632 research outputs found

    Metode Keperawatan Komplementer Hipnoterapi Untuk Menurunkan Efek Stress Pasca Trauma Tingkat Sedang Pada Fase Rehabilitasi Sistem Penanggulangan Kegawatdaruratan Terpadu (Spgdt)

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    METODE KEPERAWATAN KOMPLEMENTER HIPNOTERAPI UNTUK MENURUNKAN EFEK STRESS PASCA TRAUMA TINGKAT SEDANG PADA FASE REHABILITASI SISTEM PENANGGULANGAN KEGAWATDARURATAN TERPADU (SPGDT)Hypnotherapy complementary nursing method can reduce the effects of moderate levels of post traumatic stress in a rehabilitation phase of integrated emergency management systemRani Rakhmawati(1) , Kuswantoro Rusca Putra(2) , Fa Rizki Bayu Perdana(3), Hardiyanto(4)(1)Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang(2)Jurusan Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya Malang(3,4)Pascasarjana Jurusan Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya Malangemail : 1)[email protected] di Indonesia mempunyai prevalensi yang cukup tinggi. Efek yang ditimbulkan dari bencana diantaranya stress pasca trauma yang merupakan gangguan psikologi dari korban bencana. Sebagai tenaga kesehatan terutama dalam hal ini adalah perawat mempunyai peranan penting dalam Sistem Penanggulangan Kegawatdaruratan Terpadu (SPGDT), Tujuan dari penulisan karya ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi apakah metode hipnoterapi bisa menurunkan efek stress pasca trauma tingkat sedang. Metode penulisan karya tulis ini adalah dengan deskriptif dan metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode studi pustaka melalui literatur yang relevan. Sedangkan metode analisis data dan pemecahan masalah menggunakan metode eksposisi dan analitik serta rumusan masalah kami dapatkan dengan diskusi kelompok berlandaskan literatur yang relevan dengan topik karya tulis. Hipnoterapi ini menitikberatkan pada pemberian sugesti-sugesti positif pada klien yang akan menimbulkan perilaku mekanisme koping konstruktif pada klien. Kesimpulan dari karya tulis ini adalah metode keperawatan komplementer dengan hipnoterapi sangat efektif untuk menurunkan stress tingkat sedang pada stress pasca trauma. Disarankan untuk dilakukan pengkajian lebih lanjut terkait faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi hasil terapi pada hipnoterapi ini.Kata kunci: Metode Keperawatan komplementer, Hipnoterapi , Efek stress pasca traumaABSTRACTDisaster in Indonesia has a high prevalence. The effects of the disaster such as post traumatic stress disorder which is the psychology of disaster victims. As health professionals, especially in this case the nurse has an important role in Sistem Penanggulangan Kegawatdaruratan Terpadu (SPGDT). The purpose of this paper is to identify whether the method of hypnotherapy can reduce the effects of moderate levels of post traumatic stress. The writing method of this paper is descriptive and data collection method is using literature through the relevant literature. While the data analysis and problem solving is using exposition and analytical method and formulation of the problem we get from a group of discussion based on the relevant literature to the topic of paper. Hypnotherapy is focused on providing positive suggestions in client that will lead to constructive behavior on the client's coping mechanisms. The conclusion of this paper is hypnotherapy as complementary nursing was very effective for moderate stage of post traumatic stress disorder. It is recommended to do further study related to other factors that influence the outcome of hypnotherapy

    Investigating socio-economic-demographic determinants of tobacco use in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To investigate the socio-economic and demographic determinants of tobacco use in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross sectional survey of households (population based) with 2018 respondent (1038 Rural; 980 Urban) was carried out in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) and included males and females 18–65 years of age. Main outcome measure was self reported daily tobacco use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall 16.5% of the study population (33% men and 4.7% women) used tobacco on a daily basis. Modes of tobacco use included cigarette smoking (68.5%), oral tobacco(13.5%), hukka (12%) and cigarette smoking plus oral tobacco (6%). Among those not using tobacco products, 56% were exposed to Environmental tobacco smoke.</p> <p>The adjusted odds ratio of tobacco use for rural residence compared to urban residence was 1.49 (95% CI 1.1 2.0, p value 0.01) and being male as compared to female 12.6 (8.8 18.0, p value 0.001). Illiteracy was significantly associated with tobacco use. Population attributable percentage of tobacco use increases steadily as the gap between no formal Education and level of education widens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There was a positive association between tobacco use and rural area of residence, male gender and low education levels. Low education could be a proxy for low awareness and consumer information on tobacco products. As Public health practitioners we should inform the general public especially the illiterate about the adverse health consequences of tobacco use. Counter advertisement for tobacco use, through mass media particularly radio and television, emphasizing the harmful effects of tobacco on human health is very much needed.</p

    Early changes within the lymphocyte population are associated with the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in trauma patients

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    2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.JM was funded, in part, by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, The Phillip King Charitable Trust Research Fellowship and The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)

    Increased Serum and Musculotendinous Fibrogenic Proteins following Persistent Low-Grade Inflammation in a Rat Model of Long-Term Upper Extremity Overuse.

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    We examined the relationship between grip strength declines and muscle-tendon responses induced by long-term performance of a high-repetition, low-force (HRLF) reaching task in rats. We hypothesized that grip strength declines would correlate with inflammation, fibrosis and degradation in flexor digitorum muscles and tendons. Grip strength declined after training, and further in weeks 18 and 24, in reach limbs of HRLF rats. Flexor digitorum tissues of reach limbs showed low-grade increases in inflammatory cytokines: IL-1β after training and in week 18, IL-1α in week 18, TNF-α and IL-6 after training and in week 24, and IL-10 in week 24, with greater increases in tendons than muscles. Similar cytokine increases were detected in serum with HRLF: IL-1α and IL-10 in week 18, and TNF-α and IL-6 in week 24. Grip strength correlated inversely with IL-6 in muscles, tendons and serum, and TNF-α in muscles and serum. Four fibrogenic proteins, TGFB1, CTGF, PDGFab and PDGFbb, and hydroxyproline, a marker of collagen synthesis, increased in serum in HRLF weeks 18 or 24, concomitant with epitendon thickening, increased muscle and tendon TGFB1 and CTGF. A collagenolytic gelatinase, MMP2, increased by week 18 in serum, tendons and muscles of HRLF rats. Grip strength correlated inversely with TGFB1 in muscles, tendons and serum; with CTGF-immunoreactive fibroblasts in tendons; and with MMP2 in tendons and serum. Thus, motor declines correlated with low-grade systemic and musculotendinous inflammation throughout task performance, and increased fibrogenic and degradative proteins with prolonged task performance. Serum TNF-α, IL-6, TGFB1, CTGF and MMP2 may serve as serum biomarkers of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, although further studies in humans are needed
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