8 research outputs found

    Die rol van die priester in die ‘troonopvolgingsgeskiedenis’

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    The so-called 'Succession Narrative' or ’Court History' (2 Sam. 9-10 and 1 Kings 1-2) bears very little testimony to the role of the priests. This article represents an attempt to examine the position of little priestly community, the priestly office-bearers and their office, the pail played by the priests in the crowning of the king and the fulfillment of their office to determine the role of the priests in the history of revelation ('theology') as seen in the Succession Narrative. It will become clear that the priestly order was indeed not very prominent and that there were many shortcomings. This however, was part of the fulfillment of God’s covenant promises that there would be a successor to David. Wiile God did not specifically use the priests in the succession to David’s throne, the priests were not ignored in the revelation since their presence and their officiating emphasized the presence of the Lord

    Die beklemtoning van die geslagte of geslagslyste in Genesis

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    Julius Wellhausen het reeds die belangrikheid van die geslagte of geslagslyste (toledot) besef en het in sy onderskeiding van die verskillende bronne tole­ dot as een van die karakteristieke woorde van die P-dokument beskou. P het dit later toegevoeg om die inhoud van die uit bronne saamgestelde Pen- tateug en in die besonder Genesis skematies te konstrueer. Die toledot-ioT- mule kom dan normaalweg aan die begin van sekere P-stukke voor. Die uit- sondering is Gen. 1:4a, waar dit die slotsin van ’n P-stuk vorm. As motive- ring vir hierdie afwyking is later verskeie oplossings aan die hand gedoen, bv. aat so ’n formule nie by die forse inleiding soos in Gen.l: 1 gevind tuishoort me. Die verbinding van toledot met die P-stukke is van verskillende kante bevraagteken (o.a. Eerdmans, Lohr, Volz, Smend, Eichrodt ens. — cf. Hul­ ling, 1964:216-26). Nadat Kulling (ibid., p. 217) ’n deeglike studie in dié verband ondemeem het, het hy afdoende bewys dat die to/edoi-formules nie aan die P-stukke verbind mag word nie, en dit was daarom ook nie die mer- kers wat ’n latere hand gebruik het om die boek Genesis te konstrueer nie. Hiermee het die belangrikheid van die toledot-formules nie afgeneem nie

    Die begronding van geregtigheid - 'n Perspektief op die wettebundels van die Pentateug

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    We can ascribe a certain sense of righteousness to all people. Using the legal codes of the Pentateuch (the Book of the Covenant, Deuteronomy and Leviticus-Numhers), this paper undertakes to answer the question of the extent of the code's foundation in God and His relationship with people

    Abolition or mitigation of the death penalty - A perspective on the laws of Israel

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    The issue concerning the topic of the death penalty for capital offences is still widely discussed. Those supporting the retention of the death penalty mostly quote the Old Testament as their source of authority. The question, however, is whether confirmation has not been found too easily in the Old Testament, without fully taking into account the conditions of the period. Or should the death penalty not be applied for transgressions other than manslaughter as well? In this paper special attention will he given to the demand for the death penalty for manslaughter and other crimes. The question whether the implementation of the death penalty in the history of old Israel implies the retention or mitigation thereof, will also have to be answered

    Die diens aan die agtergeblewenes ’n Perspektief op die wette van ou Israel

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    This article examines the validity of the laws on setting a Hebrew man or woman free and the cancellation of debts in the seventh or sabbatical year and the year of jubilee as these laws are manifested in the Pentateuch. After the relevant laws have been compared, they are tested in a broader Biblical context. Although no practical means or ways can be prescribed, the final result verifies the principle of restitution or affirmation


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    Die diskussie rondom die vraag na die betekenis van die Sondag bly steeds aktueel, alhoewel dit geensins ’n nuwe vraagstuk is nie. Ds. H. Denkema het tot nuwe verantwoording geroep deur te stel dat die ‘gelowige (sal) moet leer wat dit beteken om, sonder enige verdienste, van genade alleen te lewe’

    Waarderingswoord aan J.L. Helberg

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    Ter inleiding wil ek onomwonde sê dat dit vir my 'n besondere eer is om hiermee 'n kort waarderingswoord uit te spreek teenoor 'n hooggeagte kollege en lewenslange vriend - Jaap Helberg. Hy het aan die einde van 1993 as voltydse pro­fessor aan die Teologiese Skool Potchefstroom geëmeriteer waar hy 23 jaar gearbei het. Dit het die lang doseringstydperk van 32 jaar afgesluit, want hy het met sy benoeming aan die Teologiese Skool Potchefstroom reeds nege jaar as professor aan die Hammanskraalse Teologiese Skool gedien

    Die spektrum en dinamiek van die Gereformeerde teologie

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    In the critical climate of the scientific world of today, the question is continuously asked whether the study of confessionally oriented theo­logy can he regarded as genuine science. In this article an attempt is made to determine whether the study of theology can be evaluated as science. As reformed theology as practised by the GKSA (Gerefor­meerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika), recognizes the Bible as the autho­ritative Word of God (in accordance with the confessions of the churches) the question has to be answered whether this proposition can he scientifically Justified. Lastly, the dynamics of reformed theo­logy has to he scrutinized