28 research outputs found

    Galectin-1, a gene preferentially expressed at the tumor margin, promotes glioblastoma cell invasion

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    BACKGROUND: High-grade gliomas, including glioblastomas (GBMs), are recalcitrant to local therapy in part because of their ability to invade the normal brain parenchyma surrounding these tumors. Animal models capable of recapitulating glioblastoma invasion may help identify mediators of this aggressive phenotype. METHODS: Patient-derived glioblastoma lines have been propagated in our laboratories and orthotopically xenografted into the brains of immunocompromized mice. Invasive cells at the tumor periphery were isolated using laser capture microdissection. The mRNA expression profile of these cells was compared to expression at the tumor core, using normal mouse brain to control for host contamination. Galectin-1, a target identified by screening the resulting data, was stably over-expressed in the U87MG cell line. Sub-clones were assayed for attachment, proliferation, migration, invasion, and in vivo tumor phenotype. RESULTS: Expression microarray data identified galectin-1 as the most potent marker (p-value 4.0 x 10(-8)) to identify GBM cells between tumor-brain interface as compared to the tumor core. Over-expression of galectin-1 enhanced migration and invasion in vitro. In vivo, tumors expressing high galectin-1 levels showed enhanced invasion and decreased host survival. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, cells at the margin of glioblastoma, in comparison to tumor core cells, have enhanced expression of mediators of invasion. Galectin-1 is likely one such mediator. Previous studies, along with the current one, have proven galectin-1 to be important in the migration and invasion of glioblastoma cells, in GBM neoangiogenesis, and also, potentially, in GBM immune privilege. Targeting this molecule may offer clinical improvement to the current standard of glioblastoma therapy, i.e. radiation, temozolomide, anti-angiogenic therapy, and vaccinotherapy

    Generation of powerful tunable mid-infrared picosecond laser radiation using frequency conversion in periodically poled lithium niobate

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    The generation of tunable mid-infrared picosecond laser radiation in the spectral range from 3-5 m by nonlinear frequency conversion in PPLN is reported. More than 3 W output power at 3 m and 1 W at 4.5 m were achieved

    Maternal nutritional status modifies heat-associated growth restriction in women with chronic malnutrition

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    Rapid changes in the global climate are deepening existing health disparities from resource scarcity and malnutrition. Rising ambient temperatures represent an imminent risk to pregnant women and infants. Both maternal malnutrition and heat stress during pregnancy contribute to poor fetal growth, the leading cause of diminished child development in low-resource settings. However, studies explicitly examining interactions between these two important environmental factors are lacking. We leveraged maternal and neonatal anthropometry data from a randomized controlled trial focused on improving preconception maternal nutrition (Women First Preconception Nutrition trial) conducted in Thatta, Pakistan, where both nutritional deficits and heat stress are prevalent. Multiple linear regression of ambient temperature and neonatal anthropometry at birth (n = 459) showed a negative association between daily maximal temperatures in the first trimester and Z-scores of birth length and head circumference. Placental mRNA-sequencing and protein analysis showed transcriptomic changes in protein translation, ribosomal proteins, and mTORC1 signaling components in term placenta exposed to excessive heat in the first trimester. Targeted metabolomic analysis indicated ambient temperature associated alterations in maternal circulation with decreases in choline concentrations. Notably, negative impacts of heat on birth length were in part mitigated in women randomized to comprehensive maternal nutritional supplementation before pregnancy suggesting potential interactions between heat stress and nutritional status of the mother. Collectively, the findings bridge critical gaps in our current understanding of how maternal nutrition may provide resilience against adverse effects of heat stress in pregnanc