43 research outputs found

    Growth estimates in the Hardy–Sobolev space of an annular domain with applications

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    AbstractWe give an explicit estimate on the growth of functions in the Hardy–Sobolev space Hk,2(Gs) of an annulus. We apply this result, first, to find an upper bound on the rate of convergence of a recovery interpolation scheme in H1,2(Gs) with points located on the outer boundary of Gs. We also apply this result for the study of a geometric inverse problem, namely we derive an explicit upper bound on the area of an unknown cavity in a bounded planar domain from the difference of two electrostatic potentials measured on the boundary, when the cavity is present and when it is not

    Boundary value problems and Heisenberg uniqueness pairs

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    We describe a general method for constructing Heisenberg uniqueness pairs (Γ,Λ)(\Gamma,\Lambda) in the euclidean space Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} based on the study of boundary value problems for partial differential equations. As a result, we show, for instance, that any pair made of the boundary Γ\Gamma of a bounded convex set Ω\Omega and a sphere Λ\Lambda is an Heisenberg uniqueness pair if and only if the square of the radius of Λ\Lambda is not an eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Ω\Omega. The main ingredients for the proofs are the Paley-Wiener theorem, the uniqueness of a solution to a homogeneous Dirichlet or initial boundary value problem, the continuity of single layer potentials, and some complex analysis in Cn\mathbb{C}^{n}. Denjoy's theorem on topological conjugacy of circle diffeomorphisms with irrational rotation numbers is also useful

    Quadratic Hermite-Pade approximation to the exponential function: a Riemann-Hilbert approach

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    We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the polynomials p, q, r of degrees n in type I Hermite-Pade approximation to the exponential function, defined by p(z)e^{-z}+q(z)+r(z)e^{z} = O(z^{3n+2}) as z -> 0. These polynomials are characterized by a Riemann-Hilbert problem for a 3x3 matrix valued function. We use the Deift-Zhou steepest descent method for Riemann-Hilbert problems to obtain strong uniform asymptotics for the scaled polynomials p(3nz), q(3nz), and r(3nz) in every domain in the complex plane. An important role is played by a three-sheeted Riemann surface and certain measures and functions derived from it. Our work complements recent results of Herbert Stahl.Comment: 60 pages, 13 figure

    An extremal problem for the Bergman kernel of orthogonal polynomials

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    Let Γ⊂C\Gamma \subset \mathbb C be a curve of class C(2,α)C(2,\alpha). For z0z_{0} in the unbounded component of C∖Γ{\mathbb C}\setminus \Gamma, and for n=1,2,...n=1,2,..., let νn\nu_n be a probability measure with supp(νn)⊂Γ(\nu_{n})\subset \Gamma which minimizes the Bergman function Bn(ν,z):=∑k=0n∣qkν(z)∣2B_{n}(\nu,z):=\sum_{k=0}^{n}|q_{k}^{\nu}(z)|^{2} at z0z_{0} among all probability measures ν\nu on Γ\Gamma (here, {q0ν,…,qnν}\{q_{0}^{\nu},\ldots,q_{n}^{\nu}\} are an orthonormal basis in L2(ν)L^2(\nu) for the holomorphic polynomials of degree at most nn). We show that {νn}n\{\nu_{n}\}_n tends weak-* to δ^z0\hat\delta_{z_{0}}, the balayage of the point mass at z0z_0 onto Γ\Gamma, by relating this to an optimization problem for probability measures on the unit circle. Our proof makes use of estimates for Faber polynomials associated to Γ\Gamma.Comment: To appear in Constructive Approximatio