15 research outputs found

    Entwicklung von Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzellen (SOFC) hoher Leistung Abschlussbericht

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    The project aimed at higher efficiency and lower cost. The project was successful. It was shown that the introduction of so-called 'high power density tubes ' (HPD) combined with the intermediate cathode layer originally developed for planar technology enhanced the performance by a factor of 2. The new structures are constructed more or less like honeycomb-shaped catalytic converters. Both the vacuum plasma spraying technology and the ceramic coating technology developed at Juelich Research Centre resulted in gastight electrolyte layers which can be deposited at lower cost. With the new integrated tubes, systems compact enough for household applications can be constructed.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F02B1716+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman

    Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter in der Magnet- und Energietechnik. Technische Leiterentwicklung Schlussbericht

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    Efforts were concentrated to the processing of 2223 BPSCCO silver sheathed tapes made by the powder in tube technique. We could increase the current density values of monocore short samples up to j_c=41 kA/cm"2. Several batches of 19-filament conductors have been produced of 100 m in length with j_c=4.8 kA/cm"2. Values of j_c=12 kA/cm"2 have been achieved for tapes between 10 m and 20 m. Besides the optimisation of the different process steps fundamental investigations on granularity and irradiation induced have been successfully performed regarding to the current transport in the tapes. Compared to Bi-based material, 123 YBCO shows a moderate decrease of j_c in magnetic fields at 77 K, which stimulated the development of a YBCO test conductor. Because of the higher requirements to grain orientation a well established plasma deposition method like the pulsed laser ablation (PLD) has been used in a first step. Starting with stainless steel substrates (Hastelloy C22) coated with c-axis oriented ZrO_2 (Y) buffer layers using magnetron sputtering reproducable j_c-values of 40 kA/cm"2 have been obtained. Tapes of 15 cm in length and j_c=20 kA/cm"2 have been produced by continuous PLD. Peak values j_c=2 10"5 A/cm"2 (77 K) could be reproduced inducing a biaxial grain alignment by ion beam assisted in situ deposition of the ZrO_2 (Y) buffer. Using improved heater systems high current densities above 10"6 A/cm"2 could be demonstrated even in layers as thick as 3.5 #mu#m. (orig./MM)Im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes konzentrierten sich die Arbeiten auf die Fertigung von 2223 BPSCCO Ag-Bandleitern, hergestellt mit der Pulver im Rohr Methode (PIR). Es konnten die Stromdichtewerte in Einkernleiter-Kurzproben weiter auf j_c=41 kA/cm"2 gesteigert und 100 m-Laengen von 19-Kern-Multifilamentleitern mit j_c=4.8 kA/cm"2 gefertigt werden. Laengen zwischen 10-20 m erreichten j_c=12 kA/cm"2. Neben der Optimierung der unterschiedlichen Prozessabschnitte erfolgten auch international erfolgreiche Untersuchungen zu den grundsaetzlichen Problemen des Stromtransports. Anlass fuer die Entwicklung eines YBCO-Testleiters ist die Einsatzmoeglichkeit dieser Verbindung in mittleren Feldern von Magnetspulen. Auf Grund der hohen Anforderungen an die Kornausrichtung wurde das bewaehrte Verfahren der Laserablation eingesetzt. Auf Edelstahlsubstraten (Hastelloy C22) und mittels Magnetronsputtern abgeschiedenen c-Achsen orientierten ZrO_2 (Y) Pufferschichten (YSZ) wurden reproduzierbar Stromdichten von j_c=40 kA/cm"2 (77 K) erreicht. Bandlaengen von 15 cm (j_c=20 kA/cm"2/77 K) wurden realisert. Durch Ionen-unterstuetzte in-situ Abscheidung von YSZ konnte eine biaxiale Ausrichtung der Kristallite induziert und Spitzenwerte von j_c=2 10"5 A/cm"2 reproduziert werden. Durch verbesserte Heizsysteme konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass hohe Stromdichten (>10"6 A/cm"2) auch in Dickfilmen (#>=#3.5 #mu#m) zur Verfuegung stehen. (orig./MM)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F96B1406+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Surfactant lipidomics in healthy children and childhood interstitial lung disease.

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    Lipids account for the majority of pulmonary surfactant, which is essential for normal breathing. We asked if interstitial lung diseases (ILD) in children may disrupt alveolar surfactant and give clues for disease categorization.Comprehensive lipidomics profiles of broncho-alveolar lavage fluid were generated in 115 children by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). Two reference populations were compared to a broad range of children with ILD.Class and species composition in healthy children did not differ from that in children with ILD related to diffuse developmental disorders, chronic tachypnoe of infancy, ILD related to lung vessels and the heart, and ILD related to reactive lymphoid lesions. As groups, ILDs related to the alveolar surfactant region, ILD related to unclear respiratory distress syndrome in the mature neonate, or in part ILD related to growth abnormalities reflecting deficient alveolarisation, had significant alterations of some surfactant specific phospholipids. Additionally, lipids derived from inflammatory processes were identified and differentiated. In children with ABCA3-deficiency from two ILD causing mutations saturated and monounsaturated phosphatidylcholine species with 30 and 32 carbons and almost all phosphatidylglycerol species were severely reduced. In other alveolar disorders lipidomic profiles may be of less diagnostic value, but nevertheless may substantiate lack of significant involvement of mechanisms related to surfactant lipid metabolism.Lipidomic profiling may identify specific forms of ILD in children with surfactant alterations and characterized the molecular species pattern likely to be transported by ABCA3 in vivo