15 research outputs found

    PIA台TKOWSKI A., Investigation of influence of defectiveness in aluminous porcelain structure on fracture process under compressive loading using acoustic emission method

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    This work presents acoustic emission (AE) and microscopic study of ceramic samples subjected to compressive stress. The object of research were specimens made of insulator aluminous porcelain 130 type. Purpose of this work was registration the stages of the process of degradation in ceramic material structure. Microscopic study allowed observing structural parameters of material before loading and on particular stages of the process of defects development. Influence of technological faults existing in material structure on mechanical-acoustic characteristics and mechanical strength of the samples was recognized

    Aluminous porcelain degradation study using mechanoacoustic and microscopic methods

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    This experimental paper comprises the results of acoustic emission (AE), microscopic and ultrasonic measurements of samples subjected to slowly increasing compressive stress. On the basis of conducted measurements the successive stages of the material structural degradation have been recognized. The objects of study were samples made of C 120 aluminous porcelain. The investigated material has found at present the application in the fabrication of technical elements like overhead power line insulators. In the case of such objects, not only high mechanical strength, but especially elevated durability as well as operational reliability are required. The expected "life time" of net insulators during exploitation is about 40 years. The analysis of obtained mechanoacoustic dependences pointed out a complex mechanism of degradation of the material. Microscopic investigation of samples, which were stressed to different levels of load, enabled to specify the development of gradual growth of microcracks and successive crushing out of elements of the structure. These processes appear to be similar to the ageing processes occurring in the material during long period of exploitation under a working load. Three stages of the structure degradation were distinguished. The preliminary and subcritical ones show low or moderate intensity of AE signals and considerable variety for the particular samples. The critical stage directly precedes the destructtion of samples. Its range is relatively narrow and reveals the AE activity of high energy. The effectiveness of dispersive and fibrous reinforcement of modern aluminous porcelain C 120 type has been described. Structural strengthening by corundum grains and mullite needle shaped crystals improves mechanical parameters and distinguishes this material from typical aluminosilicate ceramics. The presented results enable drawing up the conclusions concerning the resistance of investigated material to the ageing degradation process development during long term operation

    Mechanoakustyczne i mikroskopowe badania odporno艣ci porcelany wysokoglinowej na degradacj臋 struktury

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    The paper presents mechanoacoustic and microscopic testing of degradation processes of modern C 120 electrotechnical porcelain of domestic medium voltage line insulator. Samples of small dimensions, cut off from the rod of insulator, were subjected to compressive loading, with recording of acoustic emission descriptors. Microscopic analysis enabled determining the advancement of degradation effects. Three stages of the structure degradation were distinguished. The effectiveness of dispersive and fibrous reinforcement of modern aluminous porcelain C 120 type has been described. Structural strengthening by corundum grains and mullite needle shaped crystals improves mechanical parameters and distinguishes this material from typical aluminosilicate ceramics. The presented results enable drawing up the conclusions concerning the resistance of investigated material to the ageing degradation process development during long term operation.W pracy przedstawiono mechanoakustyczne i mikroskopowe badania proces贸w degradacji w nowoczesnym tworzywie porcelanowym rodzaju C 120 liniowego izolatora SN. Ma艂ogabarytowe pr贸bki, wyci臋te z pnia izolatora, by艂y quasi-statycznie 艣ciskane z jednoczesn膮 rejestracj膮 deskryptor贸w emisji akustycznej. Badania mikroskopowe 艣ciskanych pr贸bek wykorzystano do opisu mechanizmu degradacji tworzywa. Wyr贸偶niono trzy kolejne etapy degradacji struktury tworzywa. Stwierdzono wysok膮 kr贸tko- i d艂ugotrwa艂膮 odporno艣膰 materia艂u izolatora w por贸wnaniu do typowych tworzyw rodzaju C 120. Jest to wynikiem skutecznego dyspersyjnego i w艂贸knistego wzmocnienia struktury czerepu badanej porcelan

    Ocena mulitowej teorii wzmocnienia w zastosowaniu do porcelan elektrotechnicznych

