44 research outputs found

    Editorial: Human Intestinal Permeability, Mucosal Inflammation and Diet

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    Intestinal permeability; Microbiota; NutritionPermeabilidad intestinal; Microbiota; NutriciónPermeabilitat intestinal; Microbiota; NutricióThis work was supported in part by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBEREHD), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: PI17/0190 (JS), CIBERehd CB06/04/0021 (JS), the DISCOVERIE project, GA no: 848228 (JS, GB). This project has received funding from the European Union's 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 848228

    Genetic material manipulation and modification by optical trapping and Nanosurgery-A perspective

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    Light can be employed as a tool to alter and manipulate matter in many ways. An example has been the implementation of optical trapping, the so called optical tweezers, in which light can hold and move small objects with 3D control. Of interest for the Life Sciences and Biotechnology is the fact that biological objects in the size range from tens of nanometers to hundreds of microns can be precisely manipulated through this technology. In particular, it has been shown possible to optically trap and move genetic material (DNA and chromatin) using optical tweezers. Also, these biological entities can be severed, rearranged and reconstructed by the combined use of laser scissors and optical tweezers. In this review, the background, current state and future possibilities of optical tweezers and laser scissors to manipulate, rearrange and alter genetic material (DNA, chromatin and chromosomes) will be presented. Sources of undesirable effects by the optical procedure and measures to avoid them will be discussed. In addition, first tentative approaches at cellular-level genetic and organelle surgery, in which genetic material or DNA-carrying organelles are extracted out or introduced into cells, will be presente

    Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Therapeutic of Natural Origin (NTN) in Adult Patients with Lactose Intolerance: A Multicenter, Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

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    Food intolerance; Intestinal barrier; Natural therapeuticIntolerància alimentària; Barrera intestinal; Terapèutica naturalIntolerancia alimentaria; Barrera intestinal; Terapéutica naturalBackground: Film-forming substances, such as natural polysaccharides (NP) and pea proteins (PP), act as a protective barrier for treating various gastrointestinal conditions. We assessed the efficacy and safety of a novel therapeutic of natural origin (NTN) containing NP and PP for symptomatic treatment of lactose intolerance. Methods: In this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study, patients with lactose intolerance received NTN (n = 30) or placebo (n = 30) for 7 days, then the alternate treatment for 7 days. Patients rated their gastrointestinal symptoms using a 7-point Likert scale. The lactose hydrogen breath test was used to assess exhaled hydrogen. Results: NTN as primary or crossover treatment significantly improved patient-reported symptoms of bloating, distension, and abdominal pain. Abdominal pain also improved under primary treatment with placebo. Primary treatment with NTN, but not placebo, normalized mean exhaled hydrogen levels. In the group allocated initially to placebo, crossover to NTN attenuated the increase in hydrogen production. No treatment-related adverse effects were reported in either group. Conclusions: Subjective improvements in bloating, distension, and abdominal pain with NTN were supported by objective evidence of hydrogen production normalization. NTN appears to be a useful alternative to lactose avoidance or enzyme replacement in patients with lactose intolerance.The study was sponsored by Novinthetical Pharma SA, Lugano, Switzerland

    Publicadas nuevas recomendaciones de RCP y Soporte Vital: Conferencia ILCOR 2015

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    El pasado dí­a 15 de octubre de 2015 se han publicado, de forma simultánea en todo el mundo, las nuevas Recomendaciones de Resucitación Cardio-pulmonar (RCP) de 2015 auspiciadas por el International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). Tales recomendaciones se someten a revisión cada 5 años, salvo que en los periodos de estudio se encuentre evidencia cientí­fica de peso para el cambio de alguna de las mismas. Las Guí­as de RCP y Cuidados Cardiovasculares de Emergencia (ECC) se basan en la publicación del CoSTR de 2015 (International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations). Las recomendaciones se extraen del análisis y estudio de numerosas revisiones sistemáticas realizadas por los equipos de investigadores del ILCOR. En esta última etapa, la metodologí­a de tales revisiones ha variado significativamente con respecto a las recomendaciones del 2010. El proceso de revisión comenzó en 2012 cuando el ILCOR constituyó 7 Grupos de Trabajo (Task Forces): - Soporte Vital Básico (BLS; incluyendo RCP de calidad y Desfibrilador Externo Automatizado -DEA-). - Soporte Vital Avanzado (ALS; incluyendo cuidados post-resucitación). - Sí­ndrome Coronario Agudo (ACS). - Soporte Vital Pediátrico (PLS Básico y Avanzado). - Soporte Vital Neonatal (NRP). - Educación, Implementación y Equipos (EIT). - Primeros Auxilios

