6,804 research outputs found

    Polyhexamethylene Biguanide and Nadifloxacin Self-Assembled Nanoparticles: Antimicrobial Effects against Intracellular Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    The treatment of skin and soft tissue infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains a challenge, partly due to localization of the bacteria inside the host’s cells, where antimicrobial penetration and efficacy is limited. We formulated the cationic polymer polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) with the topical antibiotic nadifloxacin and tested the activities against intracellular MRSA in infected keratinocytes. The PHMB/nadifloxacin nanoparticles displayed a size of 291.3 ± 89.6 nm, polydispersity index of 0.35 ± 0.04, zeta potential of +20.2 ± 4.8 mV, and drug encapsulation efficiency of 58.25 ± 3.4%. The nanoparticles killed intracellular MRSA, and relative to free polymer or drugs used separately or together, the nanoparticles displayed reduced toxicity and improved host cell recovery. Together, these findings show that PHMB/nadifloxacin nanoparticles are effective against intracellular bacteria and could be further developed for the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections

    Confocal Laser Induced Fluorescence with Comparable Spatial Localization to the Conventional Method

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    We present measurements of ion velocity distributions obtained by laser induced fluorescence (LIF) using a single viewport in an argon plasma. A patent pending design, which we refer to as the confocal fluorescence telescope, combines large objective lenses with a large central obscuration and a spatial filter to achieve high spatial localization along the laser injection direction. Models of the injection and collection optics of the two assemblies are used to provide a theoretical estimate of the spatial localization of the confocal arrangement, which is taken to be the full width at half maximum of the spatial optical response. The new design achieves approximately 1.4 mm localization at a focal length of 148.7 mm, improving on previously published designs by an order of magnitude and approaching the localization achieved by the conventional method. The confocal method, however, does so without requiring a pair of separated, perpendicular optical paths. The confocal technique therefore eases the two window access requirement of the conventional method, extending the application of LIF to experiments where conventional LIF measurements have been impossible or difficult, or where multiple viewports are scarce

    Implementing biosecurity measures on dairy farms in Ireland

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    peer-reviewedDairy farms in Ireland are expanding in preparation for a new era of unrestricted milk production with the elimination of the European Union (EU) production quotas in 2015. Countries experiencing a changing agricultural demographic, including farm expansion, can benefit from documenting the implementation of on-farm biosecurity. The objectives of this study were to document and describe influences on biosecurity practices and related opinions on dairy farms. A representative response rate of 64% was achieved to a nationwide telesurvey of farmers. A 20% discrepancy was found between self-declared and truly ‘closed’ herds indicating a lack of understanding of the closed herd concept. Although >72% of farmers surveyed considered biosecurity to be important, 53% stated that a lack of information might prevent them from improving their biosecurity. Logistic regression highlighted regional, age, and farm-size related differences in biosecurity practices and opinions towards its implementation. Farmers in the most dairy cattle dense region were three times more likely to quarantine purchased stock than were their equivalents in regions where dairy production was less intense (P = 0.012). Younger farmers in general were over twice as likely as middle-aged farmers to implement biosecurity guidelines (P = 0.026). The owners of large enterprises were almost five times more likely to join a voluntary animal health scheme (P = 0.003), and were over three times more likely to pay a premium price for health accredited animals (P = 0.02) than were those farming small holdings. The baseline data recorded in this survey will form the basis for more detailed sociological and demographic research which will facilitate the targeting of future training of the farming community in biosecurity

    Spatial Structure of Ion Beams in an Expanding Plasma

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    We report spatially resolved perpendicular and parallel, to the magnetic field, ion velocity distribution function (IVDF) measurements in an expanding argon helicon plasma. The parallel IVDFs, obtained through laser induced fluorescence (LIF), show an ion beam with v ≈ 8000 m/s flowing downstream and confined to the center of the discharge. The ion beam is measurable for tens of centimeters along the expansion axis before the LIF signal fades, likely a result of metastable quenching of the beam ions. The parallel ion beam velocity slows in agreement with expectations for the measured parallel electric field. The perpendicular IVDFs show an ion population with a radially outward flow that increases with distance from the plasma axis. Structures aligned to the expanding magnetic field appear in the DC electric field, the electron temperature, and the plasma density in the plasma plume. These measurements demonstrate that at least two-dimensional and perhaps fully three-dimensional models are needed to accurately describe the spontaneous acceleration of ion beams in expanding plasmas

    Where have all the forage fish gone? Response of rhinoceros auklets to an anomalously poor breeding season

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    The effectiveness of using seabirds as indicators of marine conditions is predicated on the idea that focal species are sensitive to changes in environmental parameters. Species with more behavioral plasticity may be less sensitive to and presumably buffered from a wider range of environmental conditions, thereby compensating for potential perturbations in the system. Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata) breeding populations in Washington State typically show little interannual variability in reproductive parameters, suggesting that they are relatively insensitive to the range of conditions that they typically experience. However, in 2016, we documented a highly anomalous breeding season for Rhinoceros Auklets on Protection Island (PI), WA, in the Salish Sea but not on Destruction Island, on the outer Washington coast. We continued our long-term breeding season monitoring at both breeding colonies in 2017, providing us with the opportunity to evaluate the population-level response to the 2016 season. On Protection Island, burrow occupancy (the proportion of burrows that were reproductively active) was the lowest recorded in 12 years of monitoring (58% vs. long-term mean of 72%). In contrast, hatching and fledging success were both comparable to the 12-year mean values, 85% and 78%, respectively. As in 2016, none of the three reproductive parameters differed from long-term mean values for the Destruction Island breeding population in 2017. In stark contrast to 2016, nestling provisioning, as measured by fish per bill load and bill load weight, on PI was comparable to long-term values. The lower burrow occupancy on PI suggests a population-level effect from the 2016 breeding failure and a concurrent adult mortality event. This depressed breeding effort may have been driven by elevated adult mortality the previous summer and/or birds deciding not to breed during the 2017 season

    On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Brief of Product Liability Advisory Council, Inc., National Association of Manufacturers, Business Roundtable, and Chemical Manufacturers Association as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent, William Daubert and Joyce Daubert, Individually and as Guardians Ad Litem for Jason Daubert, and Anita De Young, Individually and as Gaurdian Ad Litem for Eric Schuller v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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    The Federal Rules of Evidence exclude expert scientific testimony when it has been developed without regard for accepted scientific methods. This case focuses on expert scientific evidence. Such evidence plays a vital and often dispositive role in modern litigation. For scientific evidence to be helpful to the factfinder it must meet some minimal threshold of reliability. To hold otherwise would be to allow a system of adjudication based more on chance than on reason

    Neutral kaons in random media

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    The generalized dynamics describing the propagation of neutral kaons in randomly fluctuating media is derived and analyzed. It takes into account possible matter-induced effects leading to loss of phase coherence and dissipation. The study of selected neutral kaon observables indicates that these non-standard effects are amenable to a direct experimental analysis.Comment: 21 pages, plain-TeX, corrected typ
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