10 research outputs found

    Psychological Outcomes of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results of the HAPPY-IBD Randomized Controlled Trial at 6-and 12-Month Follow-Up

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    Youth with infammatory bowel disease (IBD) often experience psychological difculties, such as anxiety and depression. This randomized controlled study tested whether a 3-month disease-specifc cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in addition to standard medical care versus standard medical care only was efective in improving these youth’s psychological outcomes. As this study was aimed at prevention, we included 70 youth (10–25 years) with IBD and symptoms of subclinical anxiety and/ or depression, and measured psychological outcomes at 6- and 12-month follow-up. In general, participants in both groups showed improvements in anxiety, depression, health-related quality of life, social functioning, coping, and illness perceptions, sustained until 12 months follow-up. Overall, we found no diferences between those receiving additional CBT and those receiving standard medical care only. We assume that this can be explained by the perceived low burden (both somatically and psychologically) or heightened awareness of psychological difculties and IBD

    Long-term treatment with the dopamine agonist quinagolide of patients with clinically non-functioning pituitary adenoma

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    OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to evaluate the effect of prolonged treatment with the dopamine agonist quinagolide on serum gonadotropin and alpha-subunit concentrations and tumor volume in patients with clinically non-functioning pituitary adenomas (CNPA). DESIGN: Ten patients with CNPA were treated with quinagolide (0.3 mg daily). The median duration of treatment was 57 months (range 36-93 months). Blood samples for measurement of serum gonadotropin and alpha-subunit concentrations were drawn before treatment, after 5 days, and at each outpatient visit. Computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary region and Goldmann perimetry were done before and at regular intervals during treatment. RESULTS: A significant decrease of serum FSH, LH or alpha-subunit concentrations was found in nine patients. The levels remained low during the entire treatment period. In two out of three patients with pre-existing visual field defects a slight improvement was shown during the first months of treatment, but eventually deterioration occurred in all three patients. A fourth patient developed unilateral ophthalmoplegia dur

    PlasticitĂ  strutturale e neurogenesi nel sistema olfattivo dei mammiferi adulti

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    Those marvellous millennia: the Middle Stone Age of Southern Africa

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