15 research outputs found

    “No-spin” states and low-lying structures in

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    Inelastic neutron scattering on solid 130XeF2 and 136XeF2 targets was utilized to populate excited levels in 130Xe and 136Xe. When calculating nuclear matrix elements vital to the understanding of double-beta decay, it is important to have a clear understanding of the low-lying level structure of both the parent and daughter nucleus. Of particular relevance to double-beta decay searches are the assignments of 0+ states. We show here that in the case of 130Xe there are several discrepancies in the adopted level structure. We found that one previous 0+ candidate level (1590 keV) can be ruled out and assigned two additional candidates (2223 and 2242 keV). In 136Xe we question the previous assignment of a 0+ level at 2582 keV. Excitation function and angular distribution measurements were utilized to make spin and parity assignments of levels and place new transitions

    “No-spin” states and low-lying structures in 130Xe and 136Xe

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    Inelastic neutron scattering on solid 130XeF2 and 136XeF2 targets was utilized to populate excited levels in 130Xe and 136Xe. When calculating nuclear matrix elements vital to the understanding of double-beta decay, it is important to have a clear understanding of the low-lying level structure of both the parent and daughter nucleus. Of particular relevance to double-beta decay searches are the assignments of 0+ states. We show here that in the case of 130Xe there are several discrepancies in the adopted level structure. We found that one previous 0+ candidate level (1590 keV) can be ruled out and assigned two additional candidates (2223 and 2242 keV). In 136Xe we question the previous assignment of a 0+ level at 2582 keV. Excitation function and angular distribution measurements were utilized to make spin and parity assignments of levels and place new transitions

    Inelastic neutron scattering studies of

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    Highly enriched (> 99.9%) 132Xe and 134Xe gases were converted to solid 132XeF2 and 134XeF2 and were used as scattering samples for inelastic neutron scattering measurements at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (UKAL). Lifetimes of levels up to 3.5MeV in excitation energy in these xenon isotopes were measured using the Doppler-shift attenuation method, allowing the determination of reduced transition probabilities. Gamma rays corresponding to new transitions and levels have been observed. In particular, tentative new excited 0+ states and associated decays have been examined in an effort to elucidate the structure of these nuclei in a transitional region, and comparisons have been drawn with models which seek to describe such nuclei, e.g., the E(5) critical-point symmetry of the IBM. Newly identified potential interferences for neutrinoless double-beta decay searches involving 136Xe are also discussed

    Inelastic neutron scattering studies of 132,134Xe: Elucidating structure in a transitional region and possible interferences for 0vββ searches

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    Highly enriched (> 99.9%) 132Xe and 134Xe gases were converted to solid 132XeF2 and 134XeF2 and were used as scattering samples for inelastic neutron scattering measurements at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (UKAL). Lifetimes of levels up to 3.5MeV in excitation energy in these xenon isotopes were measured using the Doppler-shift attenuation method, allowing the determination of reduced transition probabilities. Gamma rays corresponding to new transitions and levels have been observed. In particular, tentative new excited 0+ states and associated decays have been examined in an effort to elucidate the structure of these nuclei in a transitional region, and comparisons have been drawn with models which seek to describe such nuclei, e.g., the E(5) critical-point symmetry of the IBM. Newly identified potential interferences for neutrinoless double-beta decay searches involving 136Xe are also discussed

    Seniority structure of 136^{136}Xe82_{82}

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    International audienceThe level structure of the N=82 nucleus Xe136 was studied with the inelastic neutron scattering reaction followed by γ-ray detection. A number of the spins and parities were reassigned, and many level lifetimes were determined for the first time using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. New shell-model calculations were also performed using both the full Z=50–82 model space, and a reduced model space including only the 1d5/2 and 0g7/2 orbitals. This new information characterizing Xe136 was used to identify the seniority structure of the low-lying levels and to assign (π0g7/2)υ=04, (π0g7/2)υ=24, (π0g7/2)υ=44, (π1d5/2)(π0g7/2)υ=13, and (π1d5/2)2(π0g7/2)υ=02 configurations to describe all observed states below 2.8 MeV

    Differential Cross Sections for Neutron Elastic and Inelastic Scattering on

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    Measurements of neutron elastic and inelastic scattering from 23Na have been performed for sixteen incident neutron energies above 1.5 MeV with the 7-MV University of Kentucky Accelerator using the 3H(p,n) reaction as the neutron source. These measurements were complemented by γ-ray excitation functions using the (n,n'γ) reaction. The time-of-flight technique is employed for background reduction in both neutron and γ- ray measurements and for determining the energy of the scattered neutrons. Cross section determinations support fuel cycle and structural materials research and development. Previous reaction model evaluations [1] relied primarily on total cross sections and four (n,n0) and (n,n1) angular distributions in the En = 5 to 9 MeV range. The inclusion of more inelastic channels at lower neutron energies provides additional information on direct couplings between elastic and inelastic scattering as a function of angular momentum transfer. Reaction model calculations examining direct collective and statistical properties were performed

