1,621 research outputs found

    Subtraction of test mass angular noise in the LISA Technology Package interferometer

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    We present recent sensitivity measurements of the LISA Technology Package interferometer with articulated mirrors as test masses, actuated by piezo-electric transducers. The required longitudinal displacement resolution of 9 pm/sqrt[Hz] above 3 mHz has been demonstrated with an angular noise that corresponds to the expected in on-orbit operation. The excess noise contribution of this test mass jitter onto the sensitive displacement readout was completely subtracted by fitting the angular interferometric data streams to the longitudinal displacement measurement. Thus, this cross-coupling constitutes no limitation to the required performance of the LISA Technology Package interferometry.Comment: Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics (2008

    The end-to-end testbed of the Optical Metrology System on-board LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA Pathfinder is a technology demonstration mission for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). The main experiment on-board LISA Pathfinder is the so-called LISA Technology Package (LTP) which has the aim to measure the differential acceleration between two free-falling test masses with an accuracy of 3x10^(-14) ms^(-2)/sqrt[Hz] between 1 mHz and 30 mHz. This measurement is performed interferometrically by the Optical Metrology System (OMS) on-board LISA Pathfinder. In this paper we present the development of an experimental end-to-end testbed of the entire OMS. It includes the interferometer and its sub-units, the interferometer back-end which is a phasemeter and the processing of the phasemeter output data. Furthermore, 3-axes piezo actuated mirrors are used instead of the free-falling test masses for the characterisation of the dynamic behaviour of the system and some parts of the Drag-free and Attitude Control System (DFACS) which controls the test masses and the satellite. The end-to-end testbed includes all parts of the LTP that can reasonably be tested on earth without free-falling test masses. At its present status it consists mainly of breadboard components. Some of those have already been replaced by Engineering Models of the LTP experiment. In the next steps, further Engineering Models and Flight Models will also be inserted in this testbed and tested against well characterised breadboard components. The presented testbed is an important reference for the unit tests and can also be used for validation of the on-board experiment during the mission

    Eigenmode in a misaligned triangular optical cavity

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    We derive relationships between various types of small misalignments on a triangular Fabry-Perot cavity and associated geometrical eigenmode changes. We focus on the changes of beam spot positions on cavity mirrors, the beam waist position, and its angle. A comparison of analytical and numerical results shows excellent agreement. The results are applicable to any triangular cavity close to an isosceles triangle, with the lengths of two sides much bigger than the other, consisting of a curved mirror and two flat mirrors yielding a waist equally separated from the two flat mirrors. This cavity shape is most commonly used in laser interferometry. The analysis presented here can easily be extended to more generic cavity shapes. The geometrical analysis not only serves as a method of checking a simulation result, but also gives an intuitive and handy tool to visualize the eigenmode of a misaligned triangular cavity.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figure

    Statistics of conductance oscillations of a quantum dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime

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    The fluctuations and the distribution of the conductance peak spacings of a quantum dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime are studied and compared with the predictions of random matrix theory (RMT). The experimental data were obtained in transport measurements performed on a semiconductor quantum dot fabricated in a GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure. It is found that the fluctuations in the peak spacings are considerably larger than the mean level spacing in the quantum dot. The distribution of the spacings appears Gaussian both for zero and for non-zero magnetic field and deviates strongly from the RMT-predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Subtraction of temperature induced phase noise in the LISA frequency band

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    Temperature fluctuations are expected to be one of the limiting factors for gravitational wave detectors in the very low frequency range. Here we report the characterisation of this noise source in the LISA Pathfinder optical bench and propose a method to remove its contribution from the data. Our results show that temperature fluctuations are indeed limiting our measurement below one millihertz, and that their subtraction leads to a factor 5.6 (15 dB) reduction in the noise level at the lower end of the LISA measurement band 10^{-4} Hz, which increases to 20.2 (26 dB) at even lower frequencies, i.e., 1.5x10^{-5} Hz. The method presented here can be applied to the subtraction of other noise sources in gravitational wave detectors in the general situation where multiple sensors are used to characterise the noise source.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Chromospheric heating by acoustic waves compared to radiative cooling

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    Acoustic and magnetoacoustic waves are among the possible candidate mechanisms that heat the upper layers of solar atmosphere. A weak chromospheric plage near a large solar pore NOAA 11005 was observed on October 15, 2008 in the lines Fe I 617.3 nm and Ca II 853.2 nm with the Interferometric Bidimemsional Spectrometer (IBIS) attached to the Dunn Solar Telescope. Analyzing the Ca II observations with spatial and temporal resolutions of 0.4" and 52 s, the energy deposited by acoustic waves is compared with that released by radiative losses. The deposited acoustic flux is estimated from power spectra of Doppler oscillations measured in the Ca II line core. The radiative losses are calculated using a grid of seven 1D hydrostatic semi-empirical model atmospheres. The comparison shows that the spatial correlation of maps of radiative losses and acoustic flux is 72 %. In quiet chromosphere, the contribution of acoustic energy flux to radiative losses is small, only of about 15 %. In active areas with photospheric magnetic field strength between 300 G and 1300 G and inclination of 20-60 degrees, the contribution increases from 23 % (chromospheric network) to 54 % (a plage). However, these values have to be considered as lower limits and it might be possible that the acoustic energy flux is the main contributor to the heating of bright chromospheric network and plages.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamics of the solar atmosphere above a pore with a light bridge

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    Context: Solar pores are small sunspots lacking a penumbra that have a prevailing vertical magnetic field component. They can include light bridges at places with locally reduced magnetic field. Like sunspots, they exhibit a wide range of oscillatory phenomena. Aims: A large isolated pore with a light bridge (NOAA 11005) is studied to obtain characteristics of a chromospheric filamentary structure around the pore, to analyse oscillations and waves in and around the pore, and to understand the structure and brightness of the light bridge. Methods: Spectral imaging observations in the line Ca II 854.2 nm and complementary spectropolarimetry in Fe I lines, obtained with the DST/IBIS spectrometer and HINODE/SOT spectropolarimeter, were used to measure photospheric and chromospheric velocity fields, oscillations, waves, the magnetic field in the photosphere, and acoustic energy flux and radiative losses in the chromosphere. Results: The chromospheric filamentary structure around the pore has all important characteristics of a superpenumbra: it shows an inverse Evershed effect and running waves, and has a similar morphology and oscillation character. The granular structure of the light bridge in the upper photosphere can be explained by radiative heating. Acoustic waves leaking up from the photosphere along the inclined magnetic field in the light bridge transfer enough energy flux to balance the total radiative losses of the light-bridge chromosphere. Conclusions: The presence of a penumbra is not a necessary condition for the formation of a superpenumbra. The light bridge is heated by radiation in the photosphere and by acoustic waves in the chromosphere.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Astrononomy & Astrophysic