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    The paper presents the evaluation of the mullite hypothesis explaining the strength of porcelains. There was researched the influence of the mullite phase on the short- and long-term mechanical strength of electrotechnical porcelain of different types (C 110, C 112, C 120 and C 130). The total mullite phase content, the size and distribution of precipitates and dispersed single crystals in the glassy matrix were considered. Mechanoacoustic and microscopic techniques as well as ultrasonic testing were used during the investigation. The role of the mullite phase in the increase of strength and resistance to aging processes of electrical porcelain of various types was described. Mullite hypothesis is valid in reference to siliceous (C 110), cristobalite (C 112) and aluminous C 120 type materials of a typical raw components content and phase composition. In the case of modern strengthened C 120 and C 130 type aluminous materials advantageous are only dispersed fine mullite needles. The precipitates of mullite phase, especially of bigger size, are undesirable.W pracy przedstawiono ocen臋 teorii mulitowej wzmocnienia porcelany, w odniesieniu do tworzyw elektrotechnicznych. Przedmiotem bada艅 by艂 wp艂yw fazy mulitowej na kr贸tko- i d艂ugotrwa艂膮 wytrzyma艂o艣膰 mechaniczn膮 elektroporoelan rodzaju C 110, C 112, C 120 oraz C 130. Rozpatrywana by艂a sumaryczna zawarto艣膰 fazy mulitowej. wielko艣膰 i roz艂o偶enie jej wydziele艅 oraz niezaglomeryzowanych kryszta艂贸w w osnowie szklistej. W badaniach wykorzystano metod臋 mechanoakustyczn膮, techniki mikroskopowe (MO i SEM) oraz metod臋 ultrad藕wi臋kow膮. Przedstawiono rol臋 fazy mulitowej w podwy偶szeniu odporno艣ci na procesy starzeniowe porcelany elektrotechnicznej r贸偶nego rodzaju. Stwierdzono s艂uszno艣膰 teorii mulitowej w przypadku tworzyw kwarcowych (C 110), krystobalitowych (C 112) oraz wysokoglinowych rodzaju C 120 o typowym - tradycyjnym sk艂adzie surowcowym i fazowym. W zastosowaniu do nowoczesnych, wzmocnionych tworzyw wysokoglinowych rodzaju C 120 oraz porcelan rodzaju C 130 korzystnie dzia艂aj膮 rozproszone w osnowie, niezaglomeryzowane ig艂owe kryszta艂y mulitu. Wydzielenia mulitu, zw艂aszcza o wi臋kszych rozmiarach, s膮 niepo偶膮dane

    Evaluation Of The Ml Lute Hypothesis In Respect Of Electrotec Hnical Porcelains

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    The paper presents the evaluation of the mullite hypothesis explaining the strength of porcelains. There was researched the influence of the mullite phase on the short- and long-term mechanical strength of electrotechnical porcelain of different types (C 110, C 112, C 120 and C 130). The total mullite phase content, the size and distribution of precipitates and dispersed single crystals in the glassy matrix were considered. Mechanoacoustic and microscopic techniques as well as ultrasonic testing were used during the investigation. The role of the mullite phase in the increase of strength and resistance to aging processes of electrical porcelain of various types was described. Mullite hypothesis is valid in reference to siliceous (C 110), cristobalite (C 112) and aluminous C 120 type materials of a typical raw components content and phase composition. In the case of modern strengthened C 120 and C 130 type aluminous materials advantageous are only dispersed fine mullite needles. The precipitates of mullite phase, especially of bigger size, are undesirable.W pracy przedstawiono ocen臋 teorii mulitowej wzmocnienia porcelany, w odniesieniu do tworzyw elektrotechnicznych. Przedmiotem bada艅 by艂 wp艂yw fazy mulitowej na kr贸tko- i d艂ugotrwa艂膮 wytrzyma艂o艣膰 mechaniczn膮 elektroporoelan rodzaju C 110, C 112, C 120 oraz C 130. Rozpatrywana by艂a sumaryczna zawarto艣膰 fazy mulitowej. wielko艣膰 i roz艂o偶enie jej wydziele艅 oraz niezaglomeryzowanych kryszta艂贸w w osnowie szklistej. W badaniach wykorzystano metod臋 mechanoakustyczn膮, techniki mikroskopowe (MO i SEM) oraz metod臋 ultrad藕wi臋kow膮. Przedstawiono rol臋 fazy mulitowej w podwy偶szeniu odporno艣ci na procesy starzeniowe porcelany elektrotechnicznej r贸偶nego rodzaju. Stwierdzono s艂uszno艣膰 teorii mulitowej w przypadku tworzyw kwarcowych (C 110), krystobalitowych (C 112) oraz wysokoglinowych rodzaju C 120 o typowym - tradycyjnym sk艂adzie surowcowym i fazowym. W zastosowaniu do nowoczesnych, wzmocnionych tworzyw wysokoglinowych rodzaju C 120 oraz porcelan rodzaju C 130 korzystnie dzia艂aj膮 rozproszone w osnowie, niezaglomeryzowane ig艂owe kryszta艂y mulitu. Wydzielenia mulitu, zw艂aszcza o wi臋kszych rozmiarach, s膮 niepo偶膮dane