10 research outputs found

    Fractal structures in systems made of small magnetic particles

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    We have found that in a system consisting of small magnetic particles a phenomenon related to the formation of fractal structures may arise. The fractal features may arise not only in the distribution of magnetic moments but also in their energy spectrum. The magnetization and the susceptibility of the system also display fractal characteristics. The multiple structures are associated with exponentially many locally stable minima in a highly complex energy landscape. The signature of these fractal structures can be experimentally detected by various methods

    Coherence of the lattice polarization in large-polaron motion

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    Main problems of the large polaron theory are considered. We demonstrate that the problem of searching the ground stationary state of a system of coupled fields with translation-invariant Hamiltonian can have a solution of the form f(r−vt), v→0, i.e., the solution with the spontaneously broken translational symmetry. Such a state can be a ground state of a large polaron in case of strong electron-phonon coupling when the spontaneous break of the translational symmetry results from the phonon vacuum deformation by the electric field of the charge carrier. The correctness of the classical representation of the polarization field in the theory of a strongly coupled large polaron is proved on the base of the theory of the quantum-coherent states of the phonon field. The use of this representation has enabled us to show that extremely high losses of the electron energy in dielectric parts of cold cathodes occurring when the carrier velocity is lower than the threshold for the single-phonon radiation are due to coherent phonon radiation by polarons like Cherenkov effect. It is this radiation that results in the predicted Thornber and Feynman dependence of the carrier steady-state velocity on the applied electric field strength. The coherent phonon radiation generated by polaron current can be detected in experiments on the neutrons scattering. The primary directions of the neutrons scattering depend on the polarons steady-state velocity and, hence, on the applied field strength. The coherent phonon radiation stemming from supersonic thermal motion of polarons causes a giant increase of the resistance in a corresponding temperature interval

    Numerical simulation of antiferromagnetically coupled nanomagnets

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    We study the dynamical behaviour of a system that consists of three identical elongated nanomagnets. The magnets are coupled antiferromagnetically and subjected to periodically changing external magnetic field. The numerical simulation of the system reveals the qualitatively different kinds of hysteresis loops

    Thermodynamics of entropy-driven phase transformations

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    Thermodynamic properties of one-dimensional lattice models exhibiting entropy-driven phase transformations are discussed in quantum and classical regimes. Motivated by the multistability of compounds exhibiting photoinduced phase transitions, we consider systems with asymmetric, double, and triple well on-site potential. One finds that among a variety of regimes, quantum versus classical, discrete versus continuum, a key feature is asymmetry distinguished as a "shift" type and "shape" type in limiting cases. The behavior of the specific heat indicates one phase transformation in a "shift" type and a sequence of two phase transformations in "shape"-type systems. Future analysis in higher dimensions should allow us to identify which of these entropy-driven phase transformations would evolve into phase transitions of the first order

    Amplification of electromagnetic radiation in a superlattice placed in a tilted magnetic field

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    The interaction of electrons in a superlattice with electromagnetic radiation in presence of static electric and magnetic fields is investigated. The electric field is directed along the superlattice axis while the magnetic field is inclined at an arbitrary angle to the axis of superlattice. It is shown that the dependence of current in the superlattice on electric field in the general case can have several maxima. In some regions of electric and magnetic field values, the absorption coefficient for high frequency electromagnetic radiation can be negative that means the electromagnetic wave will be amplified. We note that negative absorption in the system is possible at some conditions at the region of positive differential conductivity in contrast to classical Bloch oscillator in which amplification takes place in case of negative differential conductivity only. This phenomenon can be used for the design of a teraherz amplifier and generator based on the superlattice

    Commensurate-flux-phase state of the t-J model

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    We propose a variational approach for the study of chiral flux-phase states. We present a class of variational wave functions of the generalized Laughlin-type. The generalization consists of the introduction of Gutzwiller projections and of a fictitious magnetic field. We classify antiferromagnetic chiral flux-phase states and evaluate analytically the corresponding expectation values of the t-J Hamiltonian at any value of filling. There are two types of chiral flux-phase states: commensurate and fractional. We have found that the minimal energy has a commensurate-flux-phase state for which the value of the flux of the orbital magnetic field equals the filling

