2,268 research outputs found

    Negotiated Trade Restrictions with Private Political Pressure

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    In this paper we consider a home government with political pressure to restrict trade, at the expense of foreigners. The foreign country is compensated with an income transfer, which can be thought of as a portion of the tariff revenues or quota rents. In this setting the two countries should negotiate over the level of tariff and transfer of rents, depending on the level of political pressure at home. However, if this pressure cannot be directly observed abroad, then the home country may have an incentive to claim arbitrarily high political need and seek corresponding high trade barriers . We resolve this problem by determining incentive compatible trade policies, in which the home government has no incentive to overstate (or understate) the political pressure for protection.

    Pass-through of Exchange Rates and Competition Between Floaters and Fixers

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    This paper studies how a rise in China's share of U.S. imports could lower pass-through of exchange rates to U.S. import prices. We develop a theoretical model with variable markups showing that the presence of exports from a country with a fixed exchange rate could alter the competitive environment in the U.S. market. In particular, this encourages exporters from other countries to lower markups in response to a U.S. depreciation, thereby moderating the pass-through to import prices. Free entry is found to further moderate the pass-through, in that a U.S. depreciation encourages entry of exporters whose costs are shielded by the fixed exchange rate, which further intensifies the competitive pressure on other exporters. The model predicts that certain conditions are necessary to facilitate this 'China explanation' for falling pass-through, including a 'North America bias' in U.S. preferences. The model also produces a log-linear structural equation for pass-through regressions indicating how to include the China share. Panel regressions over 1993–1999 support the prediction that a high China share in imports lowers pass-through to U.S. import prices.

    Bias in U.S. Import Prices and Demand

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    The purpose of the paper is to measure the potential bias in the U.S. import price index due to the appearance of new product varieties, or new foreign suppliers, and determine the effect of this bias on the estimated income elasticity of import demand. Existing import price indexes are based on a sample of products from importing firms. We argue that if the share of import expenditure on the sampled products is falling over time, this will lead to an upward bias in the measured index. Using a correction based on the falling expenditure share on sampled countries, we find that the income elasticity of aggregate U.S. import demand is reduced from 2.5 to 1.7, or about halfway to unity. Our estimates suggest that the aggregate import price index is upward biased by about one and one-half percentage points annually.

    Re-Assessing the U.S. Quality Adjustment to Computer Prices: The Role of Durability and Changing Software

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    In the second-half of the 1990s, the positive impact of information technology on productivity growth for the United States became apparent. The measurement of this productivity improvement depends on hedonic procedures adopted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). In this paper we suggest a new reason why conventional hedonic methods may overstate the price decline of personal computers. We model computers as a durable good and suppose that software changes over time, which influences the efficiency of a computer. Anticipating future increases in software, purchasers may "overbuy" characteristics, in the sense that the purchased bundle of characteristics is not fully utilized in the first months or year that a computer is owned. In this case, we argue that hedonic procedures do not provide valid bounds on the true price of computer services at the time the machine is purchased with the concurrent level of software. To assess these theoretical results we estimate the model and find that before 2000 the hedonic price index constructed with BLS methods overstates the fall in computer prices. After 2000, however, the BLS hedonic index falls more slowly, reflecting the reduced marginal cost of acquiring (and therefore marginal benefit to users) of characteristics such as RAM, hard disk space or speed.

    Designing Policies to Open Trade

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    In this paper we consider recent proposals to auction U.S. import quotas. using the funds so obtained to encourage relocation out of the protected industries. We argue that the information available to the government, or lack thereof, is a critical factor in understanding these policies. In a world or full information, it makes little sense to use auction quotas rather than tariffs. Similarly, it is unclear why an elaborate program of temporary protection is needed, rather than immediately opening trade and compensating people with an income transfer. When the government has Limited information, however, these policies become quite sensible and may even be optimal.

    Inelastic Effects in Low-Energy Electron Reflectivity of Two-dimensional Materials

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    A simple method is proposed for inclusion of inelastic effects (electron absorption) in computations of low-energy electron reflectivity (LEER) spectra. The theoretical spectra are formulated by matching of electron wavefunctions obtained from first-principles computations in a repeated vacuum-slab-vacuum geometry. Inelastic effects are included by allowing these states to decay in time in accordance with an imaginary term in the potential of the slab, and by mixing of the slab states in accordance with the same type of distribution as occurs in a free-electron model. LEER spectra are computed for various two-dimensional materials, including free-standing multilayer graphene, graphene on copper substrates, and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) on cobalt substrates.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Outsourcing and Volatility

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    While outsourcing of production from the U.S. to Mexico has been hailed in Mexico as a valuable engine of growth, recently there have been misgivings regarding its fickleness and volatility. This paper is among the first in the trade literature to study the second moment properties of outsourcing. We begin by documenting a new stylized fact: the maquiladora outsourcing industries in Mexico experience fluctuations in value added that are roughly twice as volatile as the corresponding industries in the U.S. A difference-in-difference method is extended to second moments to verify the statistical significance of this finding. We then develop a stochastic model of outsourcing with heterogeneous firms that can explain this volatility. The model employs two novel mechanisms: an extensive margin in outsourcing which responds endogenously to transmit shocks internationally, and translog preferences which modulate firm entry.

    Study of interface asymmetry in InAs–GaSb heterojunctions

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    We present reflection high energy electron diffraction, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy and x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of the abruptness of InAs–GaSb interfaces. We find that the interface abruptness depends on growth order: InAs grown on GaSb is extended, while GaSb grown on InAs is more abrupt. We first present observations of the interfacial asymmetry, including measurements of band alignments as a function of growth order. We then examine more detailed studies of the InAs–GaSb interface to determine the mechanisms causing the extended interface. Our results show that Sb incorporation into the InAs overlayer and As exchange for Sb in the GaSb underlayer are the most likely causes of the interfacial asymmetry