    The breakdown of fictional logic in Fleabag

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    No es nuevo que en algunas representaciones teatrales los personajes se dirijan al público, rompiendo la cuarta pared o la lógica ficcional pues un personaje (perteneciente al mundo de la ficción) interactúa con los espectadores (pertenecientes al mundo real). Esta transgresión de la lógica comunicativa es tolerada por el hecho de que personajes (actores) y espectadores, aunque no comparten ni tiempo ni espacio artístico, sí comparten tiempo y espacio físico, coinciden materialmente en un tiempo y un espacio. En las últimas décadas -no es un fenómeno nuevo ni mucho menos- algunos directores han desarrollado este fenómeno en obras cinematográficas, donde la ruptura es más transgresora, como ocurre en películas como Annie Hall (1977) o La rosa púrpura de El Cairo (1985), ambas de Woody Allen. A nosotros nos interesa el caso de la serie de televisión Fleabag (dos temporadas, 2016 y 2019) porque la metalepsis o ruptura de la lógica ficcional tiene repercusiones narrativas importantes: busca la complicidad de los espectadores sin desvirtuar el universo narrativo ni dramático a pesar de que lo hace en presencia de otros personajes y no en apartes, es fuente de comicidad (humor muy negro), convierte al espectadores en un ser activo e involucrado en la historia, con el privilegio de saber más que los otros personajes y hace que el personaje principal sea también narrador. Por si fuera poco, en la segunda temporada el artificio crece especialmente con el personaje de Scott, el cura, y provoca en ocasiones que los personajes de la obra estén en diferentes planos de la ficción, elevando el grado de originalidad de la seri

    Publicadas nuevas recomendaciones de RCP y Soporte Vital: Conferencia ILCOR 2015

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    El pasado dí­a 15 de octubre de 2015 se han publicado, de forma simultánea en todo el mundo, las nuevas Recomendaciones de Resucitación Cardio-pulmonar (RCP) de 2015 auspiciadas por el International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). Tales recomendaciones se someten a revisión cada 5 años, salvo que en los periodos de estudio se encuentre evidencia cientí­fica de peso para el cambio de alguna de las mismas. Las Guí­as de RCP y Cuidados Cardiovasculares de Emergencia (ECC) se basan en la publicación del CoSTR de 2015 (International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations). Las recomendaciones se extraen del análisis y estudio de numerosas revisiones sistemáticas realizadas por los equipos de investigadores del ILCOR. En esta última etapa, la metodologí­a de tales revisiones ha variado significativamente con respecto a las recomendaciones del 2010. El proceso de revisión comenzó en 2012 cuando el ILCOR constituyó 7 Grupos de Trabajo (Task Forces): - Soporte Vital Básico (BLS; incluyendo RCP de calidad y Desfibrilador Externo Automatizado -DEA-). - Soporte Vital Avanzado (ALS; incluyendo cuidados post-resucitación). - Sí­ndrome Coronario Agudo (ACS). - Soporte Vital Pediátrico (PLS Básico y Avanzado). - Soporte Vital Neonatal (NRP). - Educación, Implementación y Equipos (EIT). - Primeros Auxilios

    Worldwide Prevalence and Burden of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, Results of Rome Foundation Global Study

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    DGBI; IBS; EpidemiologyDGBI; IBS; EpidemiologiaDGBI; IBS; EpidemiologíaBackground & Aims Although functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs), now called disorders of gut-brain interaction, have major economic effects on health care systems and adversely affect quality of life, little is known about their global prevalence and distribution. We investigated the prevalence of and factors associated with 22 FGIDs, in 33 countries on 6 continents. Methods Data were collected via the Internet in 24 countries, personal interviews in 7 countries, and both in 2 countries, using the Rome IV diagnostic questionnaire, Rome III irritable bowel syndrome questions, and 80 items to identify variables associated with FGIDs. Data collection methods differed for Internet and household groups, so data analyses were conducted and reported separately. Results Among the 73,076 adult respondents (49.5% women), diagnostic criteria were met for at least 1 FGID by 40.3% persons who completed the Internet surveys (95% confidence interval [CI], 39.9–40.7) and 20.7% of persons who completed the household surveys (95% CI, 20.2–21.3). FGIDs were more prevalent among women than men, based on responses to the Internet survey (odds ratio, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.6–1.7) and household survey (odds ratio, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.3–1.4). FGIDs were associated with lower quality of life and more frequent doctor visits. Proportions of subjects with irritable bowel syndrome were lower when the Rome IV criteria were used, compared with the Rome III criteria, in the Internet survey (4.1% vs 10.1%) and household survey (1.5% vs 3.5%). Conclusions In a large-scale multinational study, we found that more than 40% of persons worldwide have FGIDs, which affect quality of life and health care use. Although the absolute prevalence was higher among Internet respondents, similar trends and relative distributions were found in people who completed Internet vs personal interviews.The study was funded, in part, by research grants from Ironwood, Shire, Allergan, and Takeda. The study in Malaysia was funded by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) of the Ministry of Education of Malaysia (Reference: 203.PPSP.6171192). The study in Israel was funded by Takeda-Israel. The study in Romania was funded by the Romanian Society of Neurogastroenterology. None of the funders was involved in the planning, design, implementation, statistical analyses or any other aspect of the study including preparation of the paper or knowledge of its contents

