6 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes the influence of the level of economic development as well as the level of taxation on insurance activity. To this purpose we reviewed the national and international literature and collected data on international level (for both year 2insurance, premiums, taxation, economic development

    Marginal prices of improvements made to blocks of flats: empirical evidence from Romania

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    This paper examines a specific segment of the housing markets from Central and Eastern European countries, namely the stock of flats in the urban area. With focus on Romania, we emphasize the improvements made by owners and authorities, aimed to enhance the quality of life and the maintenance of old blocks of flats; are highlighted some aspects regarding the cost of these improvements. In addition, the empirical section investigates whether and to what extent the improvements made to the flats and buildings have a significant effect on sale prices and rental prices. The marginal prices of these attributes are provided by hedonic pricing models, estimated in a generalized linear model framework; gamma and log-linear regression models perform in a similar way in terms of fit and prediction accuracy. The physical condition of the building and finishing works inside the flats, as variables of interest in our models, have a significant effect on sale and rental prices, but with different intensity. A common set of significant attributes, in the hedonic models for both sale and rental price, is suggested

    An econometric approach on production, costs and profit in Romanian coal mining enterprises

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    Global economic growth is based on increased consumption of electricity both from renewable resources, such as water and wind and non-renewable resources, such as coal (lignite), natural gas or petroleum. Coal continues to represent an important energy source in the European Union, particularly in Germany, France and Spain, where it accounts for 15% of the primary energy, out of which 80% is used in electricity supply. The coal (lignite) mines from the Oltenia region contribute significantly to generating power in Romania. The study aims to show that an increase in production within the coal (lignite) mining industry can be determined by increasing direct and indirect costs or by increasing variable costs and profit. We also examine the non-linear relation between variable costs and production on the one hand and between profit and production on the other hand. Our results show that there is a concave relationship between variable costs and production, and also a concave relationship between profit and production, which indicate that Romanian coal enterprises have an optimal production level that maximises both variable costs and their profitability. In addition, a robustness check of our results confirms that variable costs and profitability decrease as they move away from their optimal level


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    This paper analyzes the influence of the level of economic development as well as the level of taxation on insurance activity. To this purpose we reviewed the national and international literature and collected data on international level (for both year

    Adjusted Net Savings of CEE and Baltic Nations in the Context of Sustainable Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis

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    The article investigates the contribution of adjusted net savings to sustainable economic growth for 10 Central and Eastern European and Baltic nations, which are former Soviet bloc nations known as transition economies, using panel data analysis for the period 2005–2016. Our results indicated that adjusted net savings impacted on the GDP across the 10 countries analyzed. Nevertheless, national authorities are called on to implement policy changes in these countries to achieve sustainable economic growth and make an efficient transition from a brown economy towards a green economy