481 research outputs found

    Statefinder diagnosis and the interacting ghost model of dark energy

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    A new model of dark energy namely "ghost dark energy model" has recently been suggested to interpret the positive acceleration of cosmic expansion. The energy density of ghost dark energy is proportional to the hubble parameter. In this paper we perform the statefinder diagnostic tool for this model both in flat and non-flat universe. We discuss the dependency of the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r and qrq-r planes on the interaction parameter between dark matter and dark energy as well as the spatial curvature parameter of the universe. Eventually, in the light of SNe+BAO+OHD+CMB observational data, we plot the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r and qrq-r planes for the best fit values of the cosmological parameters and compare the interacting ghost model with other dynamical dark energy models. We show that the evolutionary trajectory of ghost dark energy in statefinder diagram is similar to holographic dark energy model. It has been shown that the statefinder location of Λ\LambdaCDM is in good agreement with observation and therefore the dark energy models whose current statefinder values are far from the Λ\LambdaCDM point can be ruled out.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Localization length and impurity dielectric susceptibility in the critical regime of the metal-insulator transition in homogeneously doped p-type Ge

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    We have determined the localization length \xi and the impurity dielectric susceptibility \chi_{\rm imp} as a function of Ga acceptor concentrations (N) in nominally uncompensated ^{70}Ge:Ga just below the critical concentration (N_c) for the metal-insulator transition. Both \xi and \chi_{\rm imp} diverge at N_c according to the functions \xi\propto(1-N/N_c)^{-\nu} and \chi_{\rm imp}\propto(N_c/N-1)^{-\zeta}, respectively, with \nu=1.2\pm0.3 and \zeta=2.3\pm0.6 for 0.99N_c< N< N_c. Outside of this region (N<0.99N_c), the values of the exponents drop to \nu=0.33\pm0.03 and \zeta=0.62\pm0.05. The effect of the small amount of compensating dopants that are present in our nominally uncompensated samples, may be responsible for the change of the critical exponents at N\approx0.99N_c.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages with 5 embedded figures, final version (minor changes

    Gravitational Leptogenesis and Neutrino Mass Limit

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    Recently Davoudiasl {\it et al} \cite{steinhardt} have introduced a new type of interaction between the Ricci scalar RR and the baryon current JμJ^{\mu}, μRJμ{\partial_\mu R} J^{\mu} and proposed a mechanism for baryogenesis, the gravitational baryogenesis. Generally, however, μR\partial_{\mu} R vanishes in the radiation dominated era. In this paper we consider a generalized form of their interaction, μf(R)Jμ\partial_{\mu}f(R)J^{\mu} and study again the possibility of gravitational baryo(lepto)genesis. Taking f(R)lnRf(R)\sim \ln R, we will show that μf(R)μR/R\partial_{\mu}f(R)\sim \partial_{\mu} R/R does not vanish and the required baryon number asymmetry can be {\it naturally} generated in the early universe.Comment: 4 page

    Scaling property and peculiar velocity of global monopoles

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    We investigate the scaling property of global monopoles in the expanding universe. By directly solving the equations of motion for scalar fields, we follow the time development of the number density of global monopoles in the radiation dominated (RD) universe and the matter dominated (MD) universe. It is confirmed that the global monopole network relaxes into the scaling regime and the number per hubble volume is a constant irrespective of the cosmic time. The number density n(t)n(t) of global monopoles is given by n(t)(0.43±0.07)/t3n(t) \simeq (0.43\pm0.07) / t^{3} during the RD era and n(t)(0.25±0.05)/t3n(t) \simeq (0.25\pm0.05) / t^{3} during the MD era. We also examine the peculiar velocity vv of global monopoles. For this purpose, we establish a method to measure the peculiar velocity by use of only the local quantities of the scalar fields. It is found that v(1.0±0.3)v \sim (1.0 \pm 0.3) during the RD era and v(0.8±0.3)v \sim (0.8 \pm 0.3) during the MD era. By use of it, a more accurate analytic estimate for the number density of global monopoles is obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Can inflationary models of cosmic perturbations evade the secondary oscillation test?

