7,829 research outputs found

    Theory of weakly nonlinear self sustained detonations

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    We propose a theory of weakly nonlinear multi-dimensional self sustained detonations based on asymptotic analysis of the reactive compressible Navier-Stokes equations. We show that these equations can be reduced to a model consisting of a forced, unsteady, small disturbance, transonic equation and a rate equation for the heat release. In one spatial dimension, the model simplifies to a forced Burgers equation. Through analysis, numerical calculations and comparison with the reactive Euler equations, the model is demonstrated to capture such essential dynamical characteristics of detonations as the steady-state structure, the linear stability spectrum, the period-doubling sequence of bifurcations and chaos in one-dimensional detonations and cellular structures in multi- dimensional detonations

    Caracterização morfológica, agronômica e fenológica de arroz-vermelho coletados nos Estados da Paraíba e Ceará.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é informar à comunidade científica em geral especialmente aos melhoristas, os resultados da avaliação morfológica, agronômica e fenológica de acessos de arroz-vermelho e de cariopse branca, coletados naqueles estados

    Laser-induced nonsequential double ionization at and above the recollision-excitation-tunneling threshold

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the recollision-excitation-tunneling (RESI) mechanism in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization (NSDI), in which the first electron, upon return, promotes a second electron to an excited state, from which it subsequently tunnels, based on the strong-field approximation. We show that the shapes of the electron momentum distributions carry information about the bound-state with which the first electron collides, the bound state to which the second electron is excited, and the type of electron-electron interaction. Furthermore, one may define a driving-field intensity threshold for the RESI physical mechanism. At the threshold, the kinetic energy of the first electron, upon return, is just sufficient to excite the second electron. We compute the distributions for helium and argon in the threshold and above-threshold intensity regime. In the latter case, we relate our findings to existing experiments. The electron-momentum distributions encountered are symmetric with respect to all quadrants of the plane spanned by the momentum components parallel to the laser-field polarization, instead of concentrating on only the second and fourth quadrants.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Control of state and state entanglement with a single auxiliary subsystem

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    We present a strategy to control the evolution of a quantum system. The novel aspect of this protocol is the use of a \emph{single auxiliary subsystem}. Two applications are given, one which allows for state preservation and another which controls the degree of entanglement of a given initial state