1,206 research outputs found
ISIS: a new N-body cosmological code with scalar fields based on RAMSES. Code presentation and application to the shapes of clusters
Several extensions of the standard cosmological model include scalar fields
as new degrees of freedom in the underlying gravitational theory. A particular
class of these scalar field theories include screening mechanisms intended to
hide the scalar field below observational limits in the solar system, but not
on galactic scales, where data still gives freedom to find possible signatures
of their presence. In order to make predictions to compare with observations
coming from galactic and clusters scales (i.e. in the non-linear regime of
cosmological evolution), cosmological N-body simulations are needed, for which
codes that can solve for the scalar field must be developed. We present a new
implementation of scalar-tensor theories of gravity which include screening
mechanisms. The code is based in the already existing code RAMSES, to which we
have added a non-linear multigrid solver that can treat a large class of scalar
tensor theories of modified gravity. We present details of the implementation
and the tests that we made to it. As application of the new code, we have
studied the influence that two particular modified gravity theories, the
symmetron and gravity, have on the shape of cluster sized dark matter
halos and found consistent results with previous estimations made with a static
analysis.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, matches version accepted for publication in A&
Hydrodynamic Effects in the Symmetron and -gravity Models
In this paper we present the first results from implementing two
scalar-tensor modified gravity theories, the symmetron and the Hu-Sawicki
-gravity model, into a hydrodynamic N-body code with dark matter
particles and a baryonic ideal gas. The study is a continuation of previous
work where the symmetron and have been successfully implemented in the
RAMSES code, but for dark matter only. By running simulations, we show that the
deviation from CDM in these models for the gas density profiles are
significantly lower than the dark matter equivalents. When it comes to the
matter power-spectrum we find that hydrodynamic simulations agree very well
with dark matter only simulations as long as we consider scales larger than
h/Mpc. In general the effects of modified gravity on the baryonic
gas is found to not always mirror the effects it has on the dark matter. The
largest signature is found when considering temperature profiles. We find that
the gas temperatures in the modified gravity model studied here show
deviations, when compared to CDM, that can be a factor of a few larger
than the deviations found in density profiles and power spectra.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA
Spatial variations of the fine-structure constant in symmetron models
We investigate the variation of the fine-structure constant, {\alpha}, in
symmetron models using N-body simulations in which the full spatial
distribution of {\alpha} at different redshifts has been calculated. In
particular, we obtain simulated sky maps for this variation, and determine its
power spectrum. We find that in high-density regions of space (such as deep
inside dark matter halos) the value of {\alpha} approaches the value measured
on Earth. In the low-density outskirts of halos the scalar field value can
approach the symmetry breaking value and leads to significantly different
values of {\alpha}. If the scalar-photon coupling strength {\beta}{\gamma} is
of order unity we find that the variation of {\alpha} inside dark matter halos
can be of the same magnitude as the recent claims by Webb et al. of a dipole
variation. Importantly, our results also show that with low-redshift symmetry
breaking these models exhibit some dependence of {\alpha} on lookback time (as
opposed to a pure spatial dipole) which could in principle be detected by
sufficiently accurate spectroscopic measurements, such as those of ALMA and the
ELT-HIRES.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure
Dark matter haloes in modified gravity and dark energy: interaction rate, small-, and large-scale alignment
We study the properties of dark matter haloes in a wide range of modified
gravity models, namely, , DGP, and interacting dark energy models. We
study the effects of modified gravity and dark energy on the internal
properties of haloes, such as the spin and the structural parameters. We find
that gravity enhance the median value of the Bullock spin parameter, but
could not detect such effects for DGP and coupled dark energy. also
yields a lower median sphericity and oblateness, while coupled dark energy has
the opposite effect. However, these effects are very small. We then study the
interaction rate of haloes in different gravity, and find that only strongly
coupled dark energy models enhance the interaction rate. We then quantify the
enhancement of the alignment of the spins of interacting halo pairs by modified
gravity. Finally, we study the alignment of the major axes of haloes with the
large-scale structures. The alignment of the spins of interacting pairs of
haloes in DGP and coupled dark energy models show no discrepancy with GR, while
shows a weaker alignment. Strongly coupled dark energy shows a stronger
alignment of the halo shape with the large-scale structures.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS Accepte
Chameleon dark energy models with characteristic signatures
In chameleon dark energy models, local gravity constraints tend to rule out
parameters in which observable cosmological signatures can be found. We study
viable chameleon potentials consistent with a number of recent observational
and experimental bounds. A novel chameleon field potential, motivated by f(R)
gravity, is constructed where observable cosmological signatures are present
both at the background evolution and in the growth-rate of the perturbations.
