5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intensitas Penyinaran Terhadap Produksi Malai, Bunga Dan Buah Rambutan (Nephelium Lappaceum)

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    Pengaruh iklim terhadap pertumbuhan dan berbuahnya tanaman tahunan, khususnyabuah-buahan lebih besar da ripa da terhadap tanaman semiisim.Untuk menanam tanaman semusim, orang dapat memilih waktu dan tempat yang iklimnya sesuai dengan persyaratan hidup tanaman yang hanya hidup selama beberapa bulan saja.Tanaman tahunan hams dapat mengatasi segala Perubahan suhu, curah hujan, air tanah, teriknya sinar matahari dan sebagainya, yang disebabkan Perubahan cuaca yang terjadi sepanjang tahun (Satiadiredja 1969).Diantara faktor-faktor iklim, penyinaran matahari sangat menentukan produksi suatu jenis tanaman. Banyak tanaman pertanian memerlukan intensitas penyinaran matahari yang cukup-banyak.Tetapi banyak juga yang memerlukan intensitas penyinaran rendah, misalnya vanili dan kopi, sehingga pada penanaman tanaman semacam ini perlu adanya tanaman peneduh

    Tanaman Berperawakan Sedang Dan Tinggi Di Pekarangan Teluknaga, Citeureup Dan Pacet

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    S. ATMOWIDJOJO & Z. FACHRUROZI. 1985. Plants with medium and tall statures in the kitchen gardens in Teluknaga, Citeureup and Pacet. Berita Biologi 3(2): 37 - 48. Analyses on plants of kitchen gardens showed the presence of 25 species of middle-stratum and 23 species of higher stratum in three studied localities. For the middle-stratum, only 28% were found in common, while the higher stratum 21.73%. Bananas were the most common middle-stratum found in 3 localities, coconut and mango tiees were the most common in Teluknaga, and rarnbutans in Citeureup. Fertilizers were used only at the most 25%, but for clove and citrus trees in Citeureup and Pacet by more than 50% growers. Most of the fertilizer used was manure, but for higher stratum plants in Teluknaga synthetic fertilizers were used more. Pest management was not commonly practiced. If done, synthetic insecticides were generally used

    Pengaruh Atonik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tunas Pada Turus Akar Sukun (Artocarpus Altilis (Parkins.) Fosb.)

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    Z. FACHRUROZI & R. HARAHAP 1985. The effect of atonic solutions on the growth of bread fruit (Artocarpus altilis (Park) Fosbere). Berita Biologi 3 (1)12-15, -A study on the application of atonic solution as the stimulating agent on the growth of bread fruit suckers indicated that the solution containing of 250 ppm and 500 ppm respectively are significantly increased the numbers as well as speeded up the growth of the 15 cm length suckers. The possibility to use these solutions on the suckers less than 15 cm length is discussed


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    Z. FACHRUROZI & R. HARAHAP 1985. The effect of atonic solutions on the growth of bread fruit (Artocarpus altilis (Park) Fosbere). Berita Biologi 3 (1)12-15, -A study on the application of atonic solution as the stimulating agent on the growth of bread fruit suckers indicated that the solution containing of 250 ppm and 500 ppm respectively are significantly increased the numbers as well as speeded up the growth of the 15 cm length suckers. The possibility to use these solutions on the suckers less than 15 cm length is discussed


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    S. ATMOWIDJOJO & Z. FACHRUROZI. 1985. Plants with medium and tall statures in the kitchen gardens in Teluknaga, Citeureup and Pacet. Berita Biologi 3(2): 37 - 48. Analyses on plants of kitchen gardens showed the presence of 25 species of middle-stratum and 23 species of higher stratum in three studied localities. For the middle-stratum, only 28% were found in common, while the higher stratum 21.73%. Bananas were the most common middle-stratum found in 3 localities, coconut and mango tiees were the most common in Teluknaga, and rarnbutans in Citeureup. Fertilizers were used only at the most 25%, but for clove and citrus trees in Citeureup and Pacet by more than 50% growers. Most of the fertilizer used was manure, but for higher stratum plants in Teluknaga synthetic fertilizers were used more. Pest management was not commonly practiced. If done, synthetic insecticides were generally used