55 research outputs found

    Design thinking for entrepreneurship: An explorative inquiry into its practical contributions

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    Design thinking (DT) is expanding its horizons across a variety of different domains. One of the early and debated contributions regarding DT addressed its relationship with the entrepreneurial field. Today, there are numerous contributions that design thinking can offer in the creation of new ventures. However, there are few examples in the literature that discuss the concrete impacts and benefits of adopting DT in this field, demonstrating it through entrepreneurial projects. This paper aims to explore practitioners’ experiences with the application of theories from design thinking inside an entrepreneurial context. The impacts of the learning and the relative application of the main design thinking principles are evaluated via a sample of 50 participants in an international summer academy that offered education on DT concepts and practices. Through this research, a deep understanding of how design thinking can contribute to entrepreneurship is provided, highlighting which specific DT abilities enable the development of entrepreneurial activity

    Electrochemical cell design for the impedance studies of chlorine evolution at DSA® anodes

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    A new electrochemical cell design suitable for the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)studies of chlorine evolution on Dimensionally Stable Anodes (DSA®) has been developed. Despitebeing considered a powerful tool, EIS has rarely been used to study the kinetics of chlorine evolutionat DSA anodes. Cell designs in the open literature are unsuitable for the EIS analysis at high DSAanode current densities for chlorine evolution because they allow gas accumulation at the electrodesurface. Using the new cell, the impedance spectra of the DSA anode during chlorine evolution at highsodium chloride concentration (5 mol dm−3 NaCl) and high current densities (up to 140 mA cm−2)were recorded. Additionally, polarization curves and voltammograms were obtained showing little orno noise. EIS and polarization curves evidence the role of the adsorption step in the chlorine evolutionreaction, compatible with the Volmer-Heyrovsky and Volmer-Tafel mechanisms

    Stress-related cardiomyopathies

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    Stress-related cardiomyopathies can be observed in the four following situations: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or apical ballooning syndrome; acute left ventricular dysfunction associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage; acute left ventricular dysfunction associated with pheochromocytoma and exogenous catecholamine administration; acute left ventricular dysfunction in the critically ill. Cardiac toxicity was mediated more by catecholamines released directly into the heart via neural connection than by those reaching the heart via the bloodstream. The mechanisms underlying the association between this generalized autonomic storm secondary to a life-threatening stress and myocardial toxicity are widely discussed. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy has been reported all over the world and has been acknowledged by the American Heart Association as a form of reversible cardiomyopathy. Four "Mayo Clinic" diagnostic criteria are required for the diagnosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: 1) transient left ventricular wall motion abnormalities involving the apical and/or midventricular myocardial segments with wall motion abnormalities extending beyond a single epicardial coronary artery distribution; 2) absence of obstructive epicardial coronary artery disease that could be responsible for the observed wall motion abnormality; 3) ECG abnormalities, such as transient ST-segment elevation and/or diffuse T wave inversion associated with a slight troponin elevation; and 4) the lack of proven pheochromocytoma and myocarditis. ECG changes and LV dysfunction occur frequently following subarachnoid hemorrhage and ischemic stroke. This entity, referred as neurocardiogenic stunning, was called neurogenic stress-related cardiomyopathy. Stress-related cardiomyopathy has been reported in patients with pheochromocytoma and in patients receiving intravenous exogenous catecholamine administration. The role of a huge increase in endogenous and/or exogenous catecholamine level in critically ill patients (severe sepsis, post cardiac resuscitation, post tachycardia) to explain the onset of myocardial dysfunction was discussed. Further research is needed to understand this complex interaction between heart and brain and to identify risk factors and therapeutic and preventive strategies

    Pregled znanstvenih napredaka u učinskoj elektronici usmjerenih ka osiguravanju efikasnog rada i dužeg životnog vijeka PEMgorivih ćelija

