86 research outputs found

    Apolipoprotein E controls the development of monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages upon pulmonary inflammatory adaptation

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    The lung is constantly exposed to the outside world and optimal adaptation of immune responses is crucial for efficient pathogen clearance. However, mechanisms that lead to lung-associated macrophages' functional and developmental adaptation remain elusive. To reveal such mechanisms, we developed a reductionist model of environmental intranasal β-glucan exposure, allowing for the detailed interrogation of molecular mechanisms of pulmonary macrophage adaptation. Employing single-cell transcriptomics, high dimensional imaging, and flow cytometric characterization paired with in vivo and ex vivo challenge models, we reveal that pulmonary low-grade inflammation results in the development of Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) -dependent monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages (ApoE+CD11b+ AM). ApoE+CD11b+ AMs expressed high levels of CD11b, ApoE, Gpnmb, and Ccl6, were glycolytic, highly phagocytic, and produced large amounts of interleukin 6 upon restimulation. Functional differences were cell intrinsic and myeloid cell-specific ApoE ablation inhibited Ly6c+ monocyte to ApoE+CD11b+ AM differentiation dependent on M-CSF secretion, promoting ApoE+CD11b+ AM cell death and thus impeding ApoE+CD11b+ AM maintenance. In vivo, β-glucan-elicited ApoE+CD11b+ AMs limited the bacterial burden of Legionella pneumophilia post-infection and improved the disease outcome in vivo and ex vivo in a murine lung fibrosis model. Collectively these data identify ApoE+CD11b+ AMs generated uponenvironmental cues, under the control of ApoE signaling, as an essential determinant for lung adaptation enhancing tissue resilience

    Role of the Transcriptional Corepressor Bcor in Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation and Early Embryonic Development

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    Bcor (BCL6 corepressor) is a widely expressed gene that is mutated in patients with X-linked Oculofaciocardiodental (OFCD) syndrome. BCOR regulates gene expression in association with a complex of proteins capable of epigenetic modification of chromatin. These include Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, Skp-Cullin-F-box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase components and a Jumonji C (Jmjc) domain containing histone demethylase. To model OFCD in mice and dissect the role of Bcor in development we have characterized two loss of function Bcor alleles. We find that Bcor loss of function results in a strong parent-of-origin effect, most likely indicating a requirement for Bcor in extraembryonic development. Using Bcor loss of function embryonic stem (ES) cells and in vitro differentiation assays, we demonstrate that Bcor plays a role in the regulation of gene expression very early in the differentiation of ES cells into ectoderm, mesoderm and downstream hematopoietic lineages. Normal expression of affected genes (Oct3/4, Nanog, Fgf5, Bmp4, Brachyury and Flk1) is restored upon re-expression of Bcor. Consistent with these ES cell results, chimeric animals generated with the same loss of function Bcor alleles show a low contribution to B and T cells and erythrocytes and have kinked and shortened tails, consistent with reduced Brachyury expression. Together these results suggest that Bcor plays a role in differentiation of multiple tissue lineages during early embryonic development

    Gut microbiome composition is linked to whole grain-induced immunological improvements

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    The involvement of the gut microbiota in metabolic disorders, and the ability of whole grains to affect both host metabolism and gut microbial ecology, suggest that some benefits of whole grains are mediated through their effects on the gut microbiome. Nutritional studies that assess the effect of whole grains on both the gut microbiome and human physiology are needed. We conducted a randomized cross-over trial with four-week treatments in which 28 healthy humans consumed a daily dose of 60 g of whole-grain barley (WGB), brown rice (BR), or an equal mixture of the two (BR+WGB), and characterized their impact on fecal microbial ecology and blood markers of inflammation, glucose and lipid metabolism. All treatments increased microbial diversity, the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, and the abundance of the genus Blautia in fecal samples. The inclusion of WGB enriched the genera Roseburia, Bifidobacterium and Dialister, and the species Eubacterium rectale, Roseburia faecis and Roseburia intestinalis. Whole grains, and especially the BR+WGB treatment, reduced plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6) and peak postprandial glucose. Shifts in the abundance of Eubacterium rectale were associated with changes in the glucose and insulin postprandial response. Interestingly, subjects with greater improvements in IL-6 levels harbored significantly higher proportions of Dialister and lower abundance of Coriobacteriaceae. In conclusion, this study revealed that a short-term intake of whole grains induced compositional alterations of the gut microbiota that coincided with improvements in host physiological measures related to metabolic dysfunctions in humans

    Serotonin and GI Disorders: An Update on Clinical and Experimental Studies

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    The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the largest producer of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)) in the body, and as such it is intimately connected with GI function and physiology. 5-HT produced by enterochromaffin (EC) cells is an important enteric mucosal signaling molecule and has been implicated in a number of GI diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease and functional disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome. This review will focus on what is known of basic 5-HT physiology and also on the emerging evidence for its novel role in activation of immune response and inflammation in the gut. Utilizing pubmed.gov, search terms such as “5-HT,” “EC cell,” and “colitis,” as well as pertinent reviews, were used to develop a brief overview of EC cell biology and the association between 5-HT and various GI disorders. It is the aim of this review to provide the readers with an update on EC cell biology and current understanding on the role of 5-HT in GI disorders specifically in inflammatory conditions

    Postprandial lipemic and inflammatory responses to high-fat meals: a review of the roles of acute and chronic exercise

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    Christoph Scheiner and the optics of the Eye

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