We study the evolution of matter density perturbations on low redshifts for
this potential and show that the growth index today gamma_0 can have
significant dispersion on scales relevant for large scale structures. The
values of gamma_0 can be even smaller than 0.2 with large variations of gamma
on very low redshifts for the model parameters constrained by local gravity
tests. This gives a possibility to clearly distinguish these chameleon models
from the Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter model in future high-precision observations.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
Equivalence of the long-wavelength approximation and the truncated Taylor expansion in relativistic Coulomb excitation
The long-wavelength approximation and the truncated Taylor expansion are
frequently used in the theory of relativistic Coulomb excitation to obtain
multipole expansions of the interaction. It is shown in this note that these
two approximations are exactly equivalent.Comment: 5 page
Chameleons with Field Dependent Couplings
Certain scalar-tensor theories exhibit the so-called chameleon mechanism,
whereby observational signatures of scalar fields are hidden by a combination
of self-interactions and interactions with ambient matter. Not all
scalar-tensor theories exhibit such a chameleon mechanism, which has been
originally found in models with inverse power run-away potentials and field
independent couplings to matter. In this paper we investigate field-theories
with field-dependent couplings and a power-law potential for the scalar field.
We show that the theory indeed is a chameleon field theory. We find the
thin-shell solution for a spherical body and investigate the consequences for
E\"ot-Wash experiments, fifth-force searches and Casimir force experiments.
Requiring that the scalar-field evades gravitational tests, we find that the
coupling is sensitive to a mass-scale which is of order of the Hubble scale
today.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figure
SCALAR: an AMR code to simulate axion-like dark matter models
We present a new code, SCALAR, based on the high-resolution hydrodynamics and
N-body code RAMSES, to solve the Schr\"odinger equation on adaptive refined
meshes. The code is intended to be used to simulate axion or fuzzy dark matter
models where the evolution of the dark matter component is determined by a
coupled Schr\"odinger-Poisson equation, but it can also be used as a standalone
solver for both linear and non-linear Schr\"odinger equations with any given
external potential. This paper describes the numerical implementation of our
solver and presents tests to demonstrate how accurately it operates.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure
Solitons in the dark: non-linear structure formation with fuzzy dark matter
We present the results of a full cosmological simulation with the new code
SCALAR, where dark matter is in form of fuzzy dark matter, described by a light
scalar field with a mass of eV and evolving
according to the Schr\"{o}dinger-Poisson system of equations. In comoving
units, the simulation volume is on a side, with a
resolution of at the finest refinement level. We analyse
the formation and the evolution of central solitonic cores, which are found to
leave their imprints on dark matter density profiles, resulting in shallower
central densities, and on rotation curves, producing an additional circular
velocity peak at small radii from the center. We find that the suppression of
structures due to the quantum nature of the scalar field results in an
shallower halo mass function in the low-mass end compared to the case of a
CDM simulation, in which dark matter is expected to cluster at all
mass scales even if evolved with the same initial conditions used for fuzzy
dark matter. Furthermore, we verify the scaling relations characterising the
solution to the Schr\"{o}dinger-Poisson system, for both isolated and merging
halos, and we find that they are preserved by merging processes. We
characterise each fuzzy dark matter halo in terms of the dimensionless quantity
and we show that the
core mass is tightly linked to the halo mass by the core-halo mass relation
. We also show that the core
surface density of the simulated fuzzy dark matter halos does not follow the
scaling with the core radius as observed for dwarf galaxies, representing a big
challenge for the fuzzy dark matter model as the sole explanation of core
formation.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
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