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    This article focuses on the main issues that affect the lifetime and performance of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells. The short lifespans of these fuel cells represent a barrier to their massive commercialization and usage in mobile and stationary applications. As fuel cell is a very complex system, a lot of knowledge of different areas is required, such as chemistry, electricity and mechanics, in order to completely understand its operation and all the problems that can occur during it. It is for this reason that an interdisciplinary approach needs to be taken when designing fuel-cell energy systems. This paper focuses on identifying and solving those issues that negatively affect the lifetime and performance of fuel cells. It is hoped that this article would be a valuable aid for power electronics’ researchers and engineers for better understanding the presented issues and a useful guide for solving them with the use of proper power electronic-devices. Initially, the basic operation and structure of a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell is explained. Three main issues that can occur during operation of a mobile or stationary fuel cell energy system are pointed out and discussed in details, on the basis of the state-of-the-art on fuel cell technology. These issues are poor water management, reactant gas starvation and fuel cell current ripple. This article provides answers as to why they occur, how they affect the fuel cell, how they can be mitigated, and what are the future trends within this research field.Članak se osvrće na ključna pitanja koja utječu na vrijeme rada i performanse gorivih ćelija s polimernom membranom kao elektrolitom. Kratak životni vijek gorivih ćelija takve vrste prepreka je njihovoj komercijalizaciji i masovnoj upotrebi u mobilnim i stacionarnim stanicama. Budući da su gorive ćelije komplicirani sustavi potrebno je znanje iz raznih područja kemije, elektrotehnike i mehanike da bi se u potpunosti mogao razumjeti njihov način rada i problemi koji se događaju. Upravo je zbog toga multidisciplinarni pristup nužnost pri razvoju sustava koji koriste gorive ćelije. Ovaj je članak usmjeren prema identifikaciji i rješavanju onih problema koji negativno utječu na životni vijek i performanse gorivih ćelija. Autori se nadaju da će se članak pokazati kao korisna pomoć i vodič istraživačima i inženjerima u domeni učinske elektronike pri susretu s navedenim problemima. Objašnjen je način rada i struktura gorive ćelije s polimernom membranom kao elektrolitom. Izložena su, i diskutirana do u detalje, tri glavna problema sa stajališta trenutačnih spoznaja u području učinske elektronike. Ti problemi su: loše upravljanje vodom, nestanak reaktantnog plina i strujni trzaji u gorivim ćelijama. Objašnjeno je zašto se ovi problemi događaju, kako utječu na gorivu ćeliju, kako ih se može spriječiti i koje su buduće perspektive istraživanja

    Co-creation for Responsible Research and Innovation. Experimenting with Design Methods and Tools

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    This open access book summarizes research being pursued within the SISCODE (Society in Innovation and Science through CO-DEsign) project, funded by the EU under the H2020 programme, the goal of which is to set up an analytical, reflective and learning framework to explore the transformations in initiatives and policies emerging from the interaction between citizens and stakeholders. The book provides a critical analysis of the co-design processes activated in 10 co-creation labs addressing societal challenges across Europe. Each lab as a case study of real-life experimentation is described through its journey, starting from the purpose on the ground of the experimentation and the challenge addressed. Specific attention is then drawn on the role of policies and policy maker engagement. Finally, the experimentation is enquired in terms of its output, transformations triggered within the organization and the overall ecosystem, and its outcomes, opening the reasoning towards the lessons learnt and reflections that the entire co-creation journey brought

    Fostering the Building of New Capacities in Responsible Research and Innovation through Co- Creation

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    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) aims to involve stakeholders and society actively in innovation processes, making them more responsible and collaboratively while tackling pressing societal challenges. Facing difficulties in translating this concept from theory into practice, co-creation has been identified as a potential approach to operationalize RRI involving organizations into concrete initiatives. As a non-linear process, it involves multiple stakeholders in an iterative, collaborative development procedure of products, services, policies, or systems intended to obtain a satisfying solution for all involved actors. This contribution investigates co-creation applied and assessed in a learning-by-doing process to explore the dynamics and results of knowledge exchange and capacity building. Knowledge is gained from the H2020 project SISCODE, which examines the operationalization of RRI through co-creation in concrete contexts with real- life experimentations. With the setup of an experiential learning process, ten pilot experimentations using co-creation to tackle various societal challenges across Europe were conducted. To monitor and assess the direct results, mid-term outcomes, and the potential of long- term impact, an assessment framework was developed as part of the project. It consists of monitoring practices and tools that focus on collaborative data collection to foster self- reflection and track changes over time. The dimensions investigated aimed at obtaining a perspective of capacities built and learning processes triggered as indirect results of the process to sustain co-creation and Responsible Innovation in the long term beyond the single initiative. The capacities developed as a result range from soft skills (like empathy) to the capability of systemic thinking and the application of co-design tools. Activating a broader reflection, it is finally discussed the roles of prototypes as boundary objects for learning processes, the need to create a safe and encouraging space as a learning environment and long-term strategies for in-depth change

    Exploring extended outcomes of co-creation applied for Responsible Research and Innovation

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    Co-creation was identified as a potential approach towards the operationalization of the area of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) due to its cooperative, transparent and iterative characteristics. The EU project SISCODE (Grant agreement: 788217, funded under the Horizon2020 program, conducted a real-life experimentation with 10 pilots across Europe to explore the short- and mid-term effects of co-creation as a means to put RRI into practice. Drivers and barriers across diverse contexts are identified stating the role and dynamics of capacity building at the ground of practicing co-creation. Monitoring and assessment activities are investigated as pivotal to prove impact and represent a challenge at the same time lacking standard parameters and a framework to make assessment in the context of RRI effective and sustainable. Finally, indications are detected on how cocreation may trigger and foster organizational transformation trough the embedding of novel methods and tools and challenging existing structures