7,279 research outputs found
Instanton theory for bosons in disordered speckle potential
We study the tail of the spectrum for non-interacting bosons in a
blue-detuned random speckle potential. Using an instanton approach we derive
the asymptotic behavior of the density of states in d dimensions. The leading
corrections resulting from fluctuations around the saddle point solution are
obtained by means of the Gel'fand-Yaglom method generalized to functional
determinants with zero modes. We find a good agreement with the results of
numerical simulations in one dimension. The effect of weak repulsive
interactions in the Lifshitz tail is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, revtex
Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate Governance And Systemic Risk: Some Research Perspectives
The general goal of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) processes is to
generate economic value through the coverage of firm business risk, on
the one hand, and by exploiting the positive side of uncertainty
conditions, on the other hand.
The increasing attention attributed to ERM in the creation of
economic value has led to even greater interactions between risk
management mechanisms and the corporate governance system.
In other words, in the last two decades, the relationships between
corporate governance and ERM increased since the ERM processes have
been considered more and more as critical drivers to combine strategic
objectives with relative low volatility of company performance. The basic
idea is that a good corporate governance system must deal about specific
risks along with their interactions and, at the same time, the firm’s
business risk as a whole. Moreover, an efficient and effective ERM
system provides clear information about linkages between strategic
opportunities and risk exposure and offers tools able to manage in an
optimal way the negative side of business risk (or downside risk) as wellas its positive side (or upside risk).
Accordingly, extant studies concerning the relationships between
ERM and corporate governance have been focusing on a micro-level of
analyses (i.e., the individual organization) and, specifically, on a firm’s
benefits that stem from the adoption of proper ERM processes that are
consistent with corporate governance goals and are able to sustain the
increase of economic value while maintaining a bearable business risk
over time.
From our initial analyses, a gap in literature arises. We argue that
the interdependence between ERM and corporate governance may be
analyzed from a broader point of view as well (i.e., the firm and its task
environment composed by its suppliers, customers, and partners). In
particular, our research idea is to enlarge traditional studies about
interrelations between corporate governance and ERM taking into
account whether such interrelations could be a driver of risk transfer
from the focal organization to other organizations that belong to its task
environment. Moreover, this study aims to deepen the mechanisms by
which the transfer of risk from a focal organization to its task
environment may foster the emergence of systemic risk, i.e., a macro risk
coming from domino and/or network effects.
Therefore, our paper aims to find new research areas by combining
micro and macro issues tied to corporate governance, ERM and systemic
The starting point of our work is the three following assumptions:
1) The compliance of a firm to ERM processes as well as to corporate
governance rules implies the reduction as much as possible of firm
business risk;
2) The reduction of the firm business risk leads to externalizing the
firm business risk through risk-sharing mechanisms;
3) The risk-sharing may arise like a driver of systemic risk
especially in those industries featured by strong network interrelations.
Starting from the above assumptions, the paper goal is to open a
new research area which combines four academic fields (ERM, corporate
governance, corporate finance, and macro-finance). So far, our initial
findings tell us that the following research questions arise:
RQ1: What are the conditions under which the transfer of business
risk towards organizations that belong to a firm task environment is
likely to become a source of systemic risk in a specific industry?
RQ2: How does the capital structure of a focal firm affect its
propensity to transfer business risk not only to commercial but also to
financial stakeholders included in firm task environment?
RQ3: How does the transfer of business risk influence the capital
cost of the focal firm as well as of the organizations that absorbed such
Positive or negative voting premium: what happened to private benefits in Italy?
A large body of research deals with voting premium as a proxy of private benefit of control. Almost all of them find positive voting premium, in particular in Italy. Therefore appears interesting to ask what is the current status of private benefits of control in Italy in the last decade (2007-2017). Surprisingly, we show three major findings: i) reduction of non-voting share in the Italian scenario; ii) prevalence of negative voting rights premium more than positive ones, thus conflicting with the assumption and the observations by other researchers; iii) limits of the voting premium method. Our aim is that this study, despite its limitations, may encourage further researches focused on the analysis of the improvement and the change in the Italian corporate governance. The article points out that interesting evidence already exists, although still much remains to do in the future
Wave function correlations and the AC conductivity of disordered wires beyond the Mott-Berezinskii law
In one-dimensional disordered wires electronic states are localized at any
energy. Correlations of the states at close positive energies and the AC
conductivity in the limit of small frequency are described by
the Mott-Berezinskii theory. We revisit the instanton approach to the
statistics of wave functions and AC transport valid in the tails of the
spectrum (large negative energies). Applying our recent results on functional
determinants, we calculate exactly the integral over gaussian fluctuations
around the exact two-instanton saddle point. We derive correlators of wave
functions at different energies beyond the leading order in the energy
difference. This allows us to calculate corrections to the Mott-Berezinskii law
(the leading small frequency asymptotic behavior of ) which
approximate the exact result in a broad range of . We compare our
results with the ones obtained for positive energies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Why does the Jeans Swindle work?
When measuring the mass profile of any given cosmological structure through
internal kinematics, the distant background density is always ignored. This
trick is often refereed to as the "Jeans Swindle". Without this trick a
divergent term from the background density renders the mass profile undefined,
however, this trick has no formal justification. We show that when one includes
the expansion of the Universe in the Jeans equation, a term appears which
exactly cancels the divergent term from the background. We thereby establish a
formal justification for using the Jeans Swindle.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter
Atom-molecule theory of broad Feshbach resonances
We derive the atom-molecule theory for an atomic gas near a broad Feshbach
resonance, where the energy dependence of the atom-molecule coupling becomes
crucial for understanding experimental results. We show how our many-body
theory incorporates the two-atom physics exactly. In particular, we calculate
the magnetic moment of a two-component gas of ^{6}Li atoms for a wide range of
magnetic fields near the broad Feshbach resonance at about 834 Gauss. We find
excellent agreement with the experiment of Jochim et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,
240402 (2003)].Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Crossover temperature of Bose-Einstein condensation in an atomic Fermi gas
We show that in an atomic Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance the crossover
between a Bose-Einstein condensate of diatomic molecules and a Bose-Einstein
condensate of Cooper pairs occurs at positive detuning, i.e., when the
molecular energy level lies in the two-atom continuum. We determine the
crossover temperature as a function of the applied magnetic field and find
excellent agreement with the experiment of Regal et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92,
040403 (2004)] that has recently observed this crossover temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Components Qualification for a Possible use in the Mu2e Calorimeter Waveform Digitizers
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab searches for the charged flavor violating
conversion of a muon into an electron in the Coulomb field of a nucleus. The
detector consists of a straw tube tracker and a CSI crystal electromagnetic
calorimeter, both housed in a superconducting solenoid. Both the front-end and
the digital electronics, located inside the cryostat, will be operated in
vacuum under a 1 T magnetic field, having to sustain the high flux of neutrons
and ionizing particles coming from the muons stopping target. These harsh
experimental conditions make the design of the calorimeter waveform digitizer
quite challenging. All the selected commercial devices must be tested
individually and qualified for radiation hardness and operation in high
magnetic field. At the moment the expected particles flux and spectra at the
digitizers location are not completely simulated and we are using initial rough
estimates to select the components for the first prototype. We are gaining
experience in the qualification procedures using the selected components but
the choice will be frozen only when dose and neutron flux simulations will be
completed. The experimental results of the first qualification campaign are
presented.Comment: TWEPP 2016 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics,
26-30 September 2016, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT
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