42 research outputs found
Influência das práticas de manejo e do exercício físico moderado sobre o metabolismo de matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus.
Matrinxãs (Brycon amazonicus; 25g; 10 cm) provenientes da Piscicultura Águas Claras (Mococa, SP) foram divididos em dois grupos: exercitado (natação forçada na velocidade de 2,0 comprimentos corporais segundo-1; EX) e sedentário (sem exercício; SD), mantidos no Laboratório de Zoofisiologia e Bioquímica Comparativa, UFSCar (São Carlos, SP) em aquários com 500 L de água, aeração e fluxo contínuos, 25 ºC, fotoperíodo 12/12 h e ração comercial
O uso do sulfato de cobre em ecossistemas aquáticos: fatores que afetam sua toxicidade em peixes de água doce.
O aumento mundial da contaminação de sistemas de água doce com inúmeros compostos químicos industriais e naturais é hoje um dos principais problemas ambientais.Mineração, emissão de esgoto doméstico, aplicação de fertilizantes e pesticidas degradam severamente os ecossistemas aquáticos com metais pesados. A aquicultura, caracterizada nas últimas décadas como potencial atividade agropecuária não está isenta desta negativa contribuição, uma vez que utiliza, em sua cadeia produtiva, compostos que interferem diretamente na cadeia trófica dos sistemas aquícolas. Dentre os principais produtos utilizados na piscicultura, para contornar as dificuldades no processo produtivo, pode-se citar o sulfato de cobre (CuSO4) que, quando utilizado indevidamente, gera efeitos tóxicos para as espécies aquáticas.bitstream/item/86875/1/Doc-91.pd
Respostas fisiológicas de carpa comum, Cyprinus carpio, submetida à natação forçada.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar os efeitos do treinamento nas características fisiológicas e biométricas de carpas, Cyprinus carpio, submetidas à natação forçada
Antioxidant defenses and biochemical changes in pacu in response to single and combined copper and hypercapnia exposure.
This study investigate the pontentially detrimental effects of CO2 and its combination with copper on pacu
Stocking density and copper effects on the antioxidant defenses and hematological paramenters of pacu.
In this study the objectives were to determine the acute toxicity of copper in pacu and the influence of fish stocking densities to copper toxicity
The autonomic control and functional significance of the changes in heart rate associated with air breathing in the jeju, Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus
The jeju is a teleost fish with bimodal respiration that utilizes a modified swim bladder as an air-breathing organ (ABO). Like all air-breathing fish studied to date, jeju exhibit pronounced changes in heart rate (f(H)) during air-breathing events, and it is believed that these may facilitate oxygen uptake (M-O2) from the ABO. The current study employed power spectral analysis (PSA) of f(H) patterns, coupled with instantaneous respirometry, to investigate the autonomic control of these phenomena and their functional significance for the efficacy of air breathing. The jeju obtained less than 5% of total M-O2 (M-tO2) from air breathing in normoxia at 26 degrees C, and PSA of beat-to-beat variability in fH revealed a pattern similar to that of unimodal water-breathing fish. In deep aquatic hypoxia (water P-O2=1 kPa) the jeju increased the frequency of air breathing (f(AB)) tenfold and maintained M-tO2 unchanged from normoxia. This was associated with a significant increase in heart rate variability (HRV), each air breath (AB) being preceded by a brief bradycardia and then followed by a brief tachycardia. These f(H) changes are qualitatively similar to those associated with breathing in unimodal air-breathing vertebrates. Within 20 heartbeats after the AB, however, a beat-to-beat variability in f(H) typical of water-breathing fish was re-established. Pharmacological blockade revealed that both adrenergic and cholinergic tone increased simultaneously prior to each AB, and then decreased after it. However, modulation of inhibitory cholinergic tone was responsible for the major proportion of HRV, including the precise beat-to-beat modulation of f(H) around each AB. Pharmacological blockade of all variations in f(H) associated with air breathing in deep hypoxia did not, however, have a significant effect upon f(AB) or the regulation of M-tO2. Thus, the functional significance of the profound HRV during air breathing remains a mystery
Determination of acute median lethal concentration and sublethal effects on AChE activity of Gymnotus carapo (Teleostei: Gymnotidae) exposed to trichlorfon.
