206 research outputs found

    Erinea in the 'Ansonica' grapevine cultivar: trichome complement, histological effects and analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence in affected leaves

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    Grapevine leaves are usually characterized by trichomes, specialized epidermal cells. They are interesting in ampelography and also important for the plant ecological responses in biotic and abiotic interactions. In nature, the trichome development is a genetic trait but it can be modified by pests as eriophyid mites. Colomerus vitis is quite common and its economic value is sometime substantial. Here, we studied the leaf erineum induced by C. vitis on 'Ansonica' ('Inzolia'), an important grapevine cultivar characterized by a low level of leaf trichome coating. To date, the interaction between C. vitis and grape has been investigated in few pedo-climatic conditions and no data are reported in 'Ansonica'. Therefore, our objectives were: (1) the analysis, in a Tuscan environment, of the morphology and histology of trichomes in 'Ansonica' leaves unaffected or affected by C. vitis; (2) evaluation, in mature leaves, of the effects of the mite both on pigment content and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters. 'Ansonica' was devoid of glandular trichomes but it has been established the presence of few simple trichomes strictly associated with the veins. In the erineal sectors, a dense proliferation of simple trichomes in the abaxial epidermis and the development of hyperplasia in the adaxial surface were observed. Moreover, the leaf sections in the erineal regions were thicker due to an abnormal development of the lacunar parenchyma, and trichome proliferation was also extended to interveinal regions. Leaves with erinea showed a deficient content of carotenoids, in comparison to unaffected leaves. In 'Ansonica' leaves, C. vitis induced a decrease in the steady-state operational efficiency of photosystem II associated to a reduction in photochemical quenching and an increase in non-photochemical quenching values. In leaves with erinea, the reduction of photosystem II efficiency was extended to foliar areas not directly affected by galls. The collected results highlight that 'Ansonica' is susceptible to attacks by C. vitis and in the case of widespread leaf attacks the productive damage should not be underestimated

    Molecular analysis of a sunflower gene encoding an homologous of the B subunit of a CAAT binding factor

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    A genomic DNA fragment containing the complete LEAFY COTYLEDON1-LIKE (HaL1L) gene was retrieved by chromosome walking. Its sequence was confirmed and elongated by screening a sunflower genomic DNA BAC Library. HaL1L, whose cDNA had already been sequenced and characterized, encodes a NF-YB subunit of a CCAAT box-binding factor (NF-Y) involved in the early stages of zygotic and somatic embryogenesis in the Helianthus genus. In the HaL1L 50-flanking region, elements specific to a putative TATA-box promoter and two ‘‘CG isles’’ were identified. An investigation of the methylation status of these CG rich DNA regions showed that differentially methylated cytosines were recognizable in the DNA of embryos on the fifth day after pollination in comparison to leaf DNA suggesting that during plant development epigenetic regulation of HaL1L transcription was achieved by methylating cytosine residues. We also searched the HaL1L nucleotide sequence for cis-regulatory elements able to interact with other transcription factors (TFs) involved in the HaL1L regulation. Of the elements identified, one of the most intriguing is WUSATA, the target sequence for the WUSCHEL (WUS) TF, which may be part of a complex regulation network controlling embryo development. In this article, we show that the WUSATA target site, located in the intron of HaL1L, is able to bind the TF WUS. Interestingly, we found auxin and abscisic acid responsive motifs in the HaL1L promoter region suggesting that this gene may additionally by under hormonal control. Finally, the presence of a cytoplasmic polyadenylation signal downstream to the coding region indicates that this gene may also be controlled at the translation level by a temporarily making the pre-synthesized HaL1L mRNA unavailable for protein synthesis

    Ligulate inflorescence of Helianthus x multiflorus, cv. Soleild’Or, correlates with a mis-regulation of a CYCLOIDEA gene characterised by insertion of a transposable element

