113 research outputs found

    Ising Model Coupled to Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model coupled to three-dimensional quantum gravity based on a summation over dynamical triangulations. These were done both in the microcanonical ensemble, with the number of points in the triangulation and the number of Ising spins fixed, and in the grand canoncal ensemble. We have investigated the two possible cases of the spins living on the vertices of the triangulation (``diect'' case) and the spins living in the middle of the tetrahedra (``dual'' case). We observed phase transitions which are probably second order, and found that the dual implementation more effectively couples the spins to the quantum gravity.Comment: 11 page

    The 1/N expansion of colored tensor models

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    In this paper we perform the 1/N expansion of the colored three dimensional Boulatov tensor model. As in matrix models, we obtain a systematic topological expansion, with more and more complicated topologies suppressed by higher and higher powers of N. We compute the first orders of the expansion and prove that only graphs corresponding to three spheres S^3 contribute to the leading order in the large N limit.Comment: typos corrected, references update

    An Effective Model for Crumpling in Two Dimensions?

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    We investigate the crumpling transition for a dynamically triangulated random surface embedded in two dimensions using an effective model in which the disordering effect of the XX variables on the correlations of the normals is replaced by a long-range ``antiferromagnetic'' term. We compare the results from a Monte Carlo simulation with those obtained for the standard action which retains the XX's and discuss the nature of the phase transition.Comment: 5 page

    Smooth Random Surfaces from Tight Immersions?

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    We investigate actions for dynamically triangulated random surfaces that consist of a gaussian or area term plus the {\it modulus} of the gaussian curvature and compare their behavior with both gaussian plus extrinsic curvature and ``Steiner'' actions.Comment: 7 page

    Colored Group Field Theory

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    Group field theories are higher dimensional generalizations of matrix models. Their Feynman graphs are fat and in addition to vertices, edges and faces, they also contain higher dimensional cells, called bubbles. In this paper, we propose a new, fermionic Group Field Theory, posessing a color symmetry, and take the first steps in a systematic study of the topological properties of its graphs. Unlike its bosonic counterpart, the bubbles of the Feynman graphs of this theory are well defined and readily identified. We prove that this graphs are combinatorial cellular complexes. We define and study the cellular homology of this graphs. Furthermore we define a homotopy transformation appropriate to this graphs. Finally, the amplitude of the Feynman graphs is shown to be related to the fundamental group of the cellular complex

    The Yang-Lee zeros of the 1D Blume-Capel model on connected and non-connected rings

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    We carry out a numerical and analytic analysis of the Yang-Lee zeros of the 1D Blume-Capel model with periodic boundary conditions and its generalization on Feynman diagrams for which we include sums over all connected and non-connected rings for a given number of spins. In both cases, for a specific range of the parameters, the zeros originally on the unit circle are shown to departure from it as we increase the temperature beyond some limit. The curve of zeros can bifurcate and become two disjoint arcs as in the 2D case. We also show that in the thermodynamic limit the zeros of both Blume-Capel models on the static (connected ring) and on the dynamical (Feynman diagrams) lattice tend to overlap. In the special case of the 1D Ising model on Feynman diagrams we can prove for arbitrary number of spins that the Yang-Lee zeros must be on the unit circle. The proof is based on a property of the zeros of Legendre Polynomials.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Loop Equation in Two-dimensional Noncommutative Yang-Mills Theory

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    The classical analysis of Kazakov and Kostov of the Makeenko-Migdal loop equation in two-dimensional gauge theory leads to usual partial differential equations with respect to the areas of windows formed by the loop. We extend this treatment to the case of U(N) Yang-Mills defined on the noncommutative plane. We deal with all the subtleties which arise in their two-dimensional geometric procedure, using where needed results from the perturbative computations of the noncommutative Wilson loop available in the literature. The open Wilson line contribution present in the non-commutative version of the loop equation drops out in the resulting usual differential equations. These equations for all N have the same form as in the commutative case for N to infinity. However, the additional supplementary input from factorization properties allowing to solve the equations in the commutative case is no longer valid.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, references added, small clarifications adde

    Boundary fields and renormalization group flow in the two-matrix model

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    We analyze the Ising model on a random surface with a boundary magnetic field using matrix model techniques. We are able to exactly calculate the disk amplitude, boundary magnetization and bulk magnetization in the presence of a boundary field. The results of these calculations can be interpreted in terms of renormalization group flow induced by the boundary operator. In the continuum limit this RG flow corresponds to the flow from non-conformal to conformal boundary conditions which has recently been studied in flat space theories.Comment: 31 pages, Late

    Noncomputability Arising In Dynamical Triangulation Model Of Four-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    Computations in Dynamical Triangulation Models of Four-Dimensional Quantum Gravity involve weighted averaging over sets of all distinct triangulations of compact four-dimensional manifolds. In order to be able to perform such computations one needs an algorithm which for any given NN and a given compact four-dimensional manifold MM constructs all possible triangulations of MM with N\leq N simplices. Our first result is that such algorithm does not exist. Then we discuss recursion-theoretic limitations of any algorithm designed to perform approximate calculations of sums over all possible triangulations of a compact four-dimensional manifold.Comment: 8 Pages, LaTex, PUPT-132

    A new perspective on matter coupling in 2d quantum gravity

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    We provide compelling evidence that a previously introduced model of non-perturbative 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity exhibits (two-dimensional) flat-space behaviour when coupled to Ising spins. The evidence comes from both a high-temperature expansion and from Monte Carlo simulations of the combined gravity-matter system. This weak-coupling behaviour lends further support to the conclusion that the Lorentzian model is a genuine alternative to Liouville quantum gravity in two dimensions, with a different, and much `smoother' critical behaviour.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures (postscript