skewed parton distributions for unpolarised and polarised quarks and gluons. Symmetry properties and phenomenological applications are discussed.Comment: LaTex, 36 pages. v2: incorrect paper attached originally. v3: erratum adde

    Pseudoscalar Meson Mixing in Effective Field Theory

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    We show that for any effective field theory of colorless meson fields, the mixing schemes of particle states and decay constants are not only related but also determined exclusively by the kinetic and mass Lagrangian densities. In the general case, these are bilinear in terms of the intrinsic fields and involve non-diagonal kinetic and mass matrices. By applying three consecutive steps this Lagrangian can be reduced into the standard quadratic form in terms of the physical fields. These steps are : (i) the diagonalization of the kinetic matrix, (ii) rescaling of the fields, and (iii) the diagonalization of the mass matrix. In case, where the dimensions of the non-diagonal kinetic and mass sub-matrices are respectively, k×kk\times k and n×nn\times n, this procedure leads to mixing schemes which involve [k(k1)/2]+[n(n1)/2][k(k-1)/2] + [n(n-1)/2] angles and kk field rescaling parameters. This observation holds true irrespective with the type of particle interactions presumed. The commonly used mixing schemes, correspond to a proper choice of the kinetic and mass matrices, and are derived as special cases. In particular, η\eta-η\eta ' mixing, requires one angle, if and only if, the kinetic term with the intrinsic fields has a quadratic form.Comment: REVTeX, 6 page

    On the heavy quark mass expansion for the operator Qbar gamma_5 Q and the charm content of eta, eta'

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    Recently in the context of studies of the intrinsic charm content of the nucleon and of the eta' meson two groups have arrived at different results for the 1/m^3 term of the heavy quark expansion for operator Qˉγ5Q\bar Q\gamma_5Q differing by the factor of six. We show that the form of both results violates certain general conditions. Using the expression for the axial anomaly with the finite Pauli-Villars regularization we obtain a new expression for 1/m^3 term of the heavy quark expansion for Qˉγ5Q\bar Q\gamma_5 Q. With this new result we obtain an estimate for the constant f_{\eta'}^{(c)}=-2 MeV.Comment: 4 page