3 research outputs found

    The Swift gamma-ray burst GRB 050422

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    We describe observations of GRB 050422, a Swift-discovered gamma-ray burst. The prompt gamma-ray emission had a T90 duration of 59 s and was multipeaked, with the main peak occurring at T+ 53 s. Swift was able to follow the X-ray afterglow within 100 s of the burst trigger. The X-ray light curve, which shows a steep early decline, can be described by a broken power law with an initial decay slope of α1∼ 5.0, a break time tb∼ 270 s and a post-break decay slope of α2∼ 0.9, when the zero time of the X-ray emission is taken to be the burst trigger time. However, if the zero time is shifted to coincide with the onset of main peak in the gamma-ray light curve then the initial decay slope is shallower with α1∼ 3.2. The initial gamma-ray spectrum can be modelled by a power law with a spectral index of βB= 0.50 ± 0.19. However, the early time X-ray spectrum is significantly steeper than this and requires a spectral index of βX= 2.33+0.58−0.55. In comparison with other Swift bursts, GRB 050422 was unusually X-ray faint, had a soft X-ray spectrum, and had an unusually steep early X-ray decline. Even so, its behaviour can be accommodated by standard models. The combined BAT/XRT light curve indicates that the initial, steeply declining, X-ray emission is related to the tail of the prompt gamma-ray emission. The shallower decay seen after the break is consistent with the standard afterglow model

    The early- and late-time spectral and temporal evolution of ORB 050716

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    We report on a comprehensive set of observations of gamma-ray burst 050716, detected by the Swift satellite and subsequently followed-up rapidly in X-ray, optical and near-infrared (NIR) wavebands. The prompt emission is typical of long-duration bursts, with two peaks in a time interval of T90= 68 s (15–350 keV). The prompt emission continues at lower flux levels in the X-ray band, where several smaller flares can be seen on the top of a decaying light curve that exhibits an apparent break around 220 s post-trigger. This temporal break is roughly coincident with a spectral break. The latter can be related to the extrapolated evolution of the break energy in the prompt γ-ray emission, and is possibly the manifestation of the peak flux break frequency of the internal shock passing through the observing band. A possible 3σ change in the X-ray absorption column is also seen during this time. The late-time afterglow behaviour is relatively standard, with an electron distribution power-law index of p= 2; there is no notable temporal break out to at least 10 d. The broad-band optical/NIR to X-ray spectrum indicates a redshift of z≳ 2 for this burst, with a host-galaxy extinction value of EB−V≈ 0.7 that prefers a small magellanic cloud (SMC)-like extinction curve

    GRB 050410 and GRB 050412: Are they really dark gamma-ray bursts?

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    Aims.We present a detailed analysis of the prompt and afterglow emission of GRB 050410 and GRB 050412 detected by Swift for which no optical counterpart was observed. Methods.We analysed data from the prompt emission detected by the Swift BAT and from the early phase of the afterglow obtained by the Swift narrow field instrument XRT. Results.The 15-150 keV energy distribution of the GRB 050410 prompt emission shows a peak energy at 53 -21+40 keV. The XRT light curve of this GRB decays as a power law with a slope of α=\alpha= 1.06 ±\pm 0.04. The spectrum is well reproduced by an absorbed power law with a spectral index Γx=2.4\Gamma_{\rm x}=2.4 ±\pm 0.4 and a low energy absorption NHN_{\rm H} = 4 +3-2 ×\times 1021 cm-2 which is higher than the Galactic value. The 15-150 keV prompt emission in GRB 050412 is modelled with a hard (Γ\Gamma = 0.7 ±\pm 0.2) power law. The XRT light curve follows a broken power law with the first slope α1\alpha_1 = 0.7 ±\pm 0.4, the break time TbreakT_{\rm break} = 254 -41+79 s and the second slope α2\alpha_2 = 2.8 -0.8+0.5. The spectrum is fitted by a power law with spectral index Γx=1.3\Gamma_{\rm x}=1.3 ±\pm 0.2 which is absorbed at low energies by the Galactic column. Conclusions.The GRB 050410 afterglow light curve reveals the expected characteristics of the third component of the canonical Swift light curve. Conversely, a complex phenomenology was detected in the GRB 050412 because of the presence of the very early break. The light curve in this case can be interpreted as being the last peak of the prompt emission. The two bursts present tight upper limits for the optical emission, however, neither of them can be clearly classified as dark. For GRB 050410, the suppression of the optical afterglow could be attributed to a low density interstellar medium surrounding the burst. For GRB 050412, the evaluation of the darkness is more difficult due to the ambiguity in the extrapolation of the X-ray afterglow light curve