23,598 research outputs found

    Teor de açúcar da água residuária do processamento do café.

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    A fermentação dos açúcares contidos na mucilagem da água residuária do café (ARC) possibilita obter álcool. Para se obter bom rendimento de álcool é necessário ajustar o teor de açúcar da ARC para 16° Brix. O trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de açúcar da ARC, após sucessivas reciclagens no processo de desmucilamento. Colocou-se água de torneira em amostras de café cereja descascado, das variedades Bourbon Vermelho e Bourbon Amarelo, e a mucilagem foi extraída, girando-se um bastão de vidro, por 3 minutos. Foram feitas até seis extrações, em seqüência, reciclando-se a ARC obtida. Os teores de açúcar da ARC aumentaram linearmente com o aumento do número de extrações realizadas. O teor de açúcar da ARC elevou-se de 3,1 para 9,3° Brix, após cinco extrações, e de 2,6 para 10,3° Brix, após seis extrações da mucilagem do cereja descascado, das variedades Bourbon Vermelho e Bourbon Amarelo, respectivamente

    Gravitational wave recoils in non-axisymmetric Robinson-Trautman spacetimes

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    We examine the gravitational wave recoil waves and the associated net kick velocities in non-axisymmetric Robinson-Trautman spacetimes. We use characteristic initial data for the dynamics corresponding to non-head-on collisions of black holes. We make a parameter study of the kick distributions, corresponding to an extended range of the incidence angle ρ0\rho_0 in the initial data. For the range of ρ0\rho_0 examined (3ρ01103^{\circ} \leq \rho_0 \leq 110^{\circ}) the kick distributions as a function of the symmetric mass parameter η\eta satisfy a law obtained from an empirical modification of the Fitchett law, with a parameter CC that accounts for the non-zero net gravitational momentum wave fluxes for the equal mass case. The law fits accurately the kick distributions for the range of ρ0\rho_0 examined, with a rms normalized error of the order of 5%5 \%. For the equal mass case the nonzero net gravitational wave momentum flux increases as ρ0\rho_0 increases, up to ρ055\rho_0 \simeq 55^{\circ} beyond which it decreases. The maximum net kick velocity is about 190km/s190 {\rm km/s} for for the boost parameter considered. For ρ050\rho_0 \geq 50^{\circ} the distribution is a monotonous function of η\eta. The angular patterns of the gravitational waves emitted are examined. Our analysis includes the two polarization modes present in wave zone curvature.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1403.4581, arXiv:1202.1271, arXiv:1111.122

    Systematics of soft final state interactions in BB decay

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    By using very general and well established features of soft strong interactions we show, contrary to conventional expectations, that (i) soft final state interactions (FSI) do not disappear for large mBm_B, (ii) inelastic rescattering is expected to be the main source of soft FSI phases, and (iii) flavor off-diagonal FSI are suppressed by a power of mBm_B, but are quite likely to be significant at mB5m_B\simeq 5~GeV. We briefly discuss the influence of these interactions on tests of CP-violation and on theoretical calculations of weak decays.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX, no figure