47 research outputs found

    Geração de modelo numérico de terreno como subsídio à planificação da vitivinicultura na Serra Gaúcha.

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    O Rio Grande do Sul é o principal estado vitivinícola brasileiro, onde a Serra Gaúcha é responsável por mais de 90% das uvas processadas pela agroindústria do país. Tradicionalmente cultivados pelos imigrantes italianos, os vinhedos de Vitis vinifera L. da Região recobrem extensas vertentes, principalmente da margem esquerda do Rio das Antas, em exposições e altitudes variáveis. Estimulada pela demanda de regionalização da produção para o desenvolvimento de indicações geográficas, uma equipe de pesquisadores da Embrapa e da Universidade de Caxias do Sul constituiu um projeto de pesquisa para identificar, caracterizar e mapear as zonas vitivinícolas. Este trabalho ilustra uma das etapas do projeto, onde técnicas de geoprocessamento auxiliaram no diagnóstico do meio físico regional. A partir da geração de um Modelo Numérico de Terreno (MNT), foram produzidos por fatiamentos e reclassificações digitais os mapas referentes à hipsometria, declividades, exposições das vertentes, visualizações tridimensionais e imagens sintéticas sombreadas, além da edição da rede hidrográfica e da malha viária. Os dados georreferenciados cobrem cerca de 18.000 km2, constituindo um novo subsídio técnico à planificação e manejo da vitivinicultura regional

    Geodiversidade e viticultura: identidade regional e terroir vitivinícola no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

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    O Rio Grande do Sul(RS) tem uma geodiversidade que induzà formação de solos e terrenos, incluindo os fatores naturais e culturais que implicam respostas agronômicas diferentes pela videira. Estas características valorizam a produção de vinhos com qualidades únicas, que podem definir diferentes terroirs.Resumo

    Indications géographiques des vins du Brésil: structuration et valorisation de la oroduction dans les territoires du vin.

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    Brazil has a vast land area, which includes a diversity of areas potentially suitable for wine production. However, until the 1970s, asingle wine region (Serra Gaúcha, in Rio Grande do Sul) accounted for almost all Brazilian wine production. Since then and up to thepresent day, vine cultivation has expanded. Currently, the map of Brazilian wine regions is more complex, with at least eight productioncentres. There are also a large number of wine-growing companies spread over many municipalities in the country, which are importantbecause they may be the embryo of new wine-growing regions. The transformations that have taken place in the production regionshave also extended to wines. There are currently around 1 200 wineries in the country, in at least fourteen states of the federation,which produce mainly still wines (red, white and rosé) and sparkling wines (traditional and muscat). This article underlines the essenceof Brazilian fine wine production by region, considering the cultivated varieties and the characteristics of the main types and styles ofwine produced in each of thems

    O regulamento de uso da denominação de origem Vale dos Vinhedos: vinhos finos tranquilos e espumantes.

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    O Regulamento de Uso da Denominação de Origem Vale dos Vinhedos: Vinhos Finos. Tranquilos e Espumantes. A Denominação de Origem Vale dos Vinhedos. O Regulamento de Uso da Denominação de Origem Vale dos Vinhedos. A Operacionalização do Regulamento de Uso da Denominação de Origem Vale dos Vinhedos.bitstream/item/94689/1/doc084.pd

    Innovation, competitiveness and sustainability factors for evaluation and prospection of geographical indications in Brazil

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    The paper systematizes critical factors for the development of Geographical Indications, allowing to identify potentials of intervention in order to support GIs' structuring and consolidation, to prospect new ones and to compare GIs from different regions or products. Despite the importance of the GIs, there is a relative consensus among experts that its success is related to factors ranging from actor engagement and governance to institutional support and public policy. Twenty critical factors were selected, classified into five dimensions: environmental, economic, social, political-institutional and territorial. The factors were evaluated and validated by ten experts regarding their pertinence and relation with sustainability, innovation and competitiveness. The evaluation of the experts validated the 20 factors, considering more significant those linked to the territorial and political-institutional dimensions. Environmental factors were considered important but not essential; however, the process of consolidation of GIs has the potential to improve performance in this direction. Also, the evaluation allowed to relate the main factors in terms of innovation, competitiveness and sustainability for GIs' structuring and management. The application of the scale allows assessing different regions, indicating opportunities and barriers for their development

    Caracterização da viticultura no município de Farroupilha (RS) - Brasil.

