6 research outputs found

    Forme di socievolezza

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    Il volume intende considerare il tema dell'interazione e dello scambio sociale nella società contemporanea e, in particolare, gli spazi e le opportunità a disposizione del soggetto per la creazione di specifiche forme di "socievolezza" (seguendo la nota categoria di analisi utilizzata dal sociologo tedesco Georg Simmel). Attraverso la considerazione di alcuni casi di studio (i festival, i Gruppi di acquisto solidale - Gas - e un ecovillaggio) si cerca di riflettere sulla presenza di forme di socievolezza più o meno informali e/o rituali utili per tornare a 'fare società'. In effetti, è nel momento in cui fenomeni quali la globalizzazione e la crisi economica alimentano vecchi e nuovi rischi che si va delineando una riscoperta del valore che le forme di socievolezza possono rivestire ai fini del mantenimento del legame sociale

    Rosaceiform eruption induced by erlotinib

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    Adverse events with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor therapy mainly involve the skin. The most common cutaneous adverse event is an acneiform eruption, which occurs in more than 50% of cases. The aim of this paper is to report the case of rosaceiform eruption induced by erlotinib in an 81-year-old-man and to discuss the pathogenetic role of Demodex folliculorum mites, found in the present patient, using skin scraping

    Dalla formazione professionale di base al sistema di life long learning: una prima ricognizione nella provincia di Pistoia

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    Lo sviluppo del life long learning nell'ambito della formazione professionale: un'analisi locale su offerta e domanda di formazione. Il ruolo di giovani, adulti e anziani nel territorio provinciale


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    The safety-by-design™ approach adopted for the design of the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS) resulted in the elimination by design of some of the main accident scenarios classically applicable to Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) and to the reduction of either consequences or frequency of the remaining classical at-power accident initiators. As a result of such strategy the Core Damage Frequency (CDF) from at-power internal initiating events was reduced to the 10-8/ry order of magnitude, thus elevating CDF from external events (seismic above all) to an even more significant contributor than what currently experienced in the existing PWR fleet. The same safety-by-design™ approach was then exported from the design of the IRIS reactor and of its safety systems to the design of the IRIS Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) building, with the goal of reducing the impact of seismically induced scenarios. The small footprint of the IRIS NSSS building, which includes all Engineered Safety Features (ESF), all the emergency heat sink and all the required support systems makes the idea of seismic isolation of the entire nuclear island a relatively easy and economically competitive solution. The seismically isolated IRIS NSSS building dramatically reduces the seismic excitation perceived by the reactor vessel, the Containment structure and all the main IRIS ESF components, thus virtually eliminating the seismic-induced CDF. This solution is also contributing to the standardization of the IRIS plant, with a single design compatible with a variety of sites covering a wide spectrum of seismic conditions. The conceptual IRIS seismic isolation system is herein presented, along with a selection of the preliminary seismic analyses confirming the drastic reduction of the seismic excitation to the IRIS NSSS building. Along with the adoption of the seismic isolation system, a more refined approach to the computation of the fragility analysis of the components is also being developed, in order to reduce the undue conservatism historically affecting seismic analysis. The new fragility analysis methodology will be particularly focused on the analysis of the isolators themselves, which will now be the limiting components in the evaluation of the overall seismic induced CDF