    Мигрень и депрессия: коморбидность патологии, течение заболевания и лечение

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    An application of modern antidepressant meds is reasonably and clinically well- proven from the group of selective inhibitor of reverse fascination to the serotonin of preparation of Encitalopram for patients with migraine and concomitant depressed symptoms in this work;«Декілька тисячоліть людство знає про таке захворювання як мігрень, але зацікавленість до цієї хвороби не зменшується а тільки зростає. Це не тільки стародавня але і одна з найбільш поширених хвороб людства, що суттєво перешкоджає втіленню життєвих планів та порушує якість життя». О.М.Вейн За останні роки вдалося значно розширити знання про природу захворювання і особливо коморбідності цієї патології. Все це пояснює неабияку зацікавленість до мігрені і пов’язаної з нею депресивних епізодів, що і обумовлює необхідність знання її лікарями багатьох спеціальностей. В цій статті автори досліджували 22 пацієнта хворих на мігрень з аурою, 29 пацієнтів хворих на мігрень без аури та 31 особу хворих на хронічну мігрень з проявами абузусного головного болю. У всіх пацієнтів коморбідним проявом була депресія легкої та середньої інтенсивності. Лікування проводилося антидепресантом есциталопрам у дозі 10-20 мг/добу протягом 12 тижнів. Пароксизми мігренозних нападів знеболювалися препаратом золмітріптан у дозі 2,5-5 мг. До та після лікування всіх пацієнтів було тестовано за шкалами: шкала МIDAS (визначає повсякденну активність пацієнта), ВАШ (визначає інтенсивність головного болю), MADRS (визначає ступінь депресії) и C-SSRS (визначає суїцідальність пацієнтів). Після проведеного лікування було встановлено достовірне покращення перебігу мігрені у більшості пацієнтів та збільшення їхньої повсякденної активності, зменшення інтенсивності головного болю, зменшення ступеню депресії та відсутність суїцідальної поведінки. У висновках автори рекомендують для всіх пацієнтів хворих на мігрень та депресію лікування розпочинати з антидепресанта есциталопрам у дозі 10-20 мг/добу, для пацієнтів хворих на хронічну мігрень з проявами абузусного головного болю лікування есциталопрамом проводити довготривало і починати з дози 20 мг/добу. Препаратом вибору для швидкого угамування мігренозного нападу є золмітриптан у дозі 2,5-5 мг; «Несколько тысячелетий мир знает о таком заболевании как мигрень, однако, интерес к этой болезни не только не снижается, но и постоянно возрастает. Это не только старая, но и одна из наиболее распространенных болезней человека наших дней, существенно препятствующая осуществлению жизненных планов и нарушающая качество жизни». А.М.Вейн В последние годы удалось значительно продвинуться в понимании природы заболевания и особенно коморбидности данной патологии. Все это вместе взятое хорошо объясняет большой интерес к мигрени и связанной с ней депрессивных эпизодов, и определяет необходимость знания ее врачами широкого профиля. В этой статье авторы исследовали 22 пациента больных мигренью с аурой, 29 пациентов у которых была мигрень без ауры и 31 человек с хронической мигренью и проявлениями абузусной головной боли. У всех пациентов коморбидным проявлением была депрессия от легкой до средней интенсивности. Лечение проводилось антидепрессантом эсциталопрам в дозе 10-20 мг/сутки на протяжении 12 недель. Купирование острых приступов мигрени проводилось препаратом золмитриптан в дозе 2,5-5 мг на прием. До и после лечения все пациенты были тестированы по шкалам МIDAS (определение повседневной активности пациента), ВАШ (определение интенсивности головной боли), MADRS (определение степени депрессии) и C-SSRS (определение суицидальности у пациентов). В результате проведенного лечения было установлено достоверное улучшение течения мигрени у большинства пациентов и увеличение их повседневной активности, уменьшение интенсивности головной боли, снижение степени депрессии и отсутствие суицидального поведения. У выводах авторы рекомендуют для всех пациентов с мигренью и коморбидной депрессией лечение начинать с антидепрессанта эсциталопрам в дозе 10-20 мг/сутки, для пациентов с хронической мигренью и абузусной головной болью лечение эсциталопрамом проводить длительно и в дозе 20 мг/сутки. Препаратом выбора для купирования мигренозного приступа следует избрать золмитриптан в дозе 2,5-5 мг на прием

    Studies of

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    Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering differential cross sections and γ-ray production cross sections have been measured on 54,56Fe at several incident energies in the fast neutron region between 1.5 and 4.7 MeV. All measurements were completed at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (UKAL) using a 7-MV Model CN Van de Graaff accelerator, along with the neutron production and neutron and γ-ray detection systems located there. The facilities at UKAL allow the investigation of both elastic and inelastic scattering with nearly mono-energetic incident neutrons. Time-of-flight techniques were used to detect the scattered neutrons for the differential cross section measurements. The measured cross sections are important for fission reactor applications and also for testing global model calculations such as those found at ENDF, since describing both the elastic and inelastic scattering is important for determining the direct and compound components of the scattering mechanism. The γ-ray production cross sections are used to determine cross sections to unresolved levels in the neutron scattering experiments. Results from our measurements and comparisons to model calculations are presented

    The Neutron Time-of-Flight Cross Section Program at the University of Kentucky - Adventures in Analysis II

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    Elastic and inelastic neutron differential cross sections are measured at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (www.pa.uky.edu/accelerator/) at incident energies in the fast neutron region. The labo- ratorys facilities and instrumentation will be described and our measurement and analysis procedures outlined. Many corrections are required for neutron scattering experiments and the analysis utilizes information from many other cross section data sets and model calculations. Exploring and understanding the limitations of the foundational information and procedures are important for controlling the accuracy of the cross section results. We are examining the limitations in neutron detection efficiency, the normalization of (n,n′γ) cross sections,background reduction, spectrum stripping techniques, and attenuation and multiple scattering corrections. The resulting differential cross sections provide information on the compound elastic and coupled channels reaction mechanisms important for advanced reactor design

    Nuclear Structure Studies of 106Pd and 106Cd with the (n,n′γ) Reaction

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    Excited states in 106Pd and 106Cd have been studied using the (n,n′γ) reaction. The data include level lifetimes, spins, branching ratios, and multipole mixing ratios, and give a comprehensive view of excitations with spin ≤6ħ. The determined E2 strengths show serious discrepancies with the quadrupole phonon structure expected in these nuclei