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    XV Congresso Latino-Americano de Viticultura e Enologia E XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Viticultura e Enologia. Bento Gonçalves-RS, 3 a 7 de Novembro de 2015

    The geology in the context of geographical indications of fine wines in Serra Gaúcha region (Brazil).

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    In Brazil, studies of zoning in wine have contributed to the development of geographical indications. As for the geographical identity, the geology of the criteria has been a subject of research. The region of the Serra Gaúcha, located in northeastem Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has a geodiversity that induce the formation of soils and terrain, comprising natural and cultural factors that imply different responses of agronomic vine. These features value the production of wines with unique qualities, which can define different terroirs. The region is at the limit of the geomorphologic units Serra Geral and Planalto dos Campos Gerais, generated from the rocks of the Serra Geral Formation. ln the Pinto Bandeira geographical indication for fine wines occurs in the most of area, the Caxias Facies of Serra Geral Formation, which is composed of intermediate to acid rocks (rhyodacite), originated 131 million years ago during a vo1canic fissural event of continental extension. The rocks are grayish mesocratic and show fine granular to microphaneritic texture. The area cultivated with vineyards in the Pinto Bandeira geographical indication is located on higher altitudes and lower slopes terrains, on the tops of the plateaus, occupied by rocks of Caxias Facies. Soils formed on parent material of the Caxias Facies are a set of argisoils, cambisoils and nitosoils. To integrate the information was prepared a base map in O1S for zoning studies and also to spatializing different descriptors of natural factors. To construct the geological sketch, photo-interpretation techniques were employed high-resolution aerial photos associated with field work. The digital image processing was used to construct the digital elevation model from high resolution orbital data and its derivatives such as altimetry, slope and exposure, as well as the geological structures and land forms

    The geology in the context of geographical indications of fine wines in Serra Gaúcha region (Brazil).

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    geographical identity, the geology of the criteria has been a subject of research. The region of the Serra Gaúcha, located in northeastern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has a geodiversity that induce the formation of soils and terrain, comprising natural and cultural factors that imply different responses of agronomic vine. These features value the production of wines with unique qualities, which can define different terroirs. The region is at the limit of the geomorphologic units Serra Geral and Planalto dos Campos Gerais, generated from the rocks of the Serra Geral Formation. In the Pinto Bandeira geographical indication for fine wines occurs in the most of area, the Caxias Facies of Serra Geral Formation, which is composed of intermediate to acid rocks (rhyodacite), originated 131 million years ago during a volcanic fissural event of continental extension. The rocks are grayish mesocratic and show fine granular to microphaneritic texture. The area cultivated with vineyards in the Pinto Bandeira geographical indication is located on higher altitudes and lower slopes terrains, on the tops of the plateaus, occupied by rocks of Caxias Facies. Soils formed on parent material of the Caxias Facies are a set of argisoils, cambisoils and nitosoils. To integrate the information was prepared a base map in GIS for zoning studies and also to spatializing different descriptors of natural factors. To construct the geological sketch, photo-interpretation techniques were employed high-resolution aerial photos associated with field work. The digital image processing was used to construct the digital elevation model from high resolution orbital data and its derivatives such as altimetry, slope and exposure, as well as the geological structures and land forms

    Geologia: um critério do meio físico para estabelecimento de indicações geográficas de vinhos finos na Serra Gaúcha, RS, Brasil.

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    O desenvolvimento da vitivinicultura no Brasil tem sido associado a pesquisas lideradas pela Embrapa Uva e Vinho e seus parceiros, a fim de desenvolver indicações geográficas (IG), a primeira delas sendo Vale dos Vinhedos. Este ativo de propriedade intelectual segue requisitos legais e técnicos, incluindo identidade geográfica.Resumo

    Integração de dados em SIG - geológicos e sensoriamento remoto na caracterização da IG Farroupilha para vinhos de qualidade, RS, Brasil.

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    Este trabalho visou elaborar uma base geológica da IG Farroupilha, a fim de contribuir com a delimitação da mesma, integrando e processando os dados num sistema de informações geográficas