171 research outputs found

    Magneto-optic contact for application in an amplifying waveguide optical isolator

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    We present the development of a metal-semiconductor contact for a TM-mode amplijying waveguide optical isolator and show that it is a compromise between good (magneto-)optical performance and good electrical behavior

    Low-threshold heterogeneously integrated InP/SOI lasers with a double adiabatic taper coupler

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    We report on a heterogeneously integrated InP/silicon-on-insulator (SOI) laser source realized through divinylsiloxane-bis-benzocyclobutene (DVS-BCB) wafer bonding. The hybrid lasers present several new features. The III-V waveguide has a width of only 1.7 mu m, reducing the power consumption of the device. The silicon waveguide thickness is 400 nm, compatible with high-performance modulator designs and allowing efficient coupling to a standard 220-nm high index contrast silicon waveguide layer. In order to make the mode coupling efficient, both the III-V waveguide and silicon waveguide are tapered, with a tip width for the III-V waveguide of around 800 nm. These new features lead to good laser performance: a lasing threshold as low as 30 mA and an output power of more than 4 mW at room temperature in continuous-wave operation regime. Continuous wave lasing up to 70 degrees C is obtained

    Demonstration of a heterogeneously integrated III-V/SOI single wavelength tunable laser

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    A heterogeneously integrated III-V-on-silicon laser is reported, integrating a III-V gain section, a silicon ring resonator for wavelength selection and two silicon Bragg grating reflectors as back and front mirrors. Single wavelength operation with a side mode suppression ratio higher than 45 dB is obtained. An output power up to 10 mW at 20 °C and a thermo-optic wavelength tuning range of 8 nm are achieved. The laser linewidth is found to be 1.7 MHz

    III-V-on-silicon anti-colliding pulse-type mode-locked laser

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    An anti-colliding pulse-type III–V-on-silicon passively mode-locked laser is presented for the first time based on a III–V-on-silicon distributed Bragg reflector as outcoupling mirror implemented partially underneath the III–V saturable absorber. Passive mode-locking at 4.83 GHz repetition rate generating 3 ps pulses is demonstrated. The generated fundamental RF tone shows a 1.7 kHz 3 dB linewidth. Over 9 mW waveguide coupled output power is demonstrated