    Formation of electron strings in narrow band polar semiconductors

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    We show that linear electron strings may arise in polar semiconductors. A single string consists of M spinless fermions trapped by an extended polarization well of a cigar shape. Inside the string the particles are free although they interact with each other via Coulomb forces. The strings arise as a result of an electronic phase separation associated with an instability of small adiabatic polarons. We have found the length of the string which depends on dielectric constants of semiconductors. The appearance of these electron strings may have an impact on the effect of stripe formation observed in a variety of high- Tc experiments

    Multiphonon absorption of light in nonpolar crystals

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    We further develop the theory of Urbach tails (Urbach rule). The presented theory of the light absorption below the band edge is based on the assumption that the light absorption below the band edge is due to the tunnel-activated transitions of the lattice. Each type of tunnel-activational transitions corresponds to a class of multiphonon instantons, which is associated with the regime of light absorption. The theory presented predicts the existence of certain singularities in the Urbach tail. We propose an experiment to detect these kinds of singularities. We have made calculations on the model of Frenkel excitons interacting with nonpolar deformational optical phonons in three-dimensional crystals and determined the ‘‘phase diagram’’ of different regimes of light absorption. The possibility of experimental studies of these diagrams in the Urbach tail is discussed

    Charge redistribution and properties of high-temperature superconductors

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    We show that in high-Tc superconductors (HTSC) with two groups of electrons (e.g., holes in CuO2 planes and in a ‘‘reservoir’’) there should exist a charge redistribution with the temperature: the hole concentration Nh in ‘‘active’’ superconducting CuO2 planes increases below Tc. This effect may explain structural changes such as the shift of the apical oxygen atom, anomalous thermal expansion, the shift of nuclear quadrupole resonance lines, the change of the positron lifetime, and the modification of the ion channeling below Tc. Some other possible consequences of the charge redistribution (the modification of the temperature dependence of a gap Δ and of the ratio 2Δ0/Tc, the phenomena at a contact of HTSC with normal metals and semiconductors) are discussed. We show that in high-Tc superconductors (HTSC) with two groups of electrons (e.g., holes in CuO2 planes and in a ‘‘reservoir’’) there should exist a charge redistribution with the temperature: the hole concentration Nh in ‘‘active’’ superconducting CuO2 planes increases below Tc. This effect may explain structural changes such as the shift of the apical oxygen atom, anomalous thermal expansion, the shift of nuclear quadrupole resonance lines, the change of the positron lifetime, and the modification of the ion channeling below Tc. Some other possible consequences of the charge redistribution (the modification of the temperature dependence of a gap Δ and of the ratio 2Δ0/Tc, the phenomena at a contact of HTSC with normal metals and semiconductors) are discussed

    Chiral phase states of the Hubbard Hamiltonian

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    We present a variational approach different from that based on Gutzwiller’s ansatz by investigating chiral flux-phase states of the Hubbard Hamiltonian in analogy to the treatment of the fractional quantum Hall effect. The proposed class of generalized Laughlin trial functions is specialized to permit detailed consideration of a set of states that includes a ferromagnetic ground state generated by a spontaneous gauge field in conjunction with a fictitious magnetic field having a flux commensurate with the filling. We evaluate the trial energy expectation values and demonstrate that the treatment is, at least, appropriate for the Hubbard model with sufficiently large on-site Coulomb repulsion and low electron densities. The members of the special set of trial states may be suitably classified by the flux quanta of the associated field and may be characterized either by integer or fractional quantum numbers. The excitations designated by fractional quantum numbers, which are not commensurate with the filling, are identified as flux-phase states breaking the symmetries of the lattice