532 research outputs found

    Excitonic pairing between nodal fermions

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    We study excitonic pairing in nodal fermion systems characterized by a vanishing quasiparticle density of states at the pointlike Fermi surface and a concomitant lack of screening for long-range interactions. By solving the gap equation for the excitonic order parameter, we obtain a critical value of the interaction strength for a variety of power-law interactions and densities of states. We compute the free energy and analyze possible phase transitions, thus shedding further light on the unusual pairing properties of this peculiar class of strongly correlated systems.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, minor revisions made, final versio

    Novel behaviors in fermion systems with point-like Fermi surfaces and singular interactions

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    Modern condensed matter physics owes much of its success to Fermi liquid theory. In recent times, however, the study of strongly correlated particle systems is opening up all-new territory in many-body physics. A peculiar class of such systems, that of nodal fermions, is characterized by the quasiparticle density of states vanishing at the point-like Fermi surface and long-range inter-particle interactions surviving unscreened. In the first part, I discuss fermion pairing in one such system, 2D graphene. By solving the gap equation for the excitonic order parameter, I obtain values of critical interaction strength for a variety of power-law interactions and densities of states. Furthermore, these results are then used to compute the respective free energies and analyze possible phase transitions. In the second part, I discuss the effects of lattice disorder and impurities on the density of states in nodal fermion systems. These results and predictions will be of interest to a broad range of physical problems involving nodal fermions, and can be tested in a variety of experimental directions

    Cloning of the Complete Gene for Carcinoembryonic Antigen

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    Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a widely used tumor marker, especially in the surveillance of colonic cancer patients. Although CEA is also present in some normal tissues, it is apparently expressed at higher levels in tumorous tissues than in corresponding normal tissues. As a first step toward analyzing the regulation of expression of CEA at the transcriptional level, we have isolated and characterized a cosmid clone (cosCEA1), which contains the entire coding region of the CEA gene. A close correlation exists between the exon and deduced immunoglobulin-like domain borders. We have determined a cluster of transcriptional starts for CEA and the closely related nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA) gene and have sequenced their putative promoters. Regions of sequence homology are found as far as approximately 500 nucleotides upstream from the translational starts of these genes, but farther upstream they diverge completely. In both cases we were unable to find classic TATA or CAAT boxes at their expected positions. To characterize the CEA and NCA promoters, we carried out transient transfection assays with promoter-indicator gene constructs in the CEA-producing adenocarcinoma cell line SW403, as well as in nonproducing HeLa cells. A CEA gene promoter construct, containing approximately 400 nucleotides upstream from the translational start, showed nine times higher activity in the SW403 than in the HeLa cell line. This indicates that cis-acting sequences which convey cell type-specific expression of the CEA gene are contained within this region

    Conformal gauge theories from AdS/CFT superstring duality?

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    Non-supersymmetric d=4 gauge theories which arise from superstring duality on a manifold AdS5×S5/Zp are cataloged for a range 2≤p≤41. A number have vanishing two-loop gauge β−function, a necessary but not sufficient condition to be a conformal field theory

    A Polymerase-chain-reaction Assay for the Specific Identification of Transcripts Encoded by Individual Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)-gene-family Members

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    Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker that belongs to a family of closely related molecules with variable expression patterns. We have developed sets of oligonucleotide primers for the specific amplification of transcripts from individual CEA-family members using the reverse transcriptase/ polymerase chain reaction (RT/PCR). Specific primer sets were designed for CEA, non-specific cross-reacting antigen (NCA), biliary glycoprotein (BGP), carcinoembryonic antigen gene-family members 1, 6 and 7 (CGMI, CGM6 and CGM7), and one set for all pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) transcripts. Primers were first tested for their specificity against individual cDNA clones and product-hybridization with internal, transcript-specific oligonucleotides. Total RNA from 12 brain and 63 gynecological tumors were then tested for expression of CEA-related transcripts. None were found in tumors located in the brain, including various mesenchymal and neuro-epithelial tumors. CEA and NCA transcripts were, however, present in an adenocarcinoma located in the nasal sinuses. In ovarian mucinous adenocarcinomas, we always found co-expression of CEA and NCA transcripts, and occasionally BGP mRNA. CEA-related transcripts were also found in some serous, endometrioid and clear-cell ovarian carcinomas. CEA, NCA and BGP transcripts were present in endometrial carcinomas of the uterus and cervical carcinomas, whereas uterine leiomyomas were completely negative. No transcripts were found from CGM 1, CGM6, CGM7 or from PSG genes in any of the tumors tested. The PCR data were compared with immunohistochemical investigations of ovarian tumors at the protein level using CEA (26/3/13)-, NCA-50/90 (9A6FR) and NCA-95 (80H3)-specific monoclonal antibodies

    The Pentameric Vertex Proteins Are Necessary for the Icosahedral Carboxysome Shell to Function as a CO2 Leakage Barrier

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    BACKGROUND: Carboxysomes are polyhedral protein microcompartments found in many autotrophic bacteria; they encapsulate the CO(2) fixing enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) within a thin protein shell and provide an environment that enhances the catalytic capabilities of the enzyme. Two types of shell protein constituents are common to carboxysomes and related microcompartments of heterotrophic bacteria, and the genes for these proteins are found in a large variety of bacteria. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have created a Halothiobacillus neapolitanus knockout mutant that does not produce the two paralogous CsoS4 proteins thought to occupy the vertices of the icosahedral carboxysomes and related microcompartments. Biochemical and ultrastructural analyses indicated that the mutant predominantly forms carboxysomes of normal appearance, in addition to some elongated microcompartments. Despite their normal shape, purified mutant carboxysomes are functionally impaired, although the activities of the encapsulated enzymes are not negatively affected. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In the absence of the CsoS4 proteins the carboxysome shell loses its limited permeability to CO(2) and is no longer able to provide the catalytic advantage RubisCO derives from microcompartmentalization. This study presents direct evidence that the diffusion barrier property of the carboxysome shell contributes significantly to the biological function of the carboxysome

    The Lantern Vol. 3, No. 2, March 1935

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    • Puppets of Propaganda • Reluctance • Reflections From My Diary • Reverie • Bash Turner Enters the Limelight • The College Students\u27 Obligation • The Schwenkfelders • Love\u27s Desire • Verse • On the Squirt of a Grapefruit • Pioneers! • Whither Fraternities? • Mary Peters: A Book Review • Different as Night and Day • Ode to an Alley Cathttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 10, No. 1

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    • Tramp Work : Penknife Plus Cigar Boxes • Tramps of My Youth • The German Broadside Songs of Pennsylvania • The Rise of Interest in Folk Art • Dutch Treats for Breakfast • The Amish, Citizens of Heaven and America • Collectanea • My Great-Grandmother • Old Sweitzer\u27s Ghost • Pastimes of My Youth • Battalion Day • Seven Days Make One Weekhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1004/thumbnail.jp
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