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    Members of CYCLOIDEA (CYC)/TEOSINTE BRANCHED1 (TB1) transcription factor family are essential to control flower symmetry and inflorescence architecture. In the Helianthus annuus genome, ten CYC/TB1 genes have been identified. Studies performed on mutants recognised HaCYC2c as one of the key players controlling zygomorphism in sunflower. We identified CYC2c genes in the diploid Helianthus decapetalus (HdCYC2c) and in the interspecific hybrid Helianthus × multiflorus (H × mCYC2cA and H × mCYC2cB), a triploid (2n = 3× = 51), originated from unreduced eggs of H. decapetalus fertilised by reduced H. annuus male gametes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that HdCYC2c and H × mCYC2c were placed within a CYC2 subclade together with HaCYC2c but distinct from it. The present data showed that in H. × multiflorus the allele derived from H. annuus is deleted or highly modified.\ud The H. × multiflorus taxon exists as radiate and ligulate inflorescence types. We analysed CYC2c expression in H. decapetalus and in the cultivar ‘Soleil d'Or’ of H. × multiflorus, a ligulate inflorescence type with actinomorphic corolla of disk flowers transformed into a zygomorphic ray‐like corolla. In H. decapetalus, the HdCYC2c gene showed differential expression between developing flower types, being up‐regulated in the corolla of ray flowers in comparison to the disk flower corolla. In H. × multiflorus, an insertion of 865 bp, which is part of a CACTA transposable element, was found in the 5′‐untranslated region (5′‐UTR) of H × mCYC2cB. This insertion could promote, even with epigenetic mechanisms, ectopic expression of the gene throughout the inflorescence, resulting in the observed loss of actinomorphy and originating a ligulate head

    Luteinizing Hormone/Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Receptor Immunohistochemical Score Associated with Poor Prognosis in Endometrial Cancer Patients.

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    The aim of this study was to develop a scoring system of the immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCG-R) in endometrial cancer (EC) patients. Nonconsecutive hysterectomy specimens containing EC collected from April 2013 to October 2015 were selected. Hematoxylin-eosin stained sections from each case were reviewed and representative sections from each tumor were selected. IHC staining was performed for the detection of LHCG-R. The percentage of stained cells and the staining intensity were assessed in order to develop an immunohistochemical score. Moreover, we examined the correlation of the score with grading and lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between grading and IHC scoring (p=0.01) and a statistically significant positive correlation between LVSI and IHC score (p<0.01). In conclusion, we suggest that the immunohistochemical score presented here could be used as a marker of bad prognosis of EC patients. Nevertheless, further studies are needed in order to validate it. The study was registered in the Careggi Hospital public trials registry with the following number: 2013/0011391

    Cardiometabolic risk is unraveled by color Doppler ultrasound of the clitoral and uterine arteries in women consulting for sexual symptoms

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    Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) may be a mirror of a poor cardiometabolic state. In a small pilot study enrolling 71 women with FSD, we previously demonstrated that clitoral Pulsatility Index (PI) evaluated by using color Doppler ultrasound (CDU), reflecting vascular resistance, was associated with cardiometabolic risk factors. Data on uterine CDU in this context are lacking. First, to confirm previously reported data on the direct association between clitoral PI and cardiometabolic risk factors on a larger study population of women consulting for sexual symptoms; second, to investigate eventual similar correlations between cardiometabolic risk factors and CDU parameters of the uterine artery. We also ascertained whether uterine artery PI, similarly to what had previously been observed for clitoral artery PI, was directly related to body image uneasiness and psychopathological symptoms, assessed by validated questionnaires. N = 230 women consulting our clinic for sexual symptoms were examined with clitoral CDU and blood sampling and were asked to fill out the Female Sexual Function Index, the Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire (MHQ) and the Body Uneasiness Test (BUT). In a subgroup of women (n = 164), we also performed transvaginal CDU with measurement of uterine artery parameters. At multivariate analysis, we found a direct association between clitoral PI and body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.004), waist circumference (WC) (p = 0.004), triglycerides (p = 0.006), insulin (p = 0.029) and HOMA-IR (p = 0.009). Furthermore, a correlation between obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and a higher clitoral PI was observed (p = 0.003 and p = 0.012, respectively). Clitoral PI was also correlated with MHQ-S (p = 0.010), a scale exploring somatized anxiety symptoms, and BUT-B Positive Symptom Distress Index (p = 0.010), a measure of body image concerns. Similarly, when investigating the uterine artery, we were able to demonstrate an association between its PI and BMI (p < 0.0001), WC (p = 0.001), insulin (p = 0.006), glycated haemoglobin (p =  < 0.0001), and HOMA-IR (p = 0.009). Women diagnosed with obesity and MetS showed significantly higher uterine PI values vs. those without obesity or MetS (p = 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively). Finally, uterine PI was associated with BUT-A Global Severity Index (p < 0.0001) and with several other BUT-A subdomains. Vascular resistance of clitoral and uterine arteries is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors and body image concerns in women consulting for sexual symptoms. If further confirmed in different populations, our data could suggest CDU, a common examination method, as a useful tool for an identification—and possible correction—of cardiometabolic risk factors