263 research outputs found

    Towards a Semantic-based Approach for Modeling Regulatory Documents in Building Industry

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    Regulations in the Building Industry are becoming increasingly complex and involve more than one technical area. They cover products, components and project implementation. They also play an important role to ensure the quality of a building, and to minimize its environmental impact. In this paper, we are particularly interested in the modeling of the regulatory constraints derived from the Technical Guides issued by CSTB and used to validate Technical Assessments. We first describe our approach for modeling regulatory constraints in the SBVR language, and formalizing them in the SPARQL language. Second, we describe how we model the processes of compliance checking described in the CSTB Technical Guides. Third, we show how we implement these processes to assist industrials in drafting Technical Documents in order to acquire a Technical Assessment; a compliance report is automatically generated to explain the compliance or noncompliance of this Technical Documents

    Introductions. Histoire de l'habitat et histoire urbaine

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    Ces quelques pages n'ont d'autre but que de présenter un ensemble d'articles traitant de l'un des champs les plus importants de l'histoire urbaine sociale : l'habitat. Dans une première partie, Olivier Zeller rappelle quels sont les principaux axes méthodologiques et quelles sont les sources à mettre en œuvre. Un intérêt particulier est porté aux archives privées ; de telles sources sont riches d'enseignements quant aux stratégies, mais également au sujet des pratiques socio-économiques et des différentes dimensions prises par les liens de voisinage. Dans une seconde partie, Olivier Faron met en valeur l'intérêt particulier de chacune des communications d'histoire contemporaine qu'il a rassemblées.These few pages are just aiming to present a set of papers dealing with one of the most important stakes of urban social history: housing. In a first part, Olivier Zeller recalls what are the main methodological problems and what kind of files are to be used. A special attention is given to private papers; such files are precious for studying strategies, but also socio-economical practices and the various meanings of neighborhood. In a second part, Olivier Faron emphazises about the interest presented by the contributions he collected, especially for modern period

    A Generic RDF Transformation Software and its Application to an Online Translation Service for Common Languages of Linked Data

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    International audienceIn this article we present a generic template and software solution for developers to support the many cases where we need to transform RDF. It relies on the SPARQL Template Transformation Language (STTL) which enables Semantic Web developers to write specific yet compact RDF transformers toward other languages and formats. We first briefly recall the STTL principles and software features. We then demonstrate the support it provides to programmers by presenting a selection of STTL-based RDF transformers for common languages. The software is available online as a Web service and all the RDF transformers presented in this paper can be tested online

    La ville européenne et ses pouvoirs (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle). Colloque de Lyon, UMR 5599, décembre 2002. Appel à communication

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    Le concept de "gouvernance urbaine" désigne l'ensemble des pouvoirs susceptibles de participer aux décisions engageant la ville dans tous les domaines, qu'il s'agisse de choix politiques, urbanistiques, sociaux ou économiques. Il est d'un usage courant chez les spécialistes de l'urbain pourvu qu'ils soient politistes, économistes ou sociologues . Il a d'ailleurs donné lieu à de conséquentes recherches sur la ville contemporaine . Toutefois, il n'est utilisé qu'incidemment chez les historiens...

    La ville européenne et ses pouvoirs (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle). Colloque de Lyon, UMR 5599, décembre 2002. Appel à communication

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    Le concept de "gouvernance urbaine" désigne l'ensemble des pouvoirs susceptibles de participer aux décisions engageant la ville dans tous les domaines, qu'il s'agisse de choix politiques, urbanistiques, sociaux ou économiques. Il est d'un usage courant chez les spécialistes de l'urbain pourvu qu'ils soient politistes, économistes ou sociologues . Il a d'ailleurs donné lieu à de conséquentes recherches sur la ville contemporaine . Toutefois, il n'est utilisé qu'incidemment chez les historiens...

    KGRAM Versatile Inference and Query Engine for the Web of Linked Data

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    International audienceQuerying and linking distributed and heterogeneous databases is increasingly needed, as plentiful data resources are published over the Web. This work describes the design of a versatile query system named KGRAM that supports (i) multiple query languages among which the SPARQL 1.1 standard, (ii) federation of multiple heterogeneous and distributed data sources, and (iii) adaptability to various data manipulation use cases. KGRAM provides abstractions for both the query language and the data model, thus delivering unifying reasoning mechanisms. It is implemented as a modular software suite to ease architecting and deploying dedicated data manipulation platforms. Its design integrates optimization concerns to deliver high query performance. Both KGRAM's software versatility and performance are evaluated

    The KGRAM Abstract Machine for Knowledge Graph Querying

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    International audience—In this paper we present the KGRAM abstract machine dedicated to querying knowledge graphs. It is the result of an abstraction process we performed to reach a generic solution to the problem of querying graphs in various models. We identified high level abstract primitives that constitute the expressions of the query language and the interfaces of KGRAM for both its data structures and its operations

    Implementation of SPARQL Query Language Based on Graph Homomorphism

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    International audienceThe sparql query language is a W3C candidate recommendation for asking and answering queries against RDF data. It offers capabilities for querying by graph patterns and retrieval of solutions is based on graph pattern matching. This paper is dedicated to the implementation of the sparql query language and its pattern matching mechanism which is reformulated into a graph homomorphism checking constrained by filter evaluation

    Corese : a Corporate Semantic Web Engine

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    International audienceWith the aim of building a Corporate Semantic Web, the content of the documents must be explicitly represented through metadata in order to enable contents-guided search. The Corese engine is dedicated to the querying of corporate semantic webs whose documents are described into RDF annotations. Corese interprets these RDF metadata in the Conceptual Graphs (CG) model in order to exploit the inference capabilities of this formalism. This paper presents our mapping of RDF into CG and its interest in the context of a Corporate Semantic Web

    La machine abstraite KGRAM et son langage GRAAL pour l'interrogation de graphes de connaissances

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    National audienceDans cet article nous présentons la machine abstraite KGRAM et son langage GRAAL pour l'interrogation de graphes de connaissances. KGRAM et GRAAL sont le résultat d'un travail d'abstraction que nous avons mené afin de proposer une solution générique au problème de l'interrogation de graphes de connaissances de différents modèles. Ce faisant, nous avons identifié des primitives abstraites de haut niveau permettant de répondre à ce problème; elles constituent les expressions du langage GRAAL et les interfaces que manipule KGRAM pour ses structures de données et ses opérations de graphes. Nous décrivons la syntaxe abstraite de GRAAL et sa sémantique opérationnelle en Sémantique Naturelle et nous définissons KGRAM comme l'interprète de GRAAL, c'est-à-dire l'implémentation des règles de sémantique naturelle de GRAAL
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