4 research outputs found

    A guanosine 5′-triphosphate-dependent protein kinase is localized in the outer envelope membrane of pea chloroplasts

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    A guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP)-dependent protein kinase was detected in preparations of outer chloroplast envelope membranes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts. The protein-kinase activity was capable of phosphorylating several envelope-membrane proteins. The major phosphorylated products were 23- and 32.5-kilo-dalton proteins of the outer envelope membrane. Several other envelope proteins were labeled to a lesser extent. Following acid hydrolysis of the labeled proteins, most of the label was detected as phosphoserine with only minor amounts detected as phosphothreonine. Several criteria were used to distinguish the GTP-dependent protein kinase from an ATP-dependent kinase also present in the outer envelope membrane. The ATP-dependent kinase phosphorylated a very different set of envelope-membrane proteins. Heparin inhibited the GTP-dependent kinase but had little effect upon the ATP-dependent enzyme. The GTP-dependent enzyme accepted phosvitin as an external protein substrate whereas the ATP-dependent enzyme did not. The outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope also contained a phosphotransferase capable of transferring labeled phosphate from [-32P]GTP to ADP to yield (-32P]ATP. Consequently, addition of ADP to a GTP-dependent protein-kinase assay resulted in a switch in the pattern of labeled products from that seen with GTP to that typically seen with ATP

    Climatització de la Biblioteca Municipal Vapor Vell

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    L’objecte del present projecte és el disseny de la climatització de la Biblioteca municipal Vapor vell. Vapor vell és un edifici singular construït fa més de 100 anys, situat al barri de sants. El fet que sigui una construcció tan antiga implicarà un anàlisi exhaustiu de les carregues tèrmiques de l’edifici. La instal·lació de climatització dissenyada assegurarà que les condicions ambientals de l’interior de l’edifici són les estipulades a la normativa actual. El disseny de la instal·lació s’efectuarà tenint en compte les particularitat de cada sala de l’edifici, i en l’edifici en si mateix. A més, el disseny vetllarà per a que les necessitats individuals de les sales siguin satisfetes utilitzant un ús racional de l’energia