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    We consider the consequences of an observed Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy spectrum containing no secondary oscillations. While such a spectrum is generally considered to be a robust signature of active structure formation, we show that such a spectrum {\em can} be produced by (very unusual) inflationary models or other passive evolution models. However, we show that for all these passive models the characteristic oscillations would show up in other observable spectra. Our work shows that when CMB polarization and matter power spectra are taken into account secondary oscillations are indeed a signature of even these very exotic passive models. We construct a measure of the observability of secondary oscillations in a given experiment, and show that even with foregrounds both the MAP and \pk satellites should be able to distinguish between models with and without oscillations. Thus we conclude that inflationary and other passive models can {\em not} evade the secondary oscillation test.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in PRD. Minor improvements have been made to the discussion and new data has been included. The conclusions are unchagne

    Volume element structure and roton-maxon-phonon excitations in superfluid helium beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation

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    We propose a theory which deals with the structure and interactions of volume elements in liquid helium II. The approach consists of two nested models linked via parametric space. The short-wavelength part describes the interior structure of the fluid element using a non-perturbative approach based on the logarithmic wave equation; it suggests the Gaussian-like behaviour of the element's interior density and interparticle interaction potential. The long-wavelength part is the quantum many-body theory of such elements which deals with their dynamics and interactions. Our approach leads to a unified description of the phonon, maxon and roton excitations, and has noteworthy agreement with experiment: with one essential parameter to fit we reproduce at high accuracy not only the roton minimum but also the neighboring local maximum as well as the sound velocity and structure factor.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Evidence against or for topological defects in the BOOMERanG data ?

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    The recently released BOOMERanG data was taken as ``contradicting topological defect predictions''. We show that such a statement is partly misleading. Indeed, the presence of a series of acoustic peaks is perfectly compatible with a non-negligible topological defects contribution. In such a mixed perturbation model (inflation and topological defects) for the source of primordial fluctuations, the natural prediction is a slightly lower amplitude for the Doppler peaks, a feature shared by many other purely inflationary models. Thus, for the moment, it seems difficult to rule out these models with the current data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Some changes following extraordinarily slow referee Reports and new data. Main results unchanged (sorry

    Dilatonic current-carrying cosmic strings

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    We investigate the nature of ordinary cosmic vortices in some scalar-tensor extensions of gravity. We find solutions for which the dilaton field condenses inside the vortex core. These solutions can be interpreted as raising the degeneracy between the eigenvalues of the effective stress-energy tensor, namely the energy per unit length U and the tension T, by picking a privileged spacelike or timelike coordinate direction; in the latter case, a phase frequency threshold occurs that is similar to what is found in ordinary neutral current-carrying cosmic strings. We find that the dilaton contribution for the equation of state, once averaged along the string worldsheet, vanishes, leading to an effective Nambu-Goto behavior of such a string network in cosmology, i.e. on very large scales. It is found also that on small scales, the energy per unit length and tension depend on the string internal coordinates in such a way as to permit the existence of centrifugally supported equilibrium configuration, also known as vortons, whose stability, depending on the very short distance (unknown) physics, can lead to catastrophic consequences on the evolution of the Universe.Comment: 10 pages, ReVTeX, 2 figures, minor typos corrected. This version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Current-carrying cosmic string loops 3D simulation: towards a reduction of the vorton excess problem

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    The dynamical evolution of superconducting cosmic string loops with specific equations of state describing timelike and spacelike currents is studied numerically. This analysis extends previous work in two directions: first it shows results coming from a fully three dimensional simulation (as opposed to the two dimensional case already studied), and it now includes fermionic as well as bosonic currents. We confirm that in the case of bosonic currents, shocks are formed in the magnetic regime and kinks in the electric regime. For a loop endowed with a fermionic current with zero-mode carriers, we show that only kinks form along the string worldsheet, therefore making these loops slightly more stable against charge carrier radiation, the likely outcome of either shocks or kinks. All these combined effects tend to reduce the number density of stable loops and contribute to ease the vorton excess problem. As a bonus, these effects also may provide new ways of producing high energy cosmic rays.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX 4 format, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    How generic is cosmic string formation in SUSY GUTs

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    We study cosmic string formation within supersymmetric grand unified theories. We consider gauge groups having a rank between 4 and 8. We examine all possible spontaneous symmetry breaking patterns from the GUT down to the standard model gauge group. Assuming standard hybrid inflation, we select all the models which can solve the GUT monopole problem, lead to baryogenesis after inflation and are consistent with proton lifetime measurements. We conclude that in all acceptable spontaneous symmetry breaking schemes, cosmic string formation is unavoidable. The strings which form at the end of inflation have a mass which is proportional to the inflationary scale. Sometimes, a second network of strings form at a lower scale. Models based on gauge groups which have rank greater than 6 can lead to more than one inflationary era; they all end by cosmic string formation.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, submitted to PR