    The Intestinal Gas Questionnaire (IGQ): Psychometric validation of a new instrument for measuring gas-related symptoms and their impact on daily life among general population and irritable bowel syndrome

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    Gas-related symptoms; Patient-reported outcomes; Quality of lifeSíntomas relacionados con los gases; Resultados informados por el paciente; Calidad de vidaSímptomes relacionats amb els gasos; Resultats informats pel pacient; Qualitat de vidaBackground Gas-related symptoms (GRS) are common in the general population (GPop) and among patients with disorders of gut-brain interactions but there is no patient-reported outcome evaluating these symptoms and their impact on daily life. We have previously developed a 43-item intestinal gas questionnaire (IGQ). The aim of the present study is to perform a psychometric validation of this instrument. Methods Participants (119 from the GPop and 186 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients) were recruited from 3 countries (UK, Spain, France). IBS patients fulfilled ROME IV criteria with an IBS severity score between 150 and 300. Participants completed the IGQ, the functional Digestive Disorders Quality of Life (FDDQL), and the EQ-5D. A subgroup (n = 90) repeated the IGQ completion after 7 days on paper or electronically. Results From the original IGQ questionnaire, 26 items were deleted because of poor performance. Confirmatory factorial analysis on the remaining 17 items (7 symptom and 10 impact items) yielded a 6-factor structure accounting for 67% of the variance for bloating (6 items), flatulence (3), belching (2), bad breath (2), stomach rumbling (2), and difficult gas evacuation (2). Global score (0-100) was worse among IBS vs GPop (40 ± 15 vs 33 ± 17; p = 0.0016). At the second visit, the intraclass correlation coefficient of IGQ scores was between 0.71 and 0.86 (n = 67) for test-retest reliability and 0.61-0.87 (n = 64) for equivalence between electronic and paper versions of IGQ. Conclusion The IGQ available in paper and electronic versions in 3 languages is a robust instrument for capturing and measuring GRS and their impact on daily life.This Investigator Sponsored Study has been funded by Danone Research. Danone did not interfere with the analysis and interpretation of data. The work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica, SAF 2016-76648-R). Ciberehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos II

    The alternative serotonin transporter promoter P2 impacts gene function in females with irritable bowel syndrome

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    5-HT; IBS; Transportador de serotonina5-HT; IBS; Transportador de serotonina5-HT; IBS; Serotonin transporterIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gut-brain disorder in which symptoms are shaped by serotonin acting centrally and peripherally. The serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4 has been implicated in IBS pathophysiology, but the underlying genetic mechanisms remain unclear. We sequenced the alternative P2 promoter driving intestinal SLC6A4 expression and identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were associated with IBS in a discovery sample. Identified SNPs built different haplotypes, and the tagging SNP rs2020938 seems to associate with constipation-predominant IBS (IBS-C) in females. rs2020938 validation was performed in 1978 additional IBS patients and 6,038 controls from eight countries. Meta-analysis on data from 2,175 IBS patients and 6,128 controls confirmed the association with female IBS-C. Expression analyses revealed that the P2 promoter drives SLC6A4 expression primarily in the small intestine. Gene reporter assays showed a functional impact of SNPs in the P2 region. In silico analysis of the polymorphic promoter indicated differential expression regulation. Further follow-up revealed that the major allele of the tagging SNP rs2020938 correlates with differential SLC6A4 expression in the jejunum and with stool consistency, indicating functional relevance. Our data consolidate rs2020938 as a functional SNP associated with IBS-C risk in females, underlining the relevance of SLC6A4 in IBS pathogenesis

    Unraveling the relationships between ecosystems and human wellbeing in Spain

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    National ecosystem assessments provide evidence on the status and trends of biodiversity, ecosystem conditions, and the delivery of ecosystem services to society. I this study, we analyze the complex relationships established between ecosystems and human systems in Spain through the combination of Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework and structural equation models. Firstly, to operationalize the framework, we selected 53 national scale indicators that provide accurate, long-term information on each of the components. Secondly, structural equation models were performed to understand the relationships among the components of the framework. Trend indicators have shown an overall progressive biodiversity loss, trade-offs between provisioning and cultural services associated with urban areas vs. regulating and cultural services associated with rural areas, a decoupling effect between material and non-material dimensions of human wellbeing, a rapid growing trend of conservation responses in recent years and a constant growing linear trend of direct or indirect drivers of change. Results also show that all the components analyzed in the model are strongly related. On one hand, the model shows that biodiversity erosion negatively affect the supply of regulating services, while it is positively related with the increase of provisioning service delivery. On the other hand, the most important relationship found in the model is the effect of pressures on biodiversity loss, indicating that response options for conserving nature cannot counteract the effect of the drivers of change. These results suggest that there is an insufficient institutional response to address the underlying causes (indirect drivers of change) of biodiversity loos in Spain. We conclude that more structural changes are required in the Spanish institutional framework to reach 2020 biodiversity conservation international targetsThis work was conducted within the framework of the project Millennium Ecosystem assessment of Spain funded by the Biodiversity Foundation (http://www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es/) of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip