140 research outputs found

    Square Root Actions, Metric Signature, and the Path-Integral of Quantum Gravity

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    We consider quantization of the Baierlein-Sharp-Wheeler form of the gravitational action, in which the lapse function is determined from the Hamiltonian constraint. This action has a square root form, analogous to the actions of the relativistic particle and Nambu string. We argue that path-integral quantization of the gravitational action should be based on a path integrand exp⁥[iS]\exp[ \sqrt{i} S ] rather than the familiar Feynman expression exp⁥[iS]\exp[ i S ], and that unitarity requires integration over manifolds of both Euclidean and Lorentzian signature. We discuss the relation of this path integral to our previous considerations regarding the problem of time, and extend our approach to include fermions.Comment: 32 pages, latex. The revision is a more general treatment of the regulator. Local constraints are now derived from a requirement of regulator independenc

    k-String tensions and the 1/N expansion

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    We address the question of whether the large-N expansion in pure SU(N) gauge theories requires that k-string tensions must have a power series expansion in 1/N^2, as in the sine law, or whether 1/N contributions are also allowable, as in Casimir scaling. We find that k-string tensions may, in fact, have 1/N corrections, and consistency with the large-N expansion in the open-string sector depends crucially on an exact cancellation, which we will prove, among terms involving odd powers of 1/N in particular combinations of Wilson loops. It is shown how these cancellations are fulfilled, and consistency with the large-N expansion achieved, in a concrete example, namely, strong-coupling lattice gauge theory with the heat-kernel action. This is a model which has both a 1/N^2 expansion and Casimir scaling of the k-string tensions. Analysis of the closed string channel in this model confirms our conclusions, and provides further insights into the large-N dependence of energy eigenstates and eigenvalues.Comment: RevTeX4, 21 pages. Typos corrected, references added, some discussions expanded; conclusions unchanged. Version to appear on PR

    Center Dominance in SU(2) Gauge-Higgs Theory

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    We study the SU(2) gauge-Higgs system in D=4 dimensions, and analyze the influence of the fundamental-representation Higgs field on the vortex content of the gauge field. It is shown that center projected Polyakov lines, at low temperature, are finite in the infinite volume limit, which means that the center vortex distribution is consistent with color screening. In addition we confirm and further investigate the presence of a "Kertesz-line" in the strong-coupling region of the phase diagram, which we relate to the percolation properties of center vortices. It is shown that this Kertesz-line separates the gauge-Higgs phase diagram into two regions: a confinement-like region, in which center vortices percolate, and a Higgs region, in which they do not. The free energy of the gauge-Higgs system, however, is analytic across the Kertesz line.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Wilson loops in four-dimensional quantum gravity

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    A Wilson loop is defined, in 4-D pure Einstein gravity, as the trace of the holonomy of the Christoffel connection or of the spin connection, and its invariance under the symmetry transformations of the action is showed (diffeomorphisms and local Lorentz transformations). We then compute the loop perturbatively, both on a flat background and in the presence of an external source; we also allow some modifications in the form of the action, and test the action of ``stabilized'' gravity. A geometrical analysis of the results in terms of the gauge group of the euclidean theory, SO(4)SO(4), leads us to the conclusion that the correspondent statistical system does not develope any configuration with localized curvature at low temperature. This ``non-local'' behavior of the quantized gravitational field strongly contrasts with that of usual gauge fields. Our results also provide an explanation for the absence of any invariant correlation of the curvature in the same approximation.Comment: 19 pages, LaTex, report CTP #2225, June 199

    A novel probe of the vacuum of the lattice gluodynamics

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    We introduce a notion of minimal number of negative links on the lattice for a given original configuration of SU(2) fields. Negative links correspond to a large potential, not necessarily large action. The idea is that the minimal number of negative links is a gauge invariant notion. To check this hypothesis we measure correlator of two negative links, averaged over all the directions, as function of the distance between the links. The inverse correlation length coincides within the error bars with the lightest glueball mass.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    A variational approach to the QCD wave functional:Dynamical mass generation and confinement

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    We perform a variational calculation in the SU(N) Yang Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions. Our trial variational states are explicitly gauge invariant, and reduce to simple Gaussian states in the zero coupling limit. Our main result is that the energy is minimized for the value of the variational parameter away form the perturbative value. The best variational state is therefore characterized by a dynamically generated mass scale MM. This scale is related to the perturbative scale ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} by the following relation: αQCD(M)=π41N\alpha_{QCD}(M)={\pi\over 4}{1\over N}. Taking the one loop QCD ÎČ\beta- function and ΛQCD=150Mev\Lambda_{QCD}=150 Mev we find (for N=3) the vacuum condensate απ=0.008Gev4{\alpha\over \pi}= 0.008 Gev^4.Comment: 37 pages, (1 Figure available upon request), preprint LA-UR-94-2727, PUPT-149

    Fundamental Constants and the Problem of Time

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    We point out that for a large class of parametrized theories, there is a constant in the constrained Hamiltonian which drops out of the classical equations of motion in configuration space. Examples include the mass of a relativistic particle in free fall, the tension of the Nambu string, and Newton's constant for the case of pure gravity uncoupled to matter or other fields. In the general case, the classically irrelevant constant is proportional to the ratio of the kinetic and potential terms in the Hamiltonian. It is shown that this ratio can be reinterpreted as an {\it unconstrained} Hamiltonian, which generates the usual classical equations of motion. At the quantum level, this immediately suggests a resolution of the "problem of time" in quantum gravity. We then make contact with a recently proposed transfer matrix formulation of quantum gravity and discuss the semiclassical limit. In this formulation, it is argued that a physical state can obey a (generalized) Poincar\'e algebra of constraints, and still be an approximate eigenstate of 3-geometry. Solutions of the quantum evolution equations for certain minisuperspace examples are presented. An implication of our proposal is the existence of a small, inherent uncertainty in the phenomenological value of Planck's constant.Comment: 46 pages + 5 figures, LaTex, NBI-HE-94-3

    Dynamical Determination of the Metric Signature in Spacetime of Nontrivial Topology

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    The formalism of Greensite for treating the spacetime signature as a dynamical degree of freedom induced by quantum fields is considered for spacetimes with nontrivial topology of the kind RD−1×T1{\bf R}^{D-1} \times {\bf T}^1, for varying DD. It is shown that a dynamical origin for the Lorentzian signature is possible in the five-dimensional space R4×T1{\bf R}^4 \times {\bf T}^1 with small torus radius (periodic boundary conditions), as well as in four-dimensional space with trivial topology. Hence, the possibility exists that the early universe might have been of the Kaluza-Klein type, \ie multidimensional and of Lorentzian signature.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX file, 4 figure

    Complex lapse, complex action and path integrals

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    Imaginary time is often used in quantum tunnelling calculations. This article advocates a conceptually sounder alternative: complex lapse. In the ``3+1'' action for the Einstein gravitational field minimally coupled to a Klein-Gordon field, allowing the lapse function to be complex yields a complex action which generates both the usual Lorentzian theory and its Riemannian analogue, and in particular allows a change of signature between the two. The action and variational equations are manifestly well defined in the Hamiltonian representation, with the momentum fields consequently being complex. The complex action interpolates between the Lorentzian and Riemannian actions as they appear formally in the respective path integrals. Thus the complex-lapse theory provides a unified basis for a path-integral quantum theory of gravity involving both Lorentzian and Riemannian aspects. A major motivation is the quantum-tunnelling scenario for the origin of the universe. Taken as an explanation for the observed quantum tunnelling of particles, the complex-lapse theory determines that the argument of the lapse for the universe now is extremely small but negative.Comment: 12 pages, Te

    Wilson Loop, Regge Trajectory and Hadron Masses in a Yang-Mills Theory from Semiclassical Strings

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    We compute the one-loop string corrections to the Wilson loop, glueball Regge trajectory and stringy hadron masses in the Witten model of non supersymmetric, large-N Yang-Mills theory. The classical string configurations corresponding to the above field theory objects are respectively: open straight strings, folded closed spinning strings, and strings orbiting in the internal part of the supergravity background. For the rectangular Wilson loop we show that besides the standard Luescher term, string corrections provide a rescaling of the field theory string tension. The one-loop corrections to the linear glueball Regge trajectories render them nonlinear with a positive intercept, as in the experimental soft Pomeron trajectory. Strings orbiting in the internal space predict a spectrum of hadronic-like states charged under global flavor symmetries which falls in the same universality class of other confining models.Comment: 52 pages, latex 3 times, v3: references adde