Abstract: Trichlorfon (TRF) is a pesticide widely used in aquaculture to control fish ectoparasites. This pesticide is an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, an essential enzyme for termination of nerve impulses. High rates of TRF use generate risks to the environment and human health. In the environment, pesticides can affect the local fauna and generate an ecological breakdown. There are several studies performed with fish production; however, gaps are created for native fish with other commercial values. The tuvira (Gymnotus carapo) is a fish native to Brazilian fauna and has great commercial importance in sport fishing. The present study aimed to determine the lethal concentration of trichlorfon (Masoten) in Gymnotus carapo and its sublethal effects on the enzyme AChE. In this study, the acute toxicity (the concentrations to kill 50% of the fish LC50) of TRF in tuviras (Gymnotus carapo) and acetylcholinesterase inhibition in liver and muscle tissue of tuviras submitted to sublethal concentrations were evaluated. For the acute assay, concentrations of 0.0, 5.0, 7.5, 15, 22.5, 30, 37.5 and 45 mg L-1 were used for a period of 96 h. After the acute exposure period, a LC50 of 6.38 mg L-1 was determined. In the sublethal assay, concentrations of 0.0, 0.238, 0.438 and 0.638 mg L-1 were used, based on 10% of the LC50, over a period of 14 days. Two collections were performed: one at seven days and the other at the end (day 14). Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in the liver was only shown (p < 0.05) for the treatment with 0.638 mg L-1 after 14 days of exposure. At seven days, muscle activity showed a significant difference only for the treatments 0.438 and 0.638 mg L-1, compared with the treatment 0.238 mg L-1 and control. At 14 days of exposure, only the treatment 0.638 mg L-1 showed significant differences in relation to the other groups, thus showing that enzyme recovery had occurred. The value found in the acute test allowed the conclusion that TRF presents moderately toxic characteristics to Gymnotus carapo. The toxicity parameter values calculated in the present study assisted in estimation of maximum allowable limits in bodies of water when combined with test data from other non-target organisms. -- Resumo: O triclorfon (TRC) é um pesticida muito utilizado na aquicultura para o controle de ectoparasitos de peixes. Este pesticida é um inibidor da acetilcolinesterase, uma enzima essencial para a finalização de impulsos nervosos. As altas concentrações utilizadas de TRC geram riscos ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. No ambiente, os pesticidas podem afetar a fauna local e gerar um colapso ecológico. Existem vários estudos com peixes de produção, no entanto, há lacunas para peixes nativos com outros valores comerciais. A tuvira (Gymnotus carapo) é um peixe nativo da fauna brasileira e possui grande importância comercial na pesca esportiva. O presente trabalho, delineado para determinar a concentração letal de triclorfon (Masoten?) em Gymnotus carapo e seus efeitos subletais na enzima AChE, avaliou a toxicidade aguda (concentrações para matar 50% dos peixes CL50) do TRC em tuviras (Gymnotus carapo) e a inibição da acetilcolinesterase no fígado e tecido muscular de tuviras. Para o ensaio agudo, foram utilizadas concentrações de 0,0, 5,0, 7,5, 15, 22,5, 30, 37,5 e 45 mg L-1 por um período de 96 horas. Após o período de exposição aguda, foi determinado uma CL50 de 6,38 mg L-1. No ensaio subletal, foram utilizadas concentrações de 0,0, 0,238, 0,438 e 0,638 mg L-1, com base em 10% do CL50, durante um período de catorze dias. Foram realizadas duas colheitas: uma aos sete dias e a outra ao final (décimo quarto dia). A inibição da acetilcolinesterase no fígado foi demonstrada apenas (p <0,05) para o tratamento com 0,638 mg L-1 após catorze dias de exposição. Aos sete dias, a atividade muscular mostrou diferença significativa apenas para os tratamentos 0,438 e 0,638 mg L-1, em comparação com o tratamento 0,238 mg L-1 e controle. Aos catorze dias de exposição, apenas o tratamento 0,638 mg L-1 apresentou diferenças significativas em relação aos demais grupos, demonstrando a recuperação enzimática. O valor encontrado no teste agudo permitiu concluir que o TRC apresenta características moderadamente tóxicas para Gymnotus carapo. Os valores dos parâmetros de toxicidade calculados no presente estudo permitiram o estabelecimento da estimativa dos limites máximos permitidos em corpos d?água quando combinados com dados de testes de outros organismos não-alvo
Physiological and biochemical responses of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to acute trichlorfon exposure.
Abstract: Trichlorfon [TCF] is an organophosphate compound used to eliminate or control a variety of parasites in farmed fish. The physiological and biochemical responses of juvenile Nile tilapia were studied after 96 hours of exposure to TCF. The experiment was conducted randomly with two treatments: control and TCF (0.5 mg L-1). No mortality or changes in hematological profile were recorded for the fish. On the other hand, we found that TCF exposure caused behavioral, metabolic and hormonal changes that modified the response patterns of the immune and enzymatic defense system in muscle and liver tissues. Increased plasma cortisol and glucose combined with the reduction of acetylcholinesterase activity in muscle and liver tissue after 96-h of TCF exposure indicates chemical stress. In response to this harmful situation, we observed changes in the immune system that lead to an increased number of leukocytes, thrombocytes, monocytes, lysozyme and leukocyte respiratory burst activity. Furthermore, we associate the increased activity of glutathione-S-transferase in liver tissue as a strategy fish use to combat the effects of TCF. Thus, we conclude that TCF affects the physiologic parameters of Nile tilapia, which can generate irreversible situations of recovery of the clinical condition. Such fact highlights the need to search for new compounds that could replace TCF, that have no or few adverse effects on fish species