764 research outputs found

    Interrelations Between the Neutron's Magnetic Interactions and the Magnetic Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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    It is proved that the phase shift of a polarized neutron interacting with a spatially uniform time-dependent magnetic field, demonstrates the same physical principles as the magnetic Aharonov-Bohm effect. The crucial role of inert objects is explained, thereby proving the quantum mechanical nature of the effect. It is also proved that the nonsimply connectedness of the field-free region is not a profound property of the system and that it cannot be regarded as a sufficient condition for a nonzero phase shift.Comment: 18 pages, 1 postscript figure, Late

    Validation of Annual Growth-Zone Formation in Gray Triggerfish Balistes capriscus Dorsal Spines, Fin Rays, and Vertebrae

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    The goal of this study was to validate annual growth-zone formation in the gray triggerfish Balistes capriscus dorsal spines, fin rays, and vertebrae. Adult gray triggerfish (n = 4) were chemically marked by injecting with 50 mg of oxytetracycline (OTC) per kilogram body mass and reared in a 2,300-liter aquaculture tank. Fish were exposed to ambient light and water temperature mimicked bottom temperatures observed at an approximately 30-m depth in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fish died after 262 d and their first dorsal spines, pectoral fin rays, and vertebrae were extracted and sectioned. One translucent zone formed distal to the OTC mark in all hardpart types during the study period. Additional fin rays and vertebrae with corresponding dorsal spines were sampled from fish (n = 27 and 59, respectively) during fishery-independent surveys to compare translucent zone counts between hardparts. There was a significant difference between translucent zone counts between fin ray and dorsal spine sections (tdf = 1,25 = 23.15, P = 0.004). Fin ray counts on average were one zone greater than dorsal spine counts. Translucent zone counts in vertebrae were similar to those counted in dorsal spines with no significant difference between structures (tdf = 1,57 = 1.90, P = 0.062). The percentage of dorsal spines with translucent margins increased in winter months, peaking in February, and dropped to the lowest values in summer. The combined results of this study validate annual translucent zone formation in gray triggerfish hardparts, with dorsal spines being the preferred ageing structure for production ageing

    Parallel and divergent morphological adaptations underlying the evolution of jumping ability in ants

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    Jumping is a rapid locomotory mode widespread in terrestrial organisms. However, it is a rare specialization in ants. Forward jumping has been reported within four distantly related ant genera: Gigantiops, Harpegnathos, Myrmecia, and Odontomachus. The temporal engagement of legs/body parts during jump, however, varies across these genera. It is unknown what morphological adaptations underlie such behaviors and whether jumping in ants is solely driven directly by muscle contraction or additionally relies on elastic recoil mechanism. We investigated the morphological adaptations for jumping behavior by comparing differences in the locomotory musculature between jumping and non-jumping relatives using X-ray micro-CT and 3D morphometrics. We found that the size-specific volumes of the trochanter depressor muscle (scm6) of the middle and hind legs are 3-5 times larger in jumping ants, and that one coxal remotor muscle (scm2) is reduced in volume in the middle and/or hind legs. Notably, the enlargement in the volume of other muscle groups is directly linked to the legs or body parts engaged during the jump. Furthermore, a direct comparison of the muscle architecture revealed two significant differences between jumping vs. non-jumping ants: First, the relative Physiological Cross-Sectional Area (PCSA) of the trochanter depressor muscles of all three legs were larger in jumping ants, except in the front legs of Odontomachus rixosus and Myrmecia nigrocincta; second, the relative muscle fiber length was shorter in jumping ants compared to non-jumping counterparts, except in the front legs of O. rixosus and M. nigrocincta. These results suggest that the difference in relative muscle volume in jumping ants is largely invested in the area (PCSA), and not in fiber length. There was no clear difference in the pennation angle between jumping and non-jumping ants. Additionally, we report that the hind leg length relative to body length was longer in jumping ants. Based on direct comparison of the observed vs. possible work and power output during jumps, we surmise that direct muscle contractions suffice to explain jumping performance in three species, except for O. rixosus, where the lack of data on jumping performance prevents us from drawing definitive conclusions for this particular species. We suggest that increased investment in jumping-relevant musculature is a primary morphological adaptation that separates jumping from non-jumping ants. These results elucidate the common and idiosyncratic morphological changes underlying this rare adaptation in ants. ăŸăšă…ăż (Okinawan language-Uchinaaguchi) (Japanese) РЕЗмМЕ (Kazakh) ZUSAMMENFASSUNG (German)

    Parametric coupling between macroscopic quantum resonators

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    Time-dependent linear coupling between macroscopic quantum resonator modes generates both a parametric amplification also known as a {}"squeezing operation" and a beam splitter operation, analogous to quantum optical systems. These operations, when applied properly, can robustly generate entanglement and squeezing for the quantum resonator modes. Here, we present such coupling schemes between a nanomechanical resonator and a superconducting electrical resonator using applied microwave voltages as well as between two superconducting lumped-element electrical resonators using a r.f. SQUID-mediated tunable coupler. By calculating the logarithmic negativity of the partially transposed density matrix, we quantitatively study the entanglement generated at finite temperatures. We also show that characterization of the nanomechanical resonator state after the quantum operations can be achieved by detecting the electrical resonator only. Thus, one of the electrical resonator modes can act as a probe to measure the entanglement of the coupled systems and the degree of squeezing for the other resonator mode.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Circuit QED scheme for realization of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model

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    We propose a scheme in which the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model is realized within a circuit QED system. An array of N superconducting qubits interacts with a driven cavity mode. In the dispersive regime, the cavity mode is adiabatically eliminated generating an effective model for the qubits alone. The characteristic long-range order of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model is here mediated by the cavity field. For a closed qubit system, the inherent second order phase transition of the qubits is reflected in the intensity of the output cavity field. In the broken symmetry phase, the many-body ground state is highly entangled. Relaxation of the qubits is analyzed within a mean-field treatment. The second order phase transition is lost, while new bistable regimes occur.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Tripartite interactions between two phase qubits and a resonant cavity

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    The creation and manipulation of multipartite entangled states is important for advancements in quantum computation and communication, and for testing our fundamental understanding of quantum mechanics and precision measurements. Multipartite entanglement has been achieved by use of various forms of quantum bits (qubits), such as trapped ions, photons, and atoms passing through microwave cavities. Quantum systems based on superconducting circuits have been used to control pair-wise interactions of qubits, either directly, through a quantum bus, or via controllable coupling. Here, we describe the first demonstration of coherent interactions of three directly coupled superconducting quantum systems, two phase qubits and a resonant cavity. We introduce a simple Bloch-sphere-like representation to help one visualize the unitary evolution of this tripartite system as it shares a single microwave photon. With careful control and timing of the initial conditions, this leads to a protocol for creating a rich variety of entangled states. Experimentally, we provide evidence for the deterministic evolution from a simple product state, through a tripartite W-state, into a bipartite Bell-state. These experiments are another step towards deterministically generating multipartite entanglement in superconducting systems with more than two qubits

    Four lectures on secant varieties

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    This paper is based on the first author's lectures at the 2012 University of Regina Workshop "Connections Between Algebra and Geometry". Its aim is to provide an introduction to the theory of higher secant varieties and their applications. Several references and solved exercises are also included.Comment: Lectures notes to appear in PROMS (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics), Springer/Birkhause

    Introductory Life Science Mathematics and Quantitative Neuroscience Courses

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    We describe two sets of courses designed to enhance the mathematical, statistical, and computational training of life science undergraduates at Emory College. The first course is an introductory sequence in differential and integral calculus, modeling with differential equations, probability, and inferential statistics. The second is an upper-division course in computational neuroscience. We provide a description of each course, detailed syllabi, examples of content, and a brief discussion of the main issues encountered in developing and offering the courses

    Characterizing Bufferbloat and its Impact at End-hosts

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    Part 2: Performance at the EdgeInternational audienceWhile buffers on forwarding devices are required to handle bursty Internet traffic, overly large or badly sized buffers can interact with TCP in undesirable ways. This phenomenon is well understood and is often called “bufferbloat”. Although a number of previous studies have shown that buffering (particularly, in home) can delay packets by as much as a few seconds in the worst case, there is less empirical evidence of tangible impacts on end-users. In this paper, we develop a modified algorithm that can detect bufferbloat at individual end-hosts based on passive observations of traffic. We then apply this algorithm on packet traces collected at 55 end-hosts, and across different network environments. Our results show that 45 out of the 55 users we study experience bufferbloat at least once, 40% of these users experience bufferbloat more than once per hour. In 90% of cases, buffering more than doubles RTTs, but RTTs during bufferbloat are rarely over one second. We also show that web and interactive applications, which are particularly sensitive to delay, are the applications most often